holy ghost?

what really is that? This lady was screaming and jumping up and down in church and and my friend told me she caught the holy ghost, is that necessary for a person to scream and stuff, I think that is so uncalled for.

Answer #1

The holy ghost is a messenger of God and his only begotten son Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost is a testifier of truth, and the third member of the Godhead. God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are not the same entity, but rather the same in purpose. To say that she caught the Holy Ghost is perhaps meaning to say that she felt the Spirit, and didn’t know how to express her feelings. The odds are she got caught up in the energy and excitement of the event that was taking place, rather then feeling the Spirit which operates as a still small voice.

John 15:26

Answer #2

Hey Rero92,

“…Funny how we scream and shout and act “weird” in sporting events or bob our heads, thrash and jump around in a concert… but that is looked at as “normal”…”

Excellent point! I know several faithful who display their enthusiasm for religion as if it was a fabulous hobby… and that is probably exactly what it is!

However, I do prefer stamp-collecting… it’s a bit more connected to reality…

Answer #3

the holy ghost is when God’s spirit is in you.like a taste of God.screming and all that is just something that comes with it.

Answer #4

What better reason to hooper and hollar about than the Lord? That’s the best reason to throw your hands up and lose all inhibition and let the poweer just flow baby flow!!

Funny how we scream and shout and act “weird” in sporting events or bob our heads, thrash and jump around in a concert… but that is looked at as “normal”

John 3:16

Answer #5

no no holy ghost iz when jesus is in the room its a spirit

Answer #6

Technically speaking, the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy…) Exactly how these three entitites are defined varies from one Christian denomination to another, and in earlier times was the subject of a lot of controversy.

But as to YOUR question:

especially in revival-oriented religious groups, the Holy Spirit is seen as a divine power that can inspire people, at times causing them to fall down, thrash about as if they were having a seizure, and sometimes ‘talk in tongues’ - that is, speak or shout words that don’t seem to be in any known language.

Viewed from the outside it might seem excessive, but it’s not at all unusual behaviour in many religious groups.

Answer #7

When a person becomes saved (accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior) they are made a new person inside, instantly have no desire to do those things which displease the Lord - the Holy Spirit now dwells/lives within their heart - He is their constant companion, guiding, helping, encouraging the believer - also gifts may be given to the believer such as patience, long-suffering, etc by the Holy Spirit - these things are usually difficult to be understood by an unbeliever because his/her thinking is ‘of this world’ - it is my sincere hope and prayer that all here and around the world will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (see John 3 : 16) - the Holy Ghost/Spirit is one of the trinity (God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit)…all are supernatural, everlasting, all in one - I wouldn’t make light of anyone who shouts or acts with Praise…we don’t know what they’ve been through.

Answer #8

She caught the Holy Ghost? thats impossible. The Holy Ghost is Jesus.

Answer #9

Think of the ‘holy spirit’ as the same kind ‘spirit’ that cheerleaders possess… only you get to let it out at church… instead of football games.

Answer #10

I was told by a buddhist acquaintance that he would regularly feel the need to sing, dance and scream when engaged in his spiritual activities. I guess that there will be muslim people who can tell you the same.

Is that not a form of evidence that this display of ghostly enthusiasm might not be what it seems?

Answer #11


yes I felt the holy ghost and I’ve even been screaming and jumping like that! and yes im teenage - many people think teens are too young to even understand GOD WHICH IS A LIE!

first let me explain to u!

I love my father, God very much! usually when I am at church and I praise God with the congregation. I praise him dearly from my heart.

I become so in tune with the holy spirit and God through praises. My pastor says that the holy spirit allows us to communicate to God in a way the devil will never understand.

we are able to speak and act on our heavenly language and behaviour.

Usually when the holy spirit touches me, my whole body feels connected to God where in the holy spirit can truly express how we feel towards our father that we CAN NEVER EXPRESS just simply praising GOd.

I AM A TEENAGER and I belive that anyone change be filled with holy spirit no matter what age so long as they truly believe

Peacee, Sharshar ;)

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