If you could change one thing about you what would it be?

If you could change one thing about you? Anything? What would it be?

Id say my hair…its 2 short

What about u?

Answer #1

lol thats funny zimmyzimmy all 5 of em?

Answer #2

my stomach I want bikini abs

Answer #3

ooo I got answers! um yea

Answer #4

Physically - Nothing, I’m pretty confident about my looks even though I like never admit it. Mentally - I wish I could communication better with others.

Answer #5

I would probably make my nose smaller…its too huge and my mom even thinks so because my mom and about 5 other people in my family have had nose jobs!!! grrr.

Answer #6

I would cahnge my name to Lily! AS you can see I am using that name with a 780 for my name on here! I love that name! God Damn you parents for naming me Victoria! WHY!!! All of my friends call me Lily! Why not you?!?!?!?! Everyone says I look like one too! God, why can’t we pick out our names when we are like 4? Just call us “child” untill that age! Although that would be very confusing, WHY NOT?! sigh, but no. I was named Victoria Ashley… ( I won’t tell you my last name! HAHA!).

Answer #7

I wouldn’t change anything, I am who I am for a reason and I was born this way.

Answer #8

I would want to be skinny.:D and my nose.lol

Answer #9

MY HAIR!! I would make it VErY straight and not frizzy!!

Answer #10

can it be personality or skill?

I wish I was like a super good artist as in painting.

Answer #11

mhm anything

Answer #12

One thing? Hmm, maybe better person

Answer #13

my nose! its got a bump! once I get my college fund money im having it removed!

Answer #14

My feet. There realy wide. so its hard to find shoes ):

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