What to do between sin and forgiveness?

Okay when I’ve sinned usually I ask forgiveness then get on with my life…

It’s not that simple for me because everytime I ask forgivenes in my mind I really do not want to do that again…

But what happens when I have sinned and know that I still want to do it again therefore don’t bother to ask god for forgivenes because he knows whats in my heart?right so what’s the point of lying to him if he can read me like a book?

What I am trying to say is I am a total wreck!!I can’t live without god but that sin is too tempting to not want it…and im just caught in between and I feel like I can’t breath.I totally shut down in these moments.like right now…if it goes on I’m gonna go down with a fever…snapp!

Is there anything good that I can possibly do in the middle of this time frame??…I feel so afraid like man…I’m pissing god off aye…I just don’t wanna get on his wrong side…but I’m not ready to let go of that sin…I want it and I can’t lie that I don’t…

Maybe I should just stay in bed till I figure out nothings worth being god’s enemy…can you imagine the transition from being god’s child to god’s enemy in virtually the same day…that’s freakin scary aye…

Answer #1

Well sweetheart I can’t give you a definitive answer but the Bible does explain the situation you’re in and it does offer hope.

Romans 7:18-25 (New Living Translation)

18 And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[a] I want to do what is right, but I can’t. 19 I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. 20 But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it.

21 I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. 22 I love God’s law with all my heart. 23 But there is another power[b] within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. 24 Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? 25 Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God’s law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin.

The main thing God wants from you is that you never quit trying to do what is right and that you always love him. Can you really have faith and not act on it? The bible says faith without works is dead faith. Im not condemning you as im certainly in no position to pass judgement on someone whos having trouble letting a sin go. Just always try to do what God will have you do and you can’t go wrong. Everything else around you might go wrong, but you won’t. Hang in there. Don’t quit and God won’t quit on you.

Answer #2

I’m guessing your sin is either drugs or sex. Don’t get mad at me if I’m wrong, I’m just making an observation.

Ask God to forgive you and make a conscious effort not to do it again. I you slip up and do it, pray for forgiveness

Answer #3

Dear frutylicious..

Unfortunately it’s not about me.

My sins affect what I do with my life…which in turns affect what I do with others in my life…and yes I know they are not starving but I think God’s made sure I have my fair share of worse ordeals to deal with right here in the sanctuary I call home (:-)

Answer #4

Dear frutylicious..

Unfortunately it’s not about me.

My sins affect what I do with my life…which in turns affect what I do with others in my life…and yes I know they are not starving but I think God’s made sure I have my fair share of worse ordeals to deal with right here in the sanctuary I call home

                        •              * * * * * * * * * * *                         * * * * * * * * *

It’s not about you, is it?… yeah right, I’m the next POPE… The above sentence of yours contains 6 big I… … I this, I that, I…I…I…I .

Six I = Self absorbed. …Sorry to break this to you, but you are aware the world does not spin 365 days around you hun?

Answer #5

We always sin and we always want to do it. Temptation is always gonna be there. Pray that God will give you the strength and wisdom to not continue letting your cousin do that to u. the devil is making you think that you like it so that you can continue sinning, because dats his ultimate goal. About asking for forgiveness, when you ask he will forgive u. whether you killed someone or lied about something little, it duznt mater because in his eyes all sin is the same. the guilt you feel after being forgiven is from the devil, so don’t pay attention to it. just say to yourself “im forgiven” and remember that god always always ALWAYS loves you no matter what. the only sin he will NOT forgive is to deny him. hope I helped.

Answer #6

It’s pretty ironic you had to mention that I’ve never even had sex before marriage…as far as I’m concerned my heart and body only belongs to my husband…and I don’t take drugs either never have never will.

My sin is letting my cousin release her masochism habits on me.

It’s pretty hard to understand…why I let her cut me…but my sin is LETTING her do it.And now I think I’m even enjoying it.

Answer #7

Well, I’m gunna tell you. I think were all in that same boat. I believe it was Apostle peter that said,” why is it that I do the very thing that I hate?” You just don’t quite get it yet thats all. We all sin on a daily basis and there is no sin above the other. Its all sin. But because of Grace the Lord keeps forgiving us. You will be delivered in his time not yours. So just keep trying and “KEEP THE FAITH”. Don’t give up. No matter what. Were all learning here. God bless…

Answer #8

Not to offend you, but I think you get yourself worked up being ‘a goody two shoes’ a tad over-board. :)

Personally, I find we are all sinners whether it’s a big or little sin, so just pray and ask God for forgiveness why make a circus or a big deal out of it.

I don’t understand why people feel the need to bash themselves over the head about it…Life is too short to be worrying about things…There are more pressing issues and people starving in the world to be worried about self indulgent.

Answer #9

Who exactly are you hurting with these “sins”? If no-one, then why do you consider it sin?

Answer #10

dang! fruitylicious doesnt pull any punches..

Answer #11

Find out what demonic spirits are attacking you and ask God to deliver you from them. You can Bind them and Cast them out in Jesus name. Get more information in doing this. We all have evil spirits that torment or attack us. Sometimes we may not have a demonic spirit, but it will aggrivate or try to attach it’s self to us. We just have to tell it to go away in Jesus name. That it has no right in us. Speak the Truth of what the bible says. You are clean, healed, free, etc in Jesus name. Saying theses things will also help you. You can help others too!! Look at this list:
  The Twelve Demonic Spirits “You cannot cast a demon out that is nameless.”  

Theses demons come with other demons 

“Deliverance From Demons”

The Spirit of Jealousy Numbers 5:14 Proverbs 6:34

“If you ever find the spirit of jealousy you’ll will find the spirit of murder, you’ll find the spirit of anger,  you’ll find the spirit of rage.” 

The Spirit of Lying 2 Chronicles 18:22 Jeremiah 23:14

“This spirit is connected to adultery - it’s connected to evil doing… profanity, hypocrisy, vanity.”  

The Spirit of Familiarity  1 Samuel 28:7 Deuteronomy 18:10-12

“This (spirit) is forbidden by the Lord… astrology, horoscope, fortune telling, the occult.” “ You will find ever evil demonic activity connected to it.”  

The Spirit of Perversion Isaiah 19:14 Proverbs 14:2  Proverbs 23:33 Acts 13:10

“This spirit will cause people to live in error… bring about laziness… lust after women… this spirit amazing also hates God.” “This spirit always twists the word of God.” 

The Spirit of Heaviness Isaiah 61:3

“This spirit of heaviness carries with it grief, carries with it despair… hopelessness, rejection, self pity… gluttony.”  “Grief that has no joy… a life of sustained grief… a life of sustained despair.”  

The Spirit of Whoredom Hosea 4:12 Ezekial 16:28-39

“This is the spirit of prostitution… Fornication…idolatry… never satisfied… it will cause a weak heart.”  “The end result of whoredomness… poverty.” 

The Spirit of Infirmity Luke 13:11 

“All sickness if it’s demonic its controlled by the spirit of infirmity.” 

The Spirit of the Deaf and Dumb  Mark 9:17-25

“This spirit is not deaf and dumb… this is a spirit manifesting in insanity, epilepsy, suicide, seizures, lunatics.” 

The Spirit of Fear 2 Timothy 1:7 Job 4:14

“With the spirit of fear there is torment… there is terror, worry.timidity, an inferiority complex, phobias.” “That spirit will make you feel inadequate.” 

The Spirit of Pride Proverbs 16:18 Proverbs 13:10

“This spirit of pride will cause mockery… stubbornness, gossip, causes contentions and wars… causes wrath, fighting, and arguments.”  “Not all pride is wrong - there is that Godly pride where we’re proud of our Heavenly Father.” 

The Spirit of Bondage Romans 8:15 Exodus 6:9

“This spirit is also a spirit that manifests in fear… has anguish… bitterness, you see addictions of any kind, fetishes, OCD, whatever you feel bound to.” “There is spiritual blindness… unless it is broken they’re unable to receive spiritual truth.” 

The Spirit of Antichrist 1 John 4:3 

“The spirit that denies the virgin birth.. denies the deity of Christ… this spirit denies He died on a cross,  this spirit denies the resurrection.”

Answer #12

Yes I am are you darling?

Kinda easy for you sitting in the sidelines passing judgements upon others…but if your not going to give me a straight answer I suggest you don’t answer at all dear.

Incase you haven’t noticed the world doesn’t revolve around you either so deal with it!

Answer #13

Oh my, oh my, the world doesn’t revolve around me? ‘shock’ ‘horror’…..damn it that cannot happen at all !! … Let me get my violin and in the main time you continue bending forward, retrieving your fictitious, imaginative, experiences / encounters from your rear -end hey

Righty oh, someone is interested in posting questions but wants to filter answers to her liking…. well darling deal with it…. the good, the bad and the ugly.

It’s ok doll, feeling oh so charitable at the moment, be my guest and please do have the final say…. Wouldn’t want you to have a personal dilemma on whether ‘to just stay in bed til I figure out nothings worth being god’s enemy blab blab blab…’ :)

Answer #14

The desire to be forgiven can be very selfish. If I hurt someone, I go to that person (not God) and let them know how much I regret it, how sorry I am for it. I do not ask forgiveness because that would make it all about me. My only concern should be doing the right thing. Too many people apologize to God for some wrong they have committed against another human being, as a way to get around actually having to face that person. A cop-out in my opinion. I

Answer #15

Here the concept of sin and forgiveness according to my faith: The Prophet Mohamed said: “All the children of Adam constantly err but the best of those who constantly err are those who constantly repent.” (Al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Hakim) “Say, ‘O My servants, who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of God: for God forgives all sins, for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.’” Quran (39:53) God has created man weak and sinner. So if you turn to God in sincere repentance, God is quick to accept and forgive all sins. Repentance is kind of worshipping God, it conveys a profound meaning; it’s not a matter of mere lip-service and then continue in his sin. Repentance has conditions for the acceptance:

  1. Immediate cessation of the sin.
  2. Regret for what is past.
  3. Determination not to return to the sin.
  4. Restitution of victims’ rights, or seeking their forgiveness. I hope this helps.
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