do you think the universe is infinite?

do you think the universe is infinite? or if it just stops eventually? any thoughts as to what might be outside of the universe, if there is an outside?

and depending on your answer, do you think your answer has anything to do with your belief if there is a God or not???

Answer #1

There are some theories that state that the “borders or edges” of the universe are like a crumpled up piece of paper and then they “uncrumple” as the universe expands leading to more and more space. I don’t think it’s infinite, but I think it’s growing to some extent.

Answer #2

Read the QURAN and youl find your answer darling :)

Answer #3

For me, no. Whether the universe if bounded or infinite has no bearing on the existence of any deities.

Answer #4

do you guys think it has had any influence on you about the universe, if there is a God or not??

Answer #5

There’s no way of knowing if the universe is bounded or not, but I can’t think of any reason it would be bounded, so unbounded seems like the simpler position of the two.

Answer #6

The universe extends as far as we can see (which is a long way, thanks to the speed of light and the age of the universe), but we have no way of telling what’s further out than that. It’s quite likely that the universe is either infinite, or simply really big - but if it’s the latter, you still can’t reach the ‘edge of the universe’ and keep going into empty space, because the universe is space - instead, you’d in some sense ‘wrap around’ back to the other side of the universe.

Also, the sun won’t explode - it’s too small to go nova. It’ll merely enlarge into a red dwarf.

Answer #7

There’s a theory, I forget what its called, but it states the universe expands through a process called Black Matter I think, and it sounded very logical when I was watching it on the discovery channel. lol, sometimes I get the feeling we could just be some other super advanced life form’s project or something, and they watch us and see what we make of ourselves!

Answer #8

Just because the sun explodes… doesn’t mean that the universe isn’t infinite… it just means that earth will be wiped out.

I believe in multiverses… =] And I’m not sure whether I think they’re infinite… never really thought much about it, I’m sure a show on the discovery channel or something would say all the accepted scientific theories though. =]

Answer #9

The sun is gonna explode one day so the people on earth arnt gonna live forever, but yea the universe sounds preety promising to be forever .

Answer #10

The universe or empty space that the galaxies are enclosed in is infinite, the matter in the universe, galaxies, isn’t but is forever moving in all directions away with momentum from where the Big Bang happened.

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