meaning of Dreams

I fell asleep earlier starting 12nn up to 2pm my time, and during that amount of time, I dreamt of 2 unknown people talking to me, telling me that what I ate for breakfast (cereals milk and apple) are all spoiled, and no good to eat.. I woke up immediately, and found out that I’m in the office.. I overslept on my table.. what does it mean? why would I always dream of things like I always have been asked or being involved with people I don’t know? their faces are really a strange to me.. please help… :’(

Answer #1

the people in the dream you had is just trying to protect you

Answer #2

their face might be made up of different features of various people that you do know. I dont know about the food going bad though, do you normally worry about food going out of date!?

Answer #3

Go home and check the foods you ate to make sure they wernt bad. Maybe somone or somthing is trying to warn you of something. I hope I helped :]]

Answer #4

nope.. I go for groceries and check on the dates.. and the faces of the women and the man on my dream is really a strange.. not really familiar with them.. :’(

Answer #5

it could be that its protecting you. or maybe just nothing too. some times we see faces that aren’t familiar at all. or maybe some one is worried about your health ?

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