How to be Wiccan?

can someone show me how to be a wiccan and cast spells???

Answer #1


Answer #2

I would like to help, but I’m going to have to agree with ValiantPoison on this one. I suggest reading up a bit on a few books. Look for them in the “New Age” Section at your local bookstore. Then try asking for some more help again-I would like to.

Merry Met and Blessed Be. ^^

Answer #3

why the hell would you want to do that?

Answer #4

Hahahaha… Serious? Take a wand. And sing the song that Cinderella’s godmother sang. thumbs up

Answer #5

Oh boy…

mastergun111, I honestlly don’t believe you’re going to get any serious answers to this question, based on what I’ve read. I know from experience that this religion takes dedication and maturity… I haven’t seen an inkling of either from you. So, as a picky Witch, no. I would not teach you about the craft.

I’d suggest you wait a few years, read everything you can get your hands on, and grow up a bit more before you even consider becoming a Witch. Magick is a dangerous thing, and from what I see from those very few words… I don’t think you’re anywhere near close to being responsible enough to handle it. Sorry.

Blessed Be.

Answer #6

yeh… eewwwkay

Answer #7

why do you want to be one? What caught your interest? Funmail me I might help.

Answer #8

I don’t think anyone can really teach you to do spells - they come from the strength of your beliefs and internal power, not something you can really be taught - they can teach you the words, but not the result.. I’m Wiccan/Pagan (more pagan at the moment) so you could always ask me if you need any advice.

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