Who here believes in the soul???

do you believe in a soul? that every human bieng has their own soul that controls the mind?

if you do or if you dont, do you think that its possible that your soul is your conscious???

Answer #1

The human soul is the biggest most obvious misery and evidence of the miracle of life. It cannot be proven or tested by the scientific method and it point to supernatural organs and other supernatural possibilities.

I used to be very skeptical on this subject until one night, my ex girlfriend took me to her church, and a preacher came who was full of the Holy Spirit. At the time, I had no idea what any of that stuff was. He called me up and he looked right into me and started telling me all my sins.. As he told me, at first I thought, he could be guessing this stuff. But more and more he began to go into detail and each thing he said started hitting me hard trying to get in until I finally accepted what he was doing as the work of God and I just let go somehow. Then the Holy Spirit filled my body and it actually was as if Gods spirit was in my body with me. It was the most beautiful thing I ever experienced and I was a grown man in tears. Anyway, that Spirit what was inside of me, I could feel the urge wanted me to go forward to my ex girl friends mother and hug her and tell her I was sorry for all the pain I put her through, then she filled with the same Spirit.

This was about 9 years ago. Since, I have been going to different churches and I’ve experienced many different things and studied on the subject quite a bit. I’ll share what I know. There is a whole spiritual world. I don’t know as much as others about the spiritual world but I do know that it is very real and tangible. It is always going on, it’s not some far away place in some other time. We’re pretty much in the middle of it. Best way to explain, it’s like a different dimension. But again, I don’t know much about this. Also, I’ve met plenty of demon possessed people. For the first 7 years I was a Christian, I never seen one before, but when I started this new college ministry, for the past 2 years, I see demon possessed people almost every week. From what I understand about demon possessed people, they open themselves up in different ways and let them in. Some mess with witchcraft, yoga, drugs. One guy told me that he was into drinking, and he would drink exotic liquors until he got messed up. A bad spirit entered him. I heard a story of a man who lived in a South American village. This village straight out worshiped a demon. There was a man being trained to be a village doctor and priest. So the elders came together and gave him some herbs that made him hallucinate for days and they preformed there religious ceremonies until he was completely open.Then they called on hundreds of spirits to fill him and he became very powerful. Because of these spirits, he was able to do many impossible things, but as he lived with them, bad things happened in the village and he was always in the middle of them. The demons used him as a temple manifest there influence in that region and so the area was involved with many evil things politically and socially. Then some missionaries came from the north to rid the area from evil Spirits. Basically they knew something evil was manifesting itself down there so they went to check it out. Then they arrive in the area, they where completely weak. It was as if they couldn’t pray or talk to God and the area was very creepy and dark. They where constantly being attacked by these enemies that influenced these peoples day to day lives so they were eventually forced to leave. So they went home and prayed and fasted. Then the Holy Spirit told then to go back so they went. When they got there, the bad spirits weren’t so heavy and they went into the village. Turns out that the village doctor got really sick and was close to dieing. Then the missionaries came to him, they spoke to him about Jesus. Then the doctor told them, he saw Jesus in heaven and all the people all over the world worshiping him. But the spirits told him that he was the enemy. So the missionaries where powerful and they help the guy see the truth and as they revealed him to the truth, the demons started leaving him. Then he started to teach the people. It first they hated him because they where heavily influenced by these spirits, But more and more, there eyes opened also. This story amazed me because I saw how people who where possessed in one area influenced all the areas around.

In the book of genesis, it says first God created the body. Then he breathed his spirit into him. I know this about the human soul. It is what controls the body. Science has made attempts to to say that there is not soul, but chemicals. I knew someone who was healed. He had ADD which is a chemical imbalance in the brain. It was true, they did many tests and it was all true. Well he started to have Bible Study and he was being closely taught by a powerful man of God. More and more, it seemed like he was getting better and better until one day, he got really bad. Then his teacher started to really challenge him hard and he was having a real hard time. But finally, one day he was completely healed and from then on, he lived a normal sound life. What is was was that his way of thinking was twisted. His reality was twisted in his head and because of it, his chemicals shot in an imbalanced way. So of course when the doctor did test, they saw chemical imbalance and they gave him drugs. What it was, was that he needed to have his mind straightened out. This could only be done by the work of the Holy Spirit in him through the Word of God. I like to say it like this. Put the Spirit in the temple, and the temple will work.

One more thing about the soul. I’m not sure about this one, but so far through different studies of scripture and stories I’ve heard. I believe the soul resides in the blood. I know this seems strange. First of all. Scriptural it make sense.. When Cain killed Abel, the Bible say’s his blood cried out. Also, so much can be said about the blood of Christ. Another story I heard from a man that got stabbed at a concert. He said that when he got stabbed, he felt his soul leaving through the wound before they saved him. Also, when my spirit changes, I feel happy, it’s always in my heart area. I feel like my person is in my chest face and when I think of my limbs, it’s the blood. When the blood is removed, it become dead. If I tie off a finger, it begins to die. First thing, I can’t feel it, then it gets cold. It turns colors because of lack of oxygen. If I pursue, permanent damage could happen. Cells start to die. Of course all that can be scientifically explained. It is just my own theory..

Final thing.. People have spiritual gifts. In fact the Bible says, everyone has spiritual gifts or talents. Most of them are very common and seem really natural. But they still are Spiritual. Have you ever played a game so much and came neck to neck with someone, that by the 10 game, your not even thinking about what your doing anymore, you don’t even need to look, but it becomes all spirit. Some people naturally have that about all sorts of things. Maybe many people can bake a cake really well. But somebody might have a certain spiritual gift that allows them to supernaturally make it better. Also there are supernatural gifts. Actually, most people have these and don’t realize its a gift, or they know it is but they things it’s normal. Or they just take it for granted. Some people have a gift, but they want to use it for there own gain, so they won’t tell anyone. I’ll tell you some of the ones I’ve seen. Some are hard to explain but I’ll try. Many people can mind read. Many can foretell the future. Many people can do these things, not just a few. But on different levels also. Many people have a supernatural power of discernment. This is actually one of my gifts. I can look at some facts or some evidence, and I can pretty much tell you everything. What happened, and what’s going to happen. I knew a powerful man of God who had a very unique gift. He could leave his body. It’s called astroprojection. He could enter dreams. He could interpret dreams and in his dreams, he could see what was going to happened. I knew a woman who also had a special wisdom that allowed her to look into people. One guy I knew, I can’t explain his gift but to say that his spirit was like the spirit of an archer. He could see things from far way. sometimes months. maybe even years. He could aim very far and accurate. Many time I would joke and say, Christian life is like the X-Men.

Anyways, I know I already said final thing, but there is one last thing. The Bible say’s God is Spirit and his worshipers must worship him in Spirit and in truth. This says a lot about who God is, who we are, and what are we here to do. I could say much much more. I wanted to go into God a little more, but I just wanted you to take a peek into what I’ve experienced.. God Bless you all..

Answer #2

But the context that you use it in is as if you are declaring that the human spirit, cannot be perceived, nor can be known.

Right… you can’t perceive it, nor can you know what it really is… because by definition the human spirit is metaphysical.

How do you know that? Your going against thousands upon thousands who claim otherwise by way of different perceptions.

I know that because their claims are just claims, none of which have been, nor can be proven.

The human spirit can be perceived

No, it can’t.

but is very different than the nature of the physical world.

If it hypothetically exists beyond the boundaries of the physical world, then it hypothetically CANNOT be perceived. Because perception exists in the physical world.

So in many cases, people don’t know what it’s about.

…case in point…

Pretty much, people don’t know who they really are…

Yeah, and people make up answers for unanswerable questions, just so they can have peace of mind.

Proof and Evidence thing really is foul able and doesn’t make sense. Believing is more solid than knowing, Many people know a lot or think they know. But belief is what matters. Belief is more real than knowing. Between knowing and believing, believing carries more weight, you really don’t know anything unless you believe it.

Wow… you can’t seriously be THAT stupid and deluded…

You can know that you have a soul just as you can know if God exist.

No… you can’t…

But if you don’t believe me, then how will you know… Sometimes you people use philosophical word games, but you bend and stretch reality with these word game.

Work on your English… your rambling is only making you out to be a hypocrite… and an idiot…

But there comes a point where I gotta just tell you guys, your calculations are wrong.

…prove it… awww, that’s right… YOU CAN’T.

They are flawed because I have experience many supernatural experiences and I know many who have. I have a roommate who can tell you stories if you wanted to call me. If it helps you believe.

Your ‘personal’ emotional and/or psychological instability doesn’t provide evidence that god exists… it only provides evidence that you’re emotionally and/or psychologically unstable.

What happened to my car could have blown my engine. Very expensive.

Yeah… defective parts can do that.

But that is nothing compared to if you are wrong…

I’m not wrong. There are plenty of other deities and versions of the afterlife, that are JUST as likely to exist/occur as yours. And they don’t ALL involve sending non-believers to hell.

Answer #3

I agree that science to limited to only the physical aspect of life. So if science can’t prove it doesn’t exist, nor unicorns and others, than why is toadaly claiming that “WE” know these things.. He’s speaking of science and if he’s referring to the scientific method, than what I was saying was that he’s not going to know anything about the human soul even as much as we will know anything about unicorns through the scientific method. Although unicorns would seem to be easier to prove.

But we’re not talking about unicorns, are we… We are talking about a human soul..

The human soul? Do you have one? lol.. The human soul cannot be explained by any scientific method. Science deals with the physical reality. But it cannot touch the spiritual reality. Science is limited. In fact it is this very mystery that keeps the scientific community from completely denouncing the possibility for God or the supernatural. So going around saying that science proves that God does not exist is not completely accurate. But I would argue that the miracle of life itself proves that science doesn’t really even have a scratch on what’s really going on. We know we have these physical bodies in this physical environment. But what’s more to us individually is our own very consciousness. My favorite color is blue and I like chocolate cake. I liked my old apartment but I don’t like this one so much so I might just move even though I like my neighbors. We see that it is the human soul that dictates the physical world. Meaning, the spirit is more important, and more real than even our physical nature. And if you disagree with me, go talk to a dead body. So when we talk about life, something that’s alive, we are talking about something that has a physical body, and yet has a spiritual entity as well. Science is great at figuring the physical elements. But can you use science to figure out the spiritual. And also, can you say that, if it cannot be known by science, than it cannot be known. No, you can’t say nether. The physical world is much simpler than the spiritual world. This has been the case throughout history. In the Bible, the woman with the issue of blood went to all the doctors of her time and none could do anything for her. Then Jesus came and he healed her temple. Why? Spirit rules over the physical. Those who have good healthy spirits live longer than those who don’t. What do you think is happening to America? I’ll tell you, bad spirits. You cannot use the physical to figure out the spiritual. And now if there is even a slight possibility of God, then that right there can change anything and everything, can’t it? I’m not trying to force my beliefs on you. You can be a fool if you want to be… But I wouldn’t want to be a fool…

Answer #4


I do agree that if it can’t be perceived, it can’t be known. But the context that you use it in is as if you are declaring that the human spirit, cannot be perceived, nor can be known. How do you know that? Your going against thousands upon thousands who claim otherwise by way of different perceptions. I’m sure you could perceive your own if you tried. The human spirit can be perceived, but is very different than the nature of the physical world. So in many cases, people don’t know what it’s about. Pretty much, people don’t know who they really are.. I think this is Gods sense of humor coming through. Second thing. Proof and Evidence thing really is foul able and doesn’t make sense. Believing is more solid than knowing, Many people know a lot or think they know. But belief is what matters. Belief is more real than knowing. Between knowing and believing, believing carries more weight, you really don’t know anything unless you believe it. You can know that you have a soul just as you can know if God exist. But if you don’t believe me, then how will you know… Sometimes you people use philosophical word games, but you bend and stretch reality with these word game.

One time there was something wrong with my air intake in my car. My friend bough some manifold and he said it was the right one and he had prof and evidence. But while I was on the road, my car kept getting hot. There was no sign, but I knew it was because I saw the engine cooking. So I told my friend, and he started wasting so much money because he thought it could have been this or that. We had no idea that it was the manifold until we took that thing out and he noticed something that he didn’t see before. So he took the part back, but they told him it was the right one and it looked like the right one. But he worked on my car and he knew there was something wrong. So he exchanged it for a better manifold might I add and it stopped over heating. Did we ever understand what it was fully. No we didn’t, but we knew it was the wrong one. It was like a screw hold that was out of place that tipped us off. Look, I’m telling you, I have experienced the Holy Spirit. It’s really fun to argue with you guys because you guys are funny about it. But there comes a point where I gotta just tell you guys, your calculations are wrong. They are flawed because I have experience many supernatural experiences and I know many who have. I have a roommate who can tell you stories if you wanted to call me. If it helps you believe. What happened to my car could have blown my engine. Very expensive. But that is nothing compared to if you are wrong..

Answer #5

Actually scientist admit that there’s a lot more going on that they could understand. In fact, their understanding on the human mind is actually little to nothing.

If only we can get religious fanatics to admit the same.

Look, if you people don’t want to believe in the human soul, fine.. ROFLMAO

Then why are you making a big issue out of it?

But don’t you guys think your taking your whole proving God wrong a little too far?

You can’t prove something wrong that doesn’t exist. But we are proving you wrong. You’re just like all the other religious fanatics…quote from the bible to prove…showing how little you understand…

I mean common. You have a soul. Admit it.

It’s come on, not common. and what is a soul? Secondly prove it to us it exists. (and quoting from the bible isn’t prove by the way…want to know why? Because you can’t prove that those stories and verses are true)

But if you want to say you don’t, I just gotta say, man… WOW. what a good answer to the argument you have there.

The enemy has really fooled you guys, hasn’t he. lol. and the enemy being who? The devil…ooohhh…now I’m scared…ps. you’re the only one here who’s fooled…

Even when I was a non-believer, I knew I had a soul. Even when you were a non-believer you still believed all the nonsense that religion tried to feed you…

lol.. you people are silly.. You just made yourself look like a real idiot.

Answer #6

Manofheart - But the context that you use it in is as if you are declaring that the human spirit, cannot be perceived, nor can be known. How do you know that? Your going against thousands upon thousands who claim otherwise by way of different perceptions.

And how do YOU know THAT manofheart???

And yeah your absolutely right they’ve got DIFFERENT PERCEPTIONS, which is not our perception! Do you REALLY think we go against 2.1 billion christians, 1.5 bil Islam 900 mil Hindu’s, 394 mil Chinese traditional religions etc, in total 5.5 billion religious people on this earth, because we just get a thrill out of it??? BTW why dont you pray for the Hindu god???

What happened to my car could have blown my engine. Very expensive. But that is nothing compared to if you are wrong…

You perhaps threatening us with hell again??? Seems like your problem is, you’ve got Hell on your mind!

Many politicians claim they are religious. That’s what the people want to hear. But he was a Darwinist.

Ok so that is your opinion??? Proof it??? Which reliable source do you gather the information at??? What is written in the bible might then also be: What people want to hear and what you preach might also then be: what people want to hear!!!

Yes please do tell us who is this enemy your referring to??? Unless your referring to the brain cells in our heads?

Answer #7

Incase you didn’t know:

Hitler was a Roman Catholic, baptized into that religio-political institution as an infant in Austria. He became a communicant and an altar boy in his youth, and was confirmed as a “soldier of Christ” in that church. The worst doctrines of that church never left him. He was steeped in its liturgy, which contained the words, “perfidious Jew.” This hateful statement was not removed until 1961. Perfidy means treachery.

He was not excommunicated or even condemned by his church. Popes, in fact, contracted with Hitler and his fascist friends Franco and Mussolini, giving them veto power over whom the pope could appoint as a bishop in Germany, Spain and Italy. The three thugs agreed to surtax the Catholics of their countries and send the money to Rome in exchange for making sure the state could control the church.

Those who would make Hitler an atheist should turn their eyes to history books before they address their pews and microphones. Acclaimed Hitler biographer, John Toland, explains his heartlessness as follows: “Still a member in good standing of the Church of Rome despite detestation of its hierarchy, he carried within him its teaching that the Jew was the killer of god. The extermination, therefore, could be done without a twinge of conscience since he was merely acting as the avenging hand of god…”

Hitler’s Germany amalgamated state with church. Soldiers of the vermacht wore belt buckles inscribed with the following: “Gott mit uns” (God is with us). His troops were often sprinkled with holy water by the priests. It was a real Christian country whose citizens were indoctrinated by both state and church to blindly follow all authority figures, political and ecclesiastical.

So I guess you also already made up your mind???

Answer #8

*But we’re not talking about unicorns, are we… We are talking about a human soul..

You seem to think there’s a difference, but unless you can provide some evidence of the existence of a soul, its existence is just as plausible as unicorns and fairies.

There are a literally infinite number of unprovable things that we could potentially believe in. Why should we pick some, like the soul or god, and ignore others, like fairies and leprechauns? What makes the ones you believe in any more plausible than the ones others believe in? Without evidence, how do you tell them apart?

Meaning, the spirit is more important, and more real than even our physical nature. And if you disagree with me, go talk to a dead body.

You really can’t see the difference between a live and dead body? How about whatever killed them?

It’s already proven.. Your alive.. Can you explain that?

Whether I can explain it doesn’t have any bearing on the existence of a soul. People used to be unable to explain the rising and setting of the sun - that doesn’t mean that the correct answer was an enormous beetle rolling it across the sky.

Answer #9


Many politicians claim they are religious. That’s what the people want to hear. But he was a Darwinist. This is very true. If Hitler really believed in Jesus, how could he kill that little girl, Ann Frank. How could he slaughter helpless women and children, who weren’t even Jew, they just weren’t Arrian? He believed in natural selection. He believed that the weak should be done away with. This was the Germans way of helping nature run it’s course. That’s what he told the people. Of coarse he was Catholic. The power of God was not in the Catholic Church and he could use there political powers. He didn’t get anything terrible from them. He simply didn’t get anything from them but the lie they already carry.. If I was Hitler and needed church support, I would choose the catholic also. Maybe your right, maybe they are the reason he became so bad. But it was Darwinism and natural selection that gave him the minds of the people to do such a thing.. Go America! Right?

Answer #10

no I believe actions and events in life play a role in who we are and what we do. our mind is the only thing that makes us do and say and think and feel what we do

Answer #11

Look, if you people don’t want to believe in the human soul, fine.. ROFLMAO

But don’t you guys think your taking your taking your whole anti God anti Christ thing a little too far?

I mean common. You have a soul. Admit it.

But if you want to say you don’t, I just gotta say, man…

The enemy has really fooled you guys, hasn’t he.

Even when I was a non-believer, I knew I had a soul.

lol.. you people are silly..

Answer #12

I have a bigger question.. Why are they trying to teach us that humans are no different than cattle.. Did you know, Hitler and Stalin indoctrinated their people to believe that. Those kind of beliefs lead to slavery and facisim. And I know you’ll just say that Christianity is the same. But if you really roll on that side of the tracks, I don’t know what to say.. You’ve really made up your mind, huh?

Answer #13

toagaly,you just made up what you just said from thin air.. what you have said has never been proven by any scientific method.

Such hypocrisy… why don’t you go ahead and prove that mountain of bullsh*t that YOU just poured out, hmmm?

And also, can you say that, if it cannot be known by science, than it cannot be known. No, you can’t say nether.

Knowledge can only be attained through perception. With or without science, if you cannot perceive something, it cannot be known. Therein lies the difference between:


P.S. – Try to be less of a pompous prick, it’s a disservice to God.

Answer #14

that doesn’t mean that the correct answer was an enormous beetle rolling it across the sky.

LMFAO :-)) thats the best I ever heard :-)) well said Arachnid !!! 10/10

Answer #15

Manofheart - It’s already proven.. Your alive.. Can you explain that? That’s why they call it, the miracle of life.

That’s what you believe, because it was hammered into your scull since birth, you are just not able to think or Reason around it!!!

Answer #16

The very reason that so many people try to use their so called “sole” to think, rather than their brain caused them to invent supernatural powers & beings ;-) Now they think, their brain think, they’ve got a sole

Answer #17

It’s already proven.. Your alive.. Can you explain that? That’s why they call it, the miracle of life. What’s the difference between a live body and a dead one? What can’t you bring a dead body back to life? What more do you need. That right there is way simpler and more obvious than the billions they spend to try to prove God wrong..

Answer #18

what you have said has never been proven by any scientific method.

That’s because you can’t prove a negative. Science has never proven the nonexistence of flying, pink, wish-granting unicorns, but I don’t see you suggesting they’re plausible.

Actually scientist admit that there’s a lot more going on that they could understand.

Yes, but they don’t suggest that we can’t figure it out. Saying “I don’t know” is very different from saying “it must be a soul!”, and the lack of complete knowledge doesn’t imply some sort of untestable supernatural cause.

In fact, their understanding on the human mind is actually little to nothing. They admit that.

Actually, no, we understand quite a lot about the human mind now. Certainly there’s a long way to go, but neuroscience has made huge strides in the last few decades.

Answer #19

toagaly,you just made up what you just said from thin air.. what you have said has never been proven by any scientific method. Actually scientist admit that there’s a lot more going on that they could understand. In fact, their understanding on the human mind is actually little to nothing. They admit that. So what your saying is in your own mind and is a figment for your imagination which say’s a lot about your soul. There’s a lot more going on, and I believe you know that toadaly. I think your running from other things.

Answer #20

The idea of a soul made sense up until the last couple of hundred years. Prior to science, life simply appeared to be magical. One moment something was alive, the next it was dead, with no noticeable difference between the two other than that. The ancients concluded there must be some kind of animating life force, which they called a soul.

But now we understand the difference between life and death in ordinary natural terms. There is no longer any role for a life force, and our understanding of the identity of mind and brain has removed any role at all for at soul.

So no, souls don’t exist.

Answer #21

No. There’s no evidence for it, and it doesn’t make much sense anyway: If your soul is the thing that makes you conscious, why do psychoactive drugs affect it? Why does brain damage to particular parts of the brain impair peoples’ ability to think in certain ways, if it’s your soul, not your brain, doing the thinking?

Answer #22

I do. I cant really imagine how its just my brain that will die and me myself will suddenly disapear, never to remember I once existed.

everyone has free choice, imagination, ambition, emotion, and everone has a conscious mind. who does the thinking for us???

our body? or ourselves? and if you answer ourselves, what is ourselves if not something that has absolutely no physical form?

its complicated so I would like to see what people think on the subject :D


Answer #23

I believe in the soul, I wouldn’t say it controls my mind I would say my mind is my soul’s way of talking, at least in this current human form. I believe the body is a vessel, and we are not our body. We are our soul.

Answer #24

I believe yes it is connected to your conscience because in life you always have an underlying feeling of right and wrong even if sometimes you do something you know is wrong!

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