Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. What are the six dimensions of religion?
  2. Do I convert for her? Walk away from it? Or approach her parents?
  3. People who get murder
  4. God+death
  5. Astral projection
  6. Ouija board, should I do it?
  7. Do you think I've been to a Satanic Church?
  8. I saw a bar above the wall and a cemetry inside the kitchen, why?
  9. Iz god trynna tell me sumtn?
  10. Purity ring
  11. Life after death
  12. Where does it say "God will never give you more than you can handle"?
  13. What is the red stamp the pope always uses?
  14. How do you consider a religion as a christian?
  15. What to do between sin and forgiveness?
  16. Is God is real
  17. What is the story of the Budda?
  18. Getting your fortune told, what do you think?
  19. If aliens exist does that mean god doesn't exist?
  20. Is this a sign that he isn't meant for me?
  21. Fear of Death
  22. Whatever Happened to JOseph?
  23. Is Martial Arts forbidden in the Bible?
  24. Spouses who are Christian taking Photos of Each Other
  25. Demonic Possesion signs
  26. Religion and spirirtuality
  27. Am I spiritual?
  28. Snowcone donatello
  29. What is going on???
  30. Nude Pictures
  31. So do you believe the Bible is copied from Pagan sources?
  32. What should I do about racism in church?
  33. What are signs of a zodiac?
  34. God doesn't exist?
  35. Who ever are wiccans- reverse spell
  36. The End of the World is at Hand
  37. The greatest in the kingdom of God.
  38. 144,000 going to Heaven
  39. Our seperate entity the conscious mind
  40. Could this mean something? Or am I just going crazy?
  41. How do I get millions of americans to accept Jesus?
  42. If you're Wican or similar, do you have a patron god/goddess?
  43. What is the name of the religion below?
  44. What does this weird dream mean?
  45. What is your favorite bible verse?
  46. Muslim And Christian Relationships
  47. If an atheist goes to court, do they make him swear on the Bible?
  48. Mary kings close Edinburgh
  49. How can I know if there is a god
  50. Leaving the mormon church
  51. Spells, whoever is a Wiccan
  52. Our bodies are made of dirt
  53. Who should I obey a court order or God?
  54. Religion and spiritualuty
  55. I have an islamic friend
  56. Where to begin my spiritual journey into Wicca?
  57. anybody know what having the religion "Druid" entails?
  58. What are your opinions on wicca?
  59. Eliminate negative thoughts and feelings
  60. Human mind.
  61. Is becoming an atheist bad
  62. Ghosts/afterlife
  63. Martyr
  64. Interesting dream
  65. Who here believes in the soul???
  66. White magic
  67. Wish Spells
  68. Is there any magical spell to freeze time?
  69. What was the religion of abraham?
  70. Marying in the future by binding contract
  71. Someone or something in house.
  72. Questions About A Religion...
  73. what religion is a Jehovahs witness?
  74. Religiions that are the same but different name..
  75. Are preachers causing damage to thei world?
  76. Why should I believe in god?
  77. do you think the universe is infinite?
  78. Do you think this might be true when you die?
  79. What does a cross mean?
  80. Believers...any bible study methods?
  81. Do you think the world would be a better place without religion?
  82. christianity, I know you want too :)
  83. Birth and death
  84. Best of both universes
  85. Is it possible to follow the Greek gods during Wicca?
  86. Are we born believing in God?
  88. Do babies go to heaven =*(
  89. How do I keep my faith alive?
  90. Whats your Sign?
  91. I really need to know this one
  92. Sacralidge?!?!??!?
  93. Question for believers?
  94. Why can't a Satanist Date a Christian?
  95. Were dose the bible say this?
  96. God- why pain and suffering..?
  97. 2012, 2 things that are confusing DONT BE MEAN!
  98. House name
  99. vampire. am I turning into one.
  100. giveup my mad