Devil worshipers

Is there a name for people who worship the devil?

Answer #1

I could think of a few names for them! XD

Answer #2

first of all, just like Christianity, there are many different branches of Satanism. Where a lot of Christian beliefs lie in repression, Satanism is the exact opposite. They allow indulgence, placing the individual first, and materialism.

Answer #3

Satanist Agreed with Jaz al lthe way They are opposites, yet the same. They believe in the same thing yet choose to practices the opposite side of the same religion. It has nothing to do with Athiest, & nothing, I repeat NOTHING, to do with the occult what-so-ever. It’s just another part of Christanity when you think of it, point blank.

Answer #4

a satanist they are the opposite of christians christians worship there own god and satanists worship the devil but to be either a christian or satanist you need to beleive that both exist and a satanist has nothing to do with an athiest they are both completely different things athiests dont beleive in god or satan because they are part of religion and satanism is a religion

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