Evil forces?

The other day I met a man who insisted that I would hang up a paper cut-out in the shape of a bat behind my South-facing sitting room window. He claimed it would fend off evil forces.

Not long before that, an other man recommended a plastic statuette representing Saint Martin on the kitchen windowsill to deal with those same nasty forces.

What should I do?

Answer #1

Ah… Eternallife… I think that I will take Ty’s and Toadaly’s advice…

Soooaaahhh… sorry…

Answer #2

There no such thing as good & evil it’s all in the mind, it’s all a perception, a view point. However, there are negative & positive forces, which can be affected by a person’s perceptions. Do whatever you feel is right. There’s more to do than just those things. I personally have gargoyles all over my room A friend of mine has some kind of tiki thingy( I forgot the actual name of it XD) There’s varies spells & charms if you’re of a biblical religion I’m sure there’s prayers & nik-naks

Answer #3

Thanks people… I think that I will take Ty’s and Toadaly’s advice…

Answer #4

I would hang a photo of Dick Cheney… it will scare the neighborhood children and keep the devil at bay. And I agree with ty…quit talking to crazies.

Answer #5

Well, if it were me, I’d ignore the crazy people.

Answer #6

stop talking to crazy people?

Answer #7

Do both of them.

Answer #8

dead rats hung on porch… (preferably 3 or 4)

sure to fend of mail men, milk men, little kids and evil… :D

Answer #9

a crucifix or a statue of the guardian angel David

Answer #10

Accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and that will take away the evil forces. Nothing else would be required.

Deu 30:19 … I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: “

The choice is yours. You can choose anything you want. You are free to reject the other.

The rest of the verse suggests “…therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: “

Answer #11

“The choice is yours. You can choose anything you want. You are free to reject the other.”

What choice? To pretend to believe, or to accept that you don’t believe. Those are the only choices for me. I can no more choose to believe in a diety as I could in the tooth fairy.

Could you choose to not believe in god? You believe it with all your heart, and no matter how much you told yourself you didn’t believe, deep down you really would, right?

It is no different for me.

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