Scientific reasons for not believing the bible is true?

What are the facts in the bible that have been proven false by science? I want things lke how old the earth is, where dinosaurs came from, oldest living things, how the first organisms developed into what they are now, plus theories that suggest we have free will and that god does not control everything that happens, like what really controls what happens to people? If you could recommend a website or anything I would be very grateful. Thanks :)

Answer #1


Its up you to accept the truth or not. After all you are the one who is going to face the consequences of the choices you make.

Answer #2

Its up you to accept the truth or not.

…its not the truth… only your dim-witted opinion. But since you’re too deluded, and ignorant of your own beliefs to actually present the ‘truth’ as you put it, in a ‘believable’ or ‘acceptable’ format, why would you expect anyone to believe or accept it?

I suppose you’ll have to face the consequences of misrepresenting God, bearing false witness, et cetera.

Answer #3

Well if you walk into a library and find one book that endorses another book in the same library and a third book that endorses another book in the same library does it become circular reasoning just because they are all in the same library? Therefore the using the Bible as evidence for itself is not circular reasoning.

However as I had mentioned earlier there are plenty of outside evidences as well.

Answer #4


I can not take you serious anymore when you keep repeating this: ‘…as I had mentioned earlier there are plenty of outside evidences…’.

I am wasting my time now; all the best with you…!

Answer #5

Hi Eternallife,

I read your reasoning again, and I see your point on the compound character of the Bible (and I agree with this fact). However, it does not change the circular aspect of the argument (either applied by you or directed by your source).

The generic biblical narrative is an edit by predetermination. Therefor, your argument bears no evidence. I am sorry…

Answer #6

“Really!! What is the supernatural thing they have studied about?” Try witchcraft for one Sceance(creepy sht man, especially the ones where ectoplasm occur) they actually studied occurrences on vampires believe it or not Tried studying so called miracles of God *

Do you mean to say these are science? I thought was a study with observation and experimentation!

Answer #7

they do research it.

Answer #8

inholic Try doing a google search on the Mayan prophecies Do one for the Greek Oracles, all that good stuff The bible is not the only one with fulfilled prophecies, nor the most impressive The most impressive I saw so far would have to be the Mayans in all honestly How bout YOU try doing some research & Have you ever actually read the ENTIRE bible from cover to cover? All you need to do is simply read it & you’ll figure out why most people do not believe in that BS

Answer #9

“Really!! What is the supernatural thing they have studied about?” Try witchcraft for one Sceance(creepy sh*t man, especially the ones where ectoplasm occur) they actually studied occurrences on vampires believe it or not Tried studying so called miracles of God Ghost & All that good stuff Like I said, bulk up on your science. They’ve been doing this for decades.

Answer #10

That is referred to as a ‘circular argument’; we have to believe biblical claims because the Bible says so. I do not buy that! End of story…

You have not read my argument properly. Please read it properly once again and you will find why it is not circular reasoning.

Wow you need to bulk up on your science. people have been studying the supernatural for years.

Really!! What is the supernatural thing they have studied about?

Answer #11

Do a google search for fulfilled Biblical prophecies and look at the mathematical probabilities of these events happening. It will blow your mind and will help you realize that the Bible is God-breathed as the Holy Spirit gave the words to men who faithfully wrote it down. Be prepared to be amazed!

Answer #12

Hmm. Okay none of you properly answered me apart from one person. I didn’t mean this to be an “attack” on religion or the bible, its for a project. I have to research the things that contradict the bible while the other team has to reasearch the evidence which proves its credibility. Oh and I’m sorry but I dont believe science has never proven anything in the bible wrong. Really? You dont believe that there’s even one error in the bible? Why would I have been given this assignment then? That would make it impossible.

If you look at my question I dont believe I used the words “crazy” to describe other peoples beliefs.

And one thing I found that was proven not true: The world was certainly not created in 6 days, it is not less than 10,000 years old and there was in fact life before humans (dinosaurs, smaller organisms like bacteria etc)

I am not ignorant by the way. I dont have a religion because I find it totally ridiculous to have blind faith in something. And all religions are similar and originated from people worshipping the sun and fearing the night.

This is where good vs evil came from AND god and the devil. God represents the light and safety of the day while the devil represents the dark and fear that night brings. ALL religions are based on this basic concept of good vs evil. Which is why they all have the same basic belief system.

There were many prophets of different religions before jesus who all had the same birth story: three kings guided by a star to find the saviour, virgin birth, died and ressurected, 12 apostles, died at a young age, began their ministrys at 33.

I’ve studied the history of religion but not science thats why I asked for scientific explanations in the science section and mostly all I got was poorly researched opinions on why I shouldnt ask that question. Except a few :)

So thanks people who put the effort into answering intelligently.

Answer #13

Hey Vickkiii,

You are actually asking two questions; facts about the natural history of our planet and the universe; and ‘…What are the facts in the bible that have been proven false by science…?’

For the first one I would find answers in a library, or keep searching online for natural-history answers.

The second one is more complicated to answer. One could say that science pointed out that biblical claims like virgin-birth, raising from the death, seeing all the surface of the planet from one point, the great flood, the creation, etc. are highly unlikely to have happened and basically unnatural. Science provides evidence that for all those things to take place, the laws of nature would have to be suspended.

However, a small minority of faithful people insist that the Bible gives a historically correct account. Their claims, by lack of evidence, have to be believed on the basis of faith in their ideas. And science can not prove them wrong. Science can only point out that the verifiable evidence is strongly against their claims.

There’s is some confusion about the meaning of the word ‘proof’. Proof is not the same as evidence. One can not prove that the sun will come up tomorrow morning, but there is strong evidence to suggest that it will. That evidence is based on objectively verifiable observation of an active system that allows us with a high degree of certainty to expect a sunrise. Such evidence exists for nearly everything that occurs in the natural world. There is also evidence of events that happened in the past.

Many people lost their faith by studying the Bible. Its claims are too fantastic and too unnatural.

Answer #14

thts is another sine from allah that your bible hasnt been written from above ahuman wrote it actuallly a grou p from thoudands of years messed the koran up and called the new book the bible and now half of the orld is beleeving it one person reeli can make a difference by=ut you will see in the end… I hope you are led to the rite path which leads to eternal paradise and beauty and alll of your desires…

Answer #15

“But it cannot study what is supernatural and there it has decided that there is no super natural” Wow you need to bulk up on your science. people have been studying the supernatural for years. But there is nothing supernatural about the bible. It’s all about faith, it’s all in your head & imagination.

Answer #16

ahuman wrote it actuallly a grou p from thoudands of years messed the koran up and called the new book the bible

…don’t you mean ‘messed the TORAH up’ ?

Answer #17

Hey Eternallife,

‘…I can show you many sites that have details of archeological findings that support the Bible…’. Sure you can, but since it is against the customary code of this website to print HTMLs, could you tell us in your own words?

‘…Bible is an evidence in itself…’. That is referred to as a ‘circular argument’; we have to believe biblical claims because the Bible says so. I do not buy that! End of story…

‘…Science can only study what is physical or natural. But it cannot study what is supernatural and there it has decided that there is no super natural…’ Agreed! No dispute…

Answer #18

So if you want a comprehensive website with a lot of “facts”…well, wikipedia has a history of bias & errors, but, that’s the closest you’ll get online.

If you want well researched material, generally, that’s still in “books”.

Answer #19

I hate how people always get on the bible’s case like no one ever talks about how other religions around the world belive crazy things like the fatman[budda] and three headed people and crap

Answer #20

The fatman? Buddha wasn’t really fat those statues of him showed him as being fat because being fat is a sign of fertility. And people are more interested in christanity probably because that’s the one their more familiar with.

Wikipedia is a good site :]

Answer #21

‘the world belive crazy things like the fatman[budda]’

Siddhartha Gautama existed. He was a real person. He is not made up. He was not fat. He was not a God. He was the founder of Buddhism. You are ignorant.

Answer #22

Who believes in three headed people? I didnt know there was a religion that believed in that…

As for your question, uhm please dont call other beliefs “crazy things”, your own beliefs are just as crazy to other people… The reason people seem to focus on christianity, is well most people on this site are from the western world, and the western world for the most part is christian… which is why christianity manages to influence politics and government, where it shouldnt be, see that tends to annoy people…

Try this…

and look at the sources they cited…

Answer #23

Who believes in three headed people?

…probably referring to Kali… the Hindu goddess… but there are others. Vishnu had three heads. Cerberus had three heads.

Though, a popular belief in Christianity is the Trinity, which has three different entities united as one… so the imagery isn’t so uncommon.

Answer #24

2000 years ago woman says angel visited her, gives birth while a virgin and her son runs around saying he is son of god. Everyone is happy and astounded.

2009 womans says angel visited her and gives birth to a child while a virgin. Her boyfriend accuses her of being a sl*g and finishes her, the son goes on to run around saying he is the son of god and gets put in a “coo coo” home.

Answer #25

lol, sorry, my head got stuck on the people, it’s a little different from gods…

oh and kali didnt have three heads, she had multiple arms… at least in every indian movie I’ve seen…

@ reo0088 rotfl!

Answer #26

Good luck, archologist have confirmed citys that were not even known to exist untill recently. It has also predicted with impeckable accuracy of the reigns of Cyrus, and Alexander the great. Not to mention the united nations, global warming (warming is in a very vague way though).

Answer #27

* What are the facts in the bible that have been proven false by science?

Why is that important to you? Unless you start with the baseless assumption that the Bible is the work of a god, there is no reason to be asking such a question.

* like no one ever talks about how other religions around the world belive crazy things like the fatman[budda] and three headed people and crap

If it makes you feel any better, I find those other ideas silly too.

Answer #28

Honey, science hasn’t proven anything that the bible is false. In fact there have been more things that have been proven true. Some things in the bible may seem confusing. But that’s all right, God doesn’t expect you to understand everything at the same time!

Answer #29

oh and kali didnt have three heads, she had multiple arms… at least in every indian movie I’ve seen…

Kali is sometimes depicted with three heads, each representing her aspects: strength, arrogance, and divinity. And Vishnu is sometimes depicted with the heads of Brahma and Shiva as well. The three of them represent the Hindu Triad, also known as the Great Trinity.

Answer #30

Most believers are dualists. They don’t expect the Bible to be a science textbook. They look to science to address the mundane and their religion to address the questions that are out of the reach of the scientific method. Scientific and religion does not have to agree because they ask different questions.

In the end I believe that using science to prove or disprove the Bible is a dead end. You are looking at minutiae rather than the whole picture. My problem with the Bible is the main tenets rather than the minutiae.

Answer #31


Their claims, by lack of evidence, have to be believed on the basis of faith in their ideas. And science can not prove them wrong. Science can only point out that the verifiable evidence is strongly against their claims.

Actually there are no lack of evidences. I can show you many sites that have details of archeological findings that support the Bible. There are also documentary evidence for the Authenticity of the Bible. One more thing I would like to point out is that Bible is an evidence in itself. Many people fail to recognize that the Bible is not one book but a collection of books. Many books talking about the same events were combined together so that people reading them would know that the events were true. That is what the Bible is.

Science can only study what is physical or natural. But it cannot study what is supernatural and there it has decided that there is no super natural.

Answer #32

Scratches head where to start

Joseph led people through the Reed Sea, Not the Red Sea, that was a mistranslation. However, even if he did lead people through the Red Sea, the place where the "Red Sea" parted was actually the place where we got the word dam from. people living in the villages near by constantly had to change aqueducts & such do to landslides that would naturally take place & form land bridges & dams.
Ramsey's skeleton was found. His head was bashed in with a blunt instrument. He wasn't killed by God, rather in the name of God.
For those who believe in the shroud, it would portray that Christ didn't die on the cross. It portrays blood trails, bleeding, dead men don't bleed.
Newmore(I doubt I have the spelling write on this one), Nemera, Gonorrhea were built on top oil, tar, sulfur, & natural gasses. When an earth quake occurred it released the gasses, tar, ect. Towns way back when always had a fire lit somewhere. When the gases were released the flame(s) ignited the gasses, ect, which lit the city ablaze.

That & here’s one of the most obvious. Define good & evil? Everyone has their perspectives of good & evil, their own view. Murder is viewed as evil, like cereal killers for example. But if you get in the mind of a cereal killer, they’re doing the word a favor. In their mind they see a perfect world, for example, everyone is blond. So, he kills everyone that is not blond to make his perfect dream a reality. Or a better example, the Holocaust, when Hitler tried to annihilate the Jews. Some may view that as evil, & vicious, specially those of biblical religions, but do they even stop to second think the witch hunts? When Christians tried to annihilate the witches, over 300,000 people were killed. Not many Christians will make as big a deal of that as the holocaust, but it’s just as bad. In the minds of both they were just cleansing the land. What is good & what is evil can be altered with what a person views. Really there is no good & evil, it’s all perspective. However, there are negative & positive influences & actions.

If those aren’t good enogh for ya, just let me know, I’ll list some more. The battle of Jericho. Jericho was the military commander. people beat pots & pans to distract people while others were in side slitting people’s throats. The walls didn’t just fall, an earthquake occurred that destroyed the walls. Before you claim “God didn’t, agnels blew their trumpiets” blah, de da da. They were describing the noise to the best of their abilities. In modern day they say it sounds like a load car, in China they’ld say(back in the day) it was a giant catfish.

Stop victimizing yourself. Look around, you go after other religions just as much, actually, if not more(a hell of a lot more) as others do you. Hell, a Christian asks what you believe or just tell ‘em you don’t believe in the bible, they wont drop it like people of other religions, they start preaching the bible to you like you don’t know & try to convert you. Tell a booda, witch, shinto, or almost anyone of any other religion you don’t believe in what they do “oh, okay” they drop the subject & move on. Not to mention it’s the most widespread religions that claims to be the “one & only truth”. Not too many people others do that, at least from my experience.

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