What is more scary to you?

I have always had bad dreams and thoughts of my family dieing. Do other people have the same thoughts as me. I mean I’m not really that scared for me to die, but I don’t want those around me to die. How bad will it be? I’m so scared for it I can’t even really say. Thats what I mean. Do other people think that same things?

Answer #1

This bothered my husband so much when he was a child, that he prayed asking God to take him first, before them. However, God in his mercy, helps us, knowing how we feel, and works things out differently, or in his case, he did. He has been allowed to live a good long life, and in so doing, his fear of loosing his parents diminished over the years. When it finally took place, he was prepared to deal with it, and let them go.

The same thing happened with my sister, however, in her case, I was able to pray for her, as I saw how very real her fear was,concerning the loss of her (our) mother, and I doubted her ability to cope, in the case of an untimely death, again, Mom was allowed to live a very long life, she died when she was 86, and Guyla was also ready to allow her to go, without great sorrow. I feel that God had a hand in both of these situations, because of the prayers that went up concerning both sets of parents.

My suggestion would be to pray for them continually, asking God to grant them long lives, to watch over them, keep them safe from harm, and to give you peace of mind, where they are concerned.


Answer #2

We all have dreams of our loved ones dying. Generally though, it doesn’t happen for a long time. Just relax and enjoy what you have.

Answer #3

It’s just a measure of how much we love them. I get it worst when I’m exhausted or far from home, which is logical - I miss everyone and I’m to tired to think straight. It’s not fair on them to dwell on it too much - we need to show how we love them right now, instead of getting so worked up about an imagined future that we can’t enjoy the present, with them.

So, I agree with tori!

Answer #4

I used to when I was young.. but I think you finally shake out of it around 16 or 17 years old.

Your mind is probably focused on your family right now… try and relax your mind by getting into friends and getting some activities to do outside.

Don’t worry! They are not going anywhere and you won’t either.

Unless you leave. Then you would be going somewhere. lol

Answer #5

Yeah I do that somtimes but you should be worried about wasting too much time thinking about death instead of living.

Get off the comp and go fly a kite…if your weather permitts haha.

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