What does the Bible Say?

Umm ok what does the bible say about being with another race?

Answer #1

You can be with who ever you want. Different races do not matter. You shouldn’t have to listen to what other people say about who you are with anyway. We are all looked down upon with many things we do on a daily basis. Being with someone from another race??? EH, who cares what they say?… NOT I!

Answer #2

Religion is all a load of wank. Why live your life by fairy tales? If you like someone their skin colour shouldn’t matter. If it does, then that’s called racism. Don’t base your life on a book that tells you that some random fellow died and then came back to life.

Answer #3

umm I don’t really know. buttt on the other hand I don’t really care. the bible is man made, this I am sure of, and even if the bible did come from god than, jesus can suck it. if I want to be with a person of another race than I will regardless of what ANYONE has to say about it.

Answer #4

Biologically, there is only one human race, so it really doesn’t matter what any silly ancient books written during the age of superstition have to say on the matter.

Answer #5

mikeh for somebody to look at that, no WHERE in that freakin verse gives specific proof that its talking about race. so yeah, thats not really all that true as you’d like it to be.

thats religion not ethnicity.

Answer #6

I love this. haha. I’ve looked all through it. and I couldnt find anywhere that it is wrong. it say’s God hates prejudice. I found that. one of my friends told me it said that races shouldn’t mix, but she is yet to find me the verse.

Answer #7

Moses choose an Ethopian woman, for his second wife, his sister, objected… and she was stricken with leoprosy. This proves that God looks at things differently than we do.

He sees the heart, not the color of the skin.

Answer #8

Its just one of many topics where people try to manipulate biblical text in such a way, that it justifies their own narrow-minded opinions… in their minds.

Answer #9

im sure it has nothing bad to say about it it probably says something like it shouldnt matter, god made us all equal, etc dont quote me on that tho lol =P but yeah it shouldnt matter

Answer #10

God dosen’t care about race. Moses was married to a Black woman (an Ethiopian). When his brother and sister criticized him for it, they got in a lot of trouble with God.

Answer #11

According to every version of the bible I have read Jesus made it very clear that we were to love everyone, not just white or black etc.

Answer #12

The difference is just between Old Testament times (when Jews were the chosen nation who had to stay apart from groups who worshipped other gods) and New Testament times, when anyone of any variety can follow Jesus, so we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Bible lists some good groups of early Christians - they were Jewish, Greek, Roman, African, rich, poor, female and male. I think this makes it clear that race, and other issues, are of no relevance when it comes to going out with, or marrying, people of different races.

My church friends include couples who are English/African, African/French, French/Indonesian etc.

Answer #13

The honest question is “What do you think about being with another race?”

The bible is merly stories from the past that end with morals to help and guide us to life easier lives and not to make the same mistakes. Racism is a large state of mind the word race contains the separation of differences between large groups of people(I.e. woman from men, thin to thick, white to black, religon to religon) you see that a lot people make race the color of your skin simply because that would be the Largest difference. But what about the human race because then that ensures that we are one COMPLETE race of people..

Hope I Helped! : )

Answer #14

Deuteronomy 7:3-4

Yeah, try reading the preceding verses. It was referring to particular nations of the time period:

‘’…When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou;

And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them…’’ [Deuteronomy 7:1-2]

Answer #15

mikeh. im not sure- but on that verse- im pretty sure it was reffering to them worshipping idols. not race.

Answer #16

I haven’t been back to this question in a while, so let me assure everyone that yes, I know the verse was not talking about race. However, it’s also the verse that I see most often taken completely out of context and used by white power organizations to justify their actions. If it’s good enough for the KKK, it’s good enough for me. ‘ But seriously, folks. It was, I see, perhaps a bit too subtly ironic of a comment.

Answer #17

“You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly. “

Deuteronomy 7:3-4

It also says if you meet someone of another religion, you’re supposed to kill them and burn their village down. So…enjoy that.

Answer #18

theres nothing wrong with that.

Answer #19

The bible says god loves all, so why should it matter what race you date, etc

Answer #20

I dont think the Bible says anything about race. like at all. except its not good to be prejudice.

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