do you belive in ghosts? why?

do you belive in ghosts? why?

Answer #1

Na, if you don’t believe in them, you wont see them right?

Answer #2

yes , because I’ve heard voices in my grandparent’s basement , and because I watch ghost adventures

Answer #3

NO!! their fake

Answer #4

yes becouse my grandma died and sometimes I see her its werid but ya I belive

Answer #5

I dont because I’ve never seen one before.

Answer #6

yes I have heard them talk to me and I’ve’e seen them vanish and some voices on evp but their to faint to hear them

Answer #7

in a way yes :)

Answer #8

I do 100 % I have seen them and have my own PERSONAL reasons why I KNOW they are there!

Answer #9

Yes - Because people I trust have seen them, without a doubt. Even though I’ve never seen one I still believe.

Answer #10

yes and no…ill believe it if I witness some spooky action or see things.

PS: do get scared watching ghost movies and cannot visit the restroom (toilets) without a boyfriend going with me :-)

Answer #11

yes, because there is more than one in my house and not the kind that move and turn things on.

here is an example I was eating lunch and felt someone grab my soulder and turned around and no one was there. And I see shadow people in the hallway at night time.

So yes, they exist

Answer #12

yes I believe in ghosts because I have a family memmbers house and somebody died in there so sometimes I feel cold drafts around me even when the windows are closed 100% and its more spirts not really ghosts

Answer #13

NO ghosts are a very silly thing to believe in, just because you cant explain something dosent mean it was a ghost, people make stupid conclusions to why things happen, because they dont think things through, ever seen one, no, if you THINK you did think again,

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