Doomsday what do you think it is, dec 2012?

Many religions, calendars and prophecies point to Dec. 21, 2012 as the end of the world. Is this another “Theory of the Apocalypse” that will come and go like others we have seen, or is this one that we should be paying attention to? Personally I think that when its out time it’s our time. What do you think of this?

Answer #1

That’s a man-made guess - only God knows the day and hour of this earth’s end and the creation of a new earth…Take care !!

Answer #2

in my very humble personal opinion, whoever made up that date was probably making a joke with his/her friend and it just kept spreading…yeah, its THAT incredibly rediculous…

Answer #3

KJV Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Answer #4

Many? As far as I’m aware the count is ZERO.

The Mayan long calendar ends that day, but that isn’t the same thing as a doomsday prophecy…and even if it were, it would be safe to dismiss as the ramblings of lunatics.

Answer #5

no problem :D

Answer #6

great answer roysters5

Answer #7

I think that god will do this whole doomsay thing when he thinks the earth is ready to go to hevan and be saved

Answer #8

the sun will emit a solar flare (SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN) causing all communications to go out, and the yellow stone national park volcano will explode causing earthquakes and tsunamis, its said to be the biggest eruption ever on earth, scientists are monitoring that and they say it will but there is no way to be sure on 2012, december 11 at 11:59AM is the exact time btw

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