Questions & Answers

  1. If you could change one thing about you what would it be?
  2. Animals a to z game
  3. Dying Short hair?
  4. My dead friend's life
  5. Dream about this kid
  6. When, how much , should I eat ?
  7. Do you think pretty people are more successful in life?
  8. When a stanger calls
  9. Palin supported Buchanan. What does this say about McCain's choice?
  10. Should I dump my boyfriend?
  11. how to stop breastfeeding a 4 week old?
  12. Who do you think it would be a better president
  13. Everyone tell me this
  14. Occasional pot and infertility?
  15. Screaming
  16. I don't want to go to homecoming with him
  17. Whats a really good webcam?
  18. Happy Bunny vs. Hello Kitty
  19. Your favorite singer?
  20. My toenails and fingernails have gone white
  21. My eyes are a bit blurry
  22. My boyfriend told me he was going to?
  23. Dont want to split up parants but dont want my dad cheating help?
  24. Which is your favorite social site?
  25. Is the ability of a woman being questioned ?
  26. Can you get pregnant from not having sex?
  27. Fear of flying after 9-11
  28. How long is a CNA license good for in Louisiana?
  29. Einsteins riddle?
  30. Good melodic techno?
  31. What color should I dye my hair?
  32. MP3 player but I have a mac
  33. How to delete a facebook account?
  34. Why did my question change categories?
  35. Making questions/answers fau
  36. Are super skinny girls gross or hot?
  37. What do you call this in english ? ( in the pic )
  38. How does a question get locked and what does it mean?
  39. Paranoid?!?
  40. Britney Spears
  41. Do most people have crushes on people?
  42. Where to get makeup online or in the store?
  43. Cantabile
  44. What to do with my great invention idea?
  45. Hamsters On airlines?
  46. When lines get blurred... Please help!
  47. Do I need to go to the dentist?
  48. Do you know any good country songs?
  49. do you have to pay for the music
  50. Easiest job for a 15-year-old?
  51. Lost going to class?
  52. Black eyes?
  53. Is Hannah Montana's REAL mom dead?
  54. How do I get my parents to allow me to dye my hair?
  55. Finding a good job?
  56. How many ear peircings are just enough?
  57. What is the best brand of sneakers for school?
  58. Who do you want to be president?
  59. My eyebrows are too big
  60. Whats a nice perfume that will make me smell good all day!!!?
  61. What is the problem with people questioning Obama's past?
  62. How get videos successfully on youtube?
  63. How can Sarah Palin care of her family going to Washington?
  64. Can authority look through your Myspace to be nosy?
  65. Getting rid of bacne
  66. Im too thin, but I'm too fat.
  67. Whats wrong with my profile?
  68. How to lose 20lbs in 1 month
  69. I hate my mom
  70. VP canidate Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant, problem?
  71. Im worried about my big brother
  72. 0 for 2. Now what?
  73. Im writing a story...
  74. Profile edit
  75. What hes doing is hurting everyone
  76. How can I measure calories in food ?
  77. What nutritions the brain needs to function very well ?
  78. Cracking my Knuckles!
  79. The Sims Urbz Motorcross race
  80. Shes differnt
  81. Crystalchip software
  82. Sad and lost...please help
  83. Loss of a very good friend
  84. Peer pressure to be skinny
  85. kissing with eyes shut
  86. Is it because it's cold?
  87. Who should I vote for, cousin or friend?
  88. Christian Rap
  89. Seatbelts in backseat
  90. Moving state with my son
  91. Food stuck in throat
  92. Favorite song on the radio?
  93. Will milkshakes daily help you gain weight
  94. How to pash
  95. How do I image games onto my hard drive
  96. How long will my ears stay swollen?
  97. Getting fatter
  98. Why do people drink coffee?
  99. How to straighten hair?
  100. My mom and sister always fight