Do you think pretty people are more successful in life?

Do you think pretty people is more successful in life,because if is like that I dont think I have a chance because I dont think im pretty or something like that.

Answer #1

That prejudice is definitely out there !! - probably get more breaks but not necessarily any more successful in the long run.

Answer #2

I do not believe that pretty people are more successful I believe that it goes by how hard you work and how much you want something, and on the other hand pretty people have a lot more prejudice against them because they are pretty there is always going to be someone out there that doesn’t want you to do well with the mentality ‘Why should she/ he have it all’ people that say pretty people have it easier are just jealous of the fact that there not

beauty is not something that can be defined not everyone calls the same person beautiful, beauty and success are both things that you can work on and that EVERY SINGLE PERSON can achieve whether you class your self as beautiful or not.

Answer #3

Yes, I think so because people are so judgmental and give ‘pretty’ people more opportunities than the people who aren’t considered pretty…it all depends…it depends on what a person thinks of when you say the word success.

Answer #4

I think knowledge is what makes you succesful all in all. looks may factor in a little bit if you are applying for a job and a person of the opisite gender is the one hireing…

Answer #5

nope .
there a lot of ugly successful people

Answer #6

that’s definitly not the case. everything you do depends on you’re personality, usually outgoing, secure & confident people are more successful. I’ve seen gorgeous people that are depressed with their lives. also you must maintain a positive attitude towards things. sometimes it’s easier for someone who’s pretty to be confident & positive but looks almost always don’t lead to success. hard work does.

Answer #7

…but those same ‘pretty people’ can just as often be unable to back up their looks with the skills necessary to succeed.

Answer #8

That depends on what you consider ‘success’

Answer #9

not always . . . but sometimes they might have it easier. but what do I know?

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