How was god made?

How was god made?? like who made him!?

Answer #1

How was god made?? like who made him!?

Did you honestly expect a CORRECT answer? You’re asking a question that cannot be answered. In order for one to explain how something was made, they must first prove that it exists.

Answer #2

Can we agree that this is a rhetorical question and has no bearing on the existence of a god? Taken in that manner it is valid. It is good exercise in analytical and abstract thought.

The answers given allow insight to the mindset of those providing, as to whether they are left or right brained. I find this amusing, but being answered the same way by the same people… the question is becoming as trite as the answers themselves.

Answer #3

Humans made God.

Answer #4

What I find particularly amusing is when religious people (usually christians) criticize the Big Bang because of the “what caused it” issue, then blissfully assert that yes, God really has been around for all eternity, and doesn’t need a cause.

Answer #5

Trust me, the religious folks don’t get it either. They take it as a matter of faith that God always existed, with no beginning and no end. The fact that this makes no sense whatsoever does not bother them in the slightest. In fact, talking to the very religious, it’s almost as if they take pride in the things about their faith that cannot be explained.

Answer #6

oH lol I still Dont Get It

Answer #7

Thats what it is though. They say no one made him, just chill. They say he was already there, he had no father or mother. He was just there in the dark then aparently he said one word and the whole world was there

Answer #8

God Has Always Been God; God has always been God (Gen 21:33, Psalms 90:2, Isa 40:28). God is spirit, not an exalted man with flesh and bones (John 4:24, Luke 24:39, Hos 11:9, Numbers 23:19). God does not change (Mal 3:6), nor does He grow in knowledge (Isa 40:13). There is none like Him, He is unique, He is the only true God ( Ex 8:10, II Sam 7:22, Isa 43:10, 44:6-8, 45:5, 21, 22, 46:9, I Cor 8:5).

He always was, which trips me out to think about, but makes me even more thankful that He dicided to create me!!! and he could’ve done it any other way He wanted… which trips me out even more!

Answer #9

God was made when people decided that they wanted answers for everything.

Answer #10

I know it’s mind boggling but He has always been

Answer #11

I agree with mikeh!

Answer #12

Aparently he was already there.

Answer #13


Yes… but the same questions get posted over and over, answered in the same way by the same people… over and over…

Answer #14

God wasn’t made. If you sit there and think “who made God” it’s kind of foolish, because then your mind would go back and back, then you’d get confused. Like,for example, let’s say you decided a dog made God. (l0l) Then you’d wonder, “who made the dog?” Then, you’d start wondering, “who made the thing that made the dog? And who made the thing that made the thing that made the dog?” I know it sounds dumb and cofusing…but it’s true. Do you know what I mean?

Answer #15

Mother God

Answer #16

HOW!!! REad Da EffIN QueStiOn… P3nDej0!!

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