Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. How did the pope know Jesus was born on Dec 25th?
  2. Is this really a good theory?
  3. Things I bet you've never heard in church
  4. The Da Vinci Code
  5. Favorite Bible Verses?
  6. What does the Bible Say?
  7. Not just on sundays..
  8. What should my religion be?
  9. Kkk -what is it?
  10. Why do people have trouble knowing there is a God?
  11. Who here trusts Tarot Cards in relationship questions?!?
  12. Is God a fairy tale?
  13. What's the difference in the JW Watchtower and the Bible?
  14. What do you know about wicca?
  15. Karma or just coincidence?
  16. Paranormal experience?
  17. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  18. I think I'm an atheist
  19. Scientology and acceptance
  20. Are ghosts real?
  21. If god exists, why does he let people suffer?
  22. Fast magic spell
  23. Suffering Why?
  24. I'm Agnostic..
  25. Does anyone really believe in god?
  26. Who Else Loves Raab Himself
  27. Is the rapture like the second coming?
  28. Astrological Signs
  29. Bringing friends to vbs?
  30. What if the world ended today do you know were you would be going?
  31. What do you believe?
  32. do you belive in heaven and/or hell?
  33. What do you think about people annoying the pilgrims?
  34. What do you think of my beliefs
  35. Obama says Jesus Christ is not the only way to heaven?
  36. Gay sin
  37. Do you beleive in god?
  38. Baptism for the dead?
  39. How was god made?
  40. How do I teach my children when I don't believe myself?
  41. Religion
  42. How to be Wiccan?
  43. What's the most strict denomination?
  44. Who went to church today?
  45. An afterlife
  46. Can one person be two?
  47. Did you belive by Horoscope??
  48. Is there a way of remembering memories after death?
  49. Does numbers have effect in our life?
  50. Who is 666?
  51. Should religion be forced on you, by your parents, school, etc ?
  52. Is killing yourself a sin?
  53. Doomsday what do you think it is, dec 2012?
  54. I went to a physic do you think they tell the truth
  55. I am not right with the lord yet!
  56. Where in the bible does it say being gay is a sin?
  57. Birth control in the Bible?
  58. The ten commandments
  59. Do athiests ever have thoughts about this?
  60. 20% of atheists believe in god, is that true?
  61. which religion would you say is most oppressed and why?
  62. "Merry christmas" in america
  63. God and people in america
  64. Tell your family that you are studying wicca?
  65. What is more scary to you?
  66. Some people claim that they can contact spirits
  67. Is hunting a christian sport?
  68. What is heaven and hell?
  69. How to calm my Mom down about religion
  70. Parent and your spouse want different things who do you obey?
  71. Immaculate Conception someone give me the missing parts?
  72. Do we care for our "brothers and sisters" or do we blame God?
  73. Cheating death
  74. Condemned?
  75. Is barrack obama really the anti-christ?
  76. Astral traveling
  77. A question of religions
  78. End of the world.
  79. Other Gods
  80. In our world things are not fine
  81. Is god alone?
  82. Who created him
  83. How good do you have to be to get into heaven?
  84. Why do Christians hate Jews...
  85. Genisis 1:27
  86. Atheists know a lot more about christianity than christians?
  87. did Jesus knock up Mary Magdalene?
  88. If God is real ...
  89. Should I believe in God?
  90. Have you ever feel a constant peace of a mind?
  91. What is the most important thing in this world?
  92. Can you be a christian and not go to church?
  93. Whats the difference between southern, united and plain methodist?
  94. Can a christian criticize God?
  95. What's Wiccan?
  96. Has God designed our personal future?
  97. Is God Cruel?
  98. How I will become deciple of Jesus Christ?
  99. Lots of dead people...can you feel them?
  100. Is there really such thing as ghosts