Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. what do you think about destine
  2. Scientific reasons for not believing the bible is true?
  3. His will?
  4. Trinity
  5. Contacting the dead
  6. Do you believe in horscopes?
  7. Religious what is date on guru nanak jayanti in 1964
  8. Confused What is Humanity???
  9. if you don't mind answering. what religion are you?
  10. Dont Start B*tching At Me.. I Just Want To Put This Out There
  11. Wicca and other religions
  12. Religion, such a topic to be fought after. Why?
  13. Is God invented?
  14. Evil forces?
  15. To Satan Worshippers. Why..?
  16. Anyone ever owned a Djinn?
  17. Burning A Cross?
  18. Christians and Harry Potter
  19. do you think being emo is bad towards god?
  20. is their a god
  21. are shadow people real?
  22. Jesus's ressurection
  23. Are Real Christians of a higher order than ordinary christians?
  24. End of the world??? Coming soon or not.
  25. Bad Dreams
  26. most needed
  27. A baby is GODs way of saying the world should go on!!!
  28. where my virgos at???
  29. Spirit Guide and a Portal
  30. Why do you have to "accept jesus in your life" to go to heaven?
  31. Pagans / Wiccans do you celebrate Beltane?
  32. What religion did The Ingalls practice on The Little House On The Prairie?
  33. question to jesus' people
  34. What Are Your Thoughts On Witchcraft?
  35. Gay people and religion
  36. do you think everyone has a day when its going to die.
  37. is it wrong to wear chains to church?
  38. ~why~?
  39. dont judge because we dont belive judge because we see the truth
  40. Where did God come from?
  41. y do people worship the devil?
  42. saint joseph
  43. What if you are wrong?
  44. How do you feel about death??
  45. Is doubt the reason to evangelize?
  46. Why would the devil want us to believe that the Earth is a sphere?
  47. weird dream
  48. for muslims- how do you explain free will?
  49. satanism
  50. ii haven't been 2 church iin liike 6monthsz
  51. talking to Jesus ?
  52. dream or nightmare... it means?
  53. meaning of Dreams
  54. I think there might be a portal to hell in my room
  55. Why do so many people hate athiests??
  56. the burden of religion
  57. wicka question
  58. why do nightmares occur in late teenagers
  59. is LeVeyan satanism hard to follow?
  60. For Wiccans, Three Fold Law...
  61. Is evolution an observable fact?
  62. Free Yearly Horoscopes
  63. holy ghost?
  64. Why do we die?
  65. christians
  66. Reincarnation - Does it Exist?
  67. Ouija do you believe it works?
  68. What is the philapion culture?
  69. do you belive in ghosts? why?
  70. ???my mom does not like my church???
  71. Should I go athiest or satanist?
  72. Paranormal investigator
  73. Fulfilled prophecies of Jesus...
  74. God & Jesus
  75. do you think god knew jesus was gonna die
  76. Pagan & Proud?
  77. According to christianity beliefs does God have an image of a man
  78. Why do people make fun of
  79. Real deal on Wicca
  80. Calling all Vampires. Grr...
  81. dream of cousin...
  82. Good Friday
  83. only answer if you beleive in spirits and demons
  84. do all demens try to hert you
  85. wicca?
  86. Extended question to the last.
  87. interested
  88. advice on who to go to
  89. Devil worshipers
  90. Athiest
  91. psychic people who can explain to me what they here or see?
  92. What is your opinion about the earth coming to an end?
  93. Do you believe in physics or ghosts!!??
  94. how to b sure?
  95. Converting to wicca
  96. Re:parents and wicca.
  97. combining religions
  98. Who is g-d?
  99. Unitarian Universalists
  100. Horoscope??!