the burden of religion

People have a strong ability to attribute human qualities on to objects or phenomena. Some people blame the weather for ruining the day. Others blame their car for braking down at an inconvenient time. They would even display emotions (anger or gratitude towards the car or the weather, etc.). They act as if the car made a deliberate decision to wreck the day.

This is referred to as anthropomorphism.

In nearly all religions anthropomorphism is applied to perceive deities; Zeus, Brahma, JHWH, Allah, Thor, etc. (often referred to as anthropotheism. In case of a human with divine characteristics like Jesus or Orpheus we speak of theomorphism). All these deities are assumed to be responsible for people’s destiny.

For millennia, faithful people have blamed gods for ruined harvests, earthquakes, house fires and spoiled holidays and took those events as a burden of punishment by gods that possessed human emotions like anger, hatred, revenge, care, love, etc. Many people worry why God give them a hard time.

Are atheists right to reject the notion of an external human-like will that influence the events that occur in our lives?

Answer #1

Thanks Modelchemist, I got your point…

Answer #2

dont worry bout reilgon im christian!!!

Answer #3

She’s saying there is no proof for God- as there isn’t.

Answer #4

Hey Modestalchemist,

‘…There is just as much proof one way as the other…’

Could you give examples…?!

Answer #5

just because gods are unlikely doesn’t make them not exist.

to say an athiest is right in this situation would be the same as saying that god’s go exist and do these things. There is just as much proof one way as the other.

But Athiests believe that they are right, and sometimes for and including this reason. Who is to say that they aren’t right? but there is not telling who is right or not until you die, and then only you know if you are or not… or you are dead and rot in the ground.

Answer #6

Cars break down, you get thunderstorms it’s called chance and nature. It has nothing to do with a divine power. Earthquakes are a scientific thing and are to do with tectonic plates colliding not a God playing havoc. House fires happen if something catches fire (obviously). Its all about chance. I know many people who do bad things but get no bad in return because there is NO GOD.

Nothing is 100% guaranteed to work 24/7, cars break down- simple as that.

Answer #7

I can answer for myself beth…

I’m saying that you can’t measure God, so therefore there is no way to tell if he exists or not. You can measure everything else. But there is still this one thing that gets me..

Everything has a cause and effect… just think about it. everything was caused by something and everything causes something else. The universe didn’t just appear out of nowhere. so who or what made it?

Personally, I think there is a god, or higher power… whether he gives a crap about humanity, I have no idea. All the mythology surrounding gods and higher beings, I couldn’t tell you if any of that is true. Heaven and hell? who knows? but Something had to make the universe because it wasn’t just there out of nothing. it’s a law of physics… you can’t create something out of nothing.

this has baffled scientists and philosophers since the beginning of recorded history. and though there are advances in science, we have gotten no closer to finding out what made everything, and all we have found is that the universe keeps getting bigger, so we hypothesize that it all must have started at one very concentrated point. bringing into effect, the big bang theory. OK… that is plauseable… even probable…

but who put all the matter there, and who condensed it? We may never know. But to say that there isn’t something out there is pretty foolish. Even if that something is a flying spaghetti monster that doesn’t care one way the other about humanity.

you can’t prove God exists, but you also can’t prove that he doesn’t exist.

Answer #8

* you can’t prove God exists, but you also can’t prove that he doesn’t exist.

The same can be said of any mythical thing.

Answer #9

Religion was invented because of day and night. All religions have two opposing “entities” watever you wanna call them. One represents goodness and light of the day. The other represented the danger and evils of night. This is where all religion came from, all notions of “god” think of christianity: devil = evil dark night danger bad. God = good day light protection etc. It was evil people who tried to use religion to control ppls minds that ruined it by saying god has all these rules you must follow. He never came down here and said you have to follow these rules. He NEVER physically appeared here.

PEOPLE made the rules. WE make our own rules. Much like the law, only to convince people more we used god to create a FEAR of breaking the rules to control people and give em morals.

Every pack animal does it. They have a leader who keeps everyone in check. Dogs make unver bal pack rules.

We created god to keep order by scaring people. And he let us create our own rules because he is really just us.

LOL ;)

Answer #10

I agree totally with modestalchemist, I too believe there is a god/higher power, Now whether or not I believe how he is portrayed now-a-days is different matter. Yes I belive in God, but not the one im taught or whom he is percieved to be..some random entity who punishes those who dont follow his rules. I believe that many dont belive in God because they need solid proof of his existence, but many also do not understand that there is a reason we dont know and no one has ever known and that’s that we cannot comprehend God for he is an infinite entity [has,is,and always] will be there, and us humans are limited to what is on this earth as far as knowlege and understanding goes.

Now for Annv’s question/post, Yes you are right, many faithful people since the beginning of time have blamed God for things that have not gone their way, but way back than, since knowlege was limited to mostly religous views, hey belived God had ultimate control of their lives and every little thing that happened, not realizing that he doesnt. Now, we are taking notice that all actions taking place on Earth are directly from humans, and results are directly our fault.

God doesnt sit up in Heaven and control what happens on Earth, he sits there, gives us options, oppertunities etc. to do things and observes with how we handle them.

Well, thats my belief anyway.

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