Is this a sign that he isn't meant for me?

Being a christian, it is said in the bible to trust in Him . I know I shouldn’t rely on signs and trusting in Him is the best for He will give what’s best for me.

After my last relationship, I told myself if the next guy that comes along and just in case he would have problems with his job, I would take it as a sign that he is not meant for me. This is not a matter of being materialistic but something concern to the cause of why we have to end it up.

Then I met this wonderful man. We get along well . We even made plans to meet in the near future. I know this may sound ridiculous. Neither one of us ever thought we would meet someone online whom we could relate so well like we have known each other for a long time. The only thing that hinder is the long distance. Everything is going very well until just a couple of days, sad and quite depress he told me he lost his job. And then I remember about the sign.

These has been preoccupying my mind nowadays. I’m lost. I cant even pray wholeheartedly because questions like why should this happen to him? Should I take this as an answer from God that he isn’t meant for me? I will try to pray tonight and talk to Him and maybe I could come up with an answer …maybe soon.

Thanks everyone for taking time to read this and please do share your thoughts and opinions because it will help me a lot.

Completely lost, Vagaband

Answer #1

Well… technically he’s NOT having ‘’problems with his job’’ …since he doesn’t HAVE a job.

Answer #2


Hehe…I wan’t you to know that I did what you did also in the past …I wanted to figure out what God wanted me to do so I said okay if this happens that means God wants me to do this if th eexact opposite happens that means God want me to do this.

I want to tell you something.

Don’t limit God.

There are reasons why a prayer isn’t answered by God:

1.Our sins 2.It’s not God’s plan

Do you know how you should be praying…

Ask yourself what you want…ask yourself…don’t limit your prayer request… Don’t say if he has a job or not…God is Almighty you think he cant handle finding somebody a job?

What I am trying to say is when you want something don’t ask for signs…JUST ASK IT!…okay if you want the right man just ask for the Mr.Right…dont say IF …Don’t limit God.

Whne Jesus was about to be taken by the guards he prayed …he didn’t say give me a sign of what you want me to do…HE KNEW VERY Well what the father wanted and HE ASKED WHAT HE WANTED…he said…Listen can you help me not to suffer? But ifit’s your will then let me.

Just say what you want in life..if itsn ot given its because its not God’s will.

Ok hope it helps. If the very core of your prayer is to have a bleesed relationship with a man :ASK IT!!

Answer #3

@ Marianna86 and footbllplyr69- Thank you very much for your advice. Both were very helpful. I will always remember not to Limit God and keeping that Faith :-)

Answer #4

if you asked God to make that a sign if you should be with the man or not and He lost his Job then you need to step out in faith that that is what God wants you to do. Then Pray and tell God that you want to be sure that you’re following his will and God will make it known to you what to do. IN HIS OWN TIMING. Be patient and God will reward you for stepping out in faith even if you’re wrong and he has to “Whack you over the head with a 2x4” to show you. Trusting God and Growing in his will is a trial and error proccess that we learn by sensitizing ourselves to the Holy Spirit. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain surely it can direct in a relationship.

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