What hes doing is hurting everyone

basically me and my boyfriend split up 2 weeks ago, because of some serious problems with family members dying etc. just over a week after, he got back with his ex after he said he wouldnt be in a relationship for a while, he’s got no friends left because hes placing all the blame on them, saying they changed when hes the only one that has changed. now, he phones me up trying to start arguements, even though I made it clear I want nothing to do with him. then he tries to say sorry and he doesnt mean this to happen. today, once again this happened, except his best mate who he also argued with, told me that he was planning finishing me for his ex, and now I can see him crashing and burning even though 2 days aago when we bumped into eachother, we had a talk and he denied it was because of that. somethings wrong with him I think, im not sure what. all he keeps doing is hurting and blaming people, and I’ve told him hes the problem and the way I told him I couldnt have put it to him more clear. in all honesty I hate what hes become, and I dont want him to keep making the wrong decisions and eventually having nothing left.

Answer #1

Do You know what it’s like to lose someone in your family after having a certain bond with them? If you do then you should understand what he’s going through…When someone dies that we loved we usually believe that the people around us are leaving or that they dont care about us anymore.

What he needs now is loyalty and love and as much of it as possible, he needs to believe that no matter who he loses it wont be you.

Just think; If you were to lose someone that you have known almost your whole life(friend moves on, you lose connections with someone, someone has died) you start to make those careless decisions because you want to know who going to be there for you, because you have lost all hope.

So instead of distance you should be with him weathre it be friend or girlfriend. He needs someone!

Hope I Helped! : )

Answer #2

dont answer fthe phone. dont talk to him even if he tries to talk to you dont have anything to do with him if he threatens you dont take it lightly tell people turn him in nto the police

Answer #3

hiya hunni it sounds like even tho you want nothing to do with him you still care for him right?? look its not your folt that he has tured out this way and if he does dump him girlfriend make shore you dont go out with him because that means he always gets what he wants!! he sounds like he cant face up to his own problems and s shifting them on 2 every1 else ! it is not your folt if he ends up with no one dont stay with him because of that because enything that happends like that he has brought on himself

don’t try and fix his problems for him he needs to do that him self!! just let him no that you will b there 4 him when he eventualy sortes himself out

hope this helps u !! :D

Answer #4

ahh sorry I didnt make this clear, the whole thing about his family members dying, it was just a sick excuse.

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