Is God is real

I believed once but no-longer believe why would I want to believe in a God that allows such horrific acts to take place and allows people suffer so much.

Answer #1

Nothing yet???

Answer #2

Ah, so God’s letting all those people suffer and die because it’ll cause more people to worship him? That seems pretty, well, evil.

Really? Offering people a way out of all this pain and suffering is evil. God is not bound by the constrains of time. His relief may not come in the time some wish for it to come but the end result is Permanent and All Good. If the soul dies when the body does then you’d be correct and it would be evil. But since the Soul lives on past the Body the Permanent relief of God is well within the confines of the definition of good as there must be a problem before there can be a solution. Granted this valid explanation means absolutely nothing to the person who doesn’t Acknowledge the existence of a God or to the person who denys the existence of a soul or the fact that the soul lives on after the body dies.. I live my life by faith. Faith is the action put forth with the assumption that the actions are not being done in vain. All the proof I have for my belief system is Personal Experiential data collected from a relationship with The God of heaven. This proof does you and no one else but myself any Good in proving that God exists and is inherently Good. The Bible tells a story and offers no proof and is not a good way to prove the Existence of God. That is something that can only be proven on a personal level and some people never choose to believe in it. Does this make them inferior or more evil than those who do believe?? Of course not as all men were created equal. Even non believers that signed the Constitution believed that.

Answer #3

God is very real. God created us with the desire to have a relationship with us. Because of his holy nature we are separated from God by sin. This sin also ruined Gods perfect creation and initial plan. The rest of our time on Earth has been spent with God giving us a way that through our free will we can come back to him when we leave this imperfect world. When Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers it was a despicable act. But later Joseph states (as the #2 man in Egypt) That what his brothers meant for evil God had used for good. God doesn’t cause or allow evil. Man caused it to exist in the realm in which we live. But once Evil is there wouldn’t an almighty, perfect, righteous God then be obligated to use the already present evil in the world as a way to shape and grow and prosper those that accept and love him? Of Course he would and he does. Furthermore a wife’s actions are her own and she is capable of causing a husband great harm as my ex wife has caused me. I could have been angry at God and Asked him why but come to find out She has a new man and is Cheating on him as well. God used that pain in order to show me that she was a trifflin ho. And now I am pleasantly engaged to a woman who is the sweetest best woman I have ever met hands down. I had a choice to be mad at God or to Search for his goodness inside of the evil that my ex had thrust upon me. Free will plays a huge part in what happens in our lives. God being outside of the realm of time can see what we will choose and has everything planned out for us. But evil was caused because we chose to reject God in the Beginning and we have been paying the price ever since. Thank God for the hope of a better life in Christ Jesus, during this life and the next.

Answer #4

the asians blacks , indians and all the other races came from adam and eve. they had 56 children. it was believed that eve wasn’t really white but black and adam might have been reddish in the skin.

There was a guy back then named Josephus and he recorded things that weren’t in the bible.

later we have Noahs sons (Shem, Ham, Japeth). They were all the father of something

Shem: Father of the Asians Ham: Father of the Blacks Japeth: Father of the Europeans

then pretty soon people started intermarriage with each other like descendents of Ham would intermarry into Japeths descendents and Shem into Hams and so forth.

this is where the other races came from

and it’s not that God wants people to suffer a little longer it’s just that he’s still waiting to give everybody a chance to accept him because he doesn’t want people to suffer but then again he can’t make people do it because of the free will thing

Answer #5

You arrogant piece of Crap! How can you turn the offer of eternal peace and the end of all suffering into a means of calling God evil??? People have choice whether to accept or reject this means of correcting the problem of being imperfect in this life by simply trusting that God will take care of them in the next life. The prospect of death must seem pretty inviting to some of these people who haven’t been blessed enough to have the things that people take for granted in this country such as health care, food, clothing, shelter and in some cases even being treated as a human being and not property. So why in the world would you try to say that the eternal peace and relief from suffering offered from God in that death of the body that has caused them so much pain would be considered evil? People have a choice to make accept Gods gift of forgiveness, peace, relief and rest or we can take the punishment for which we deserve. If someone makes something that doesn’t function in the way that it was meant to function we scrap it and throw it away because it is useless to us. God creating people had a desired function for us and when we chose not to act according to that function God didn’t need us but had compassion enough to say that since he loved us if we accept him during our time on this earth he will keep us for all eternity after our lifetime. The same is true of those that deny and reject him in the way that God will throw away something that doesn’t desire to function as it was created to. And that to me makes perfect sense.

Answer #6

Thats ignorant to think that People from a certain part of the world are more corrupt and evil than anyone else.

I was being sarcastic to illustrate my point: If you honestly believe that misfortune is due to evil, and some regions suffer from more misfortune than others, then the logical conclusion is that those regions must be more evil than others. This is part of why the “blame the victim” theory is so repugnant.

The diseases and death in other countries is part of the reason why people in those countries are turning to Christ at record pace.

Ah, so God’s letting all those people suffer and die because it’ll cause more people to worship him? That seems pretty, well, evil.

It amazes me that someone who is willing to admit that they are not all-knowing, all-powerful, or all present in the universe would be able to tell God who is all 3 of those attributes, that he is wrong, short sited and inferior as a creator.

Actually, I don’t believe God - any of them - actually exists at all. But if he did, the God described in the Bible isn’t a very nice sort at all - certainly nothing I would want to worship. In my book, being able to prevent suffering without inconvenience to yourself, and failing to do so, is evil - no two ways about it.

Answer #7

to answer that there was a historian named Josephus who lived back then and he recorded things that aren’t in the bible. and adam and eve weren’t neccessarily white. you see adam I guess actually means ‘red’ and it is believed he had reddish skin and eve could have possibly been black. and back then people lived a lot longer than we do now. heck they were known to live up to 950 years., but because of sin throughout the world over generations that number has decreased and is the reason why people of today don’t live that long. Anyway adam and eve had 56 children during their lifetime. Some were black skinned, some had red hair, some were white, some even had slanted eyes and yellowish skin. and this would be how the others races like the asians, indians, blacks, etc came into the picture.

Also later on three men: Shem, Ham, and Japeth (Noahs sons) were each known as the father of something.

Shem: Father of the Asians Ham: Father of the Blacks Japeth: Father of the Europeans

Answer #8

Thats ignorant to think that People from a certain part of the world are more corrupt and evil than anyone else. People are all equally in the same boat. The diseases and death in other countries is part of the reason why people in those countries are turning to Christ at record pace. Because they realize that God is providing them a way out of the mess we put ourselves in even if that way out doesn’t come until after this life. At the same time do you not also realize that the major Problem in this country is arrogant and greed which in turn, blinds people from the truth and causes this to be the only continent in which Christianity is shrinking. Does that mean we are smarter because most of the country is rejecting God??? No it makes us an arrogant for thinking that we know better than the rest of the world who believes in at least some sort of God, gods or higher power. It amazes me that someone who is willing to admit that they are not all-knowing, all-powerful, or all present in the universe would be able to tell God who is all 3 of those attributes, that he is wrong, short sited and inferior as a creator. Being all powerful does not Mean the freedom to do whatever you please. Having a pure Holy nature God, is bound to do what is right and just. He cannot go against his nature or his promises. I believe it is amazingly merciful that God has given us an option to continue living in a type of world that has been totally screwed up by us and then to reap our own consequences. Or the option to live as a “Vacationer” to this Earth with the promise of Getting a new Perfect body, and perfect place to live, a place where we can’t screw it up and can live in this utopia we are all wanting and searching for while we are here on this earth.

Answer #9

god is true believe me :))

Answer #10

wow Dude thats not the Broad History of World religion at all. Get a textbook and read some before you start blabbing about things you don’t know about. think logically. We have many different theories and beliefs in the world today how is it that we automatically know what every single person in the world believed back then??? Blanket statements are ignorant and not scientifically sound. as one of the major points of science being that it cannot prove a universal negative. but I digress. Monotheism was a very prominent belief back in the beginning of Indigenous religion, however it just was not as prevalent in the ancient world as polytheistic beliefs. Not only does your argument of God not existing not make sense it is Scientifically Impossible to prove. While on the other hand proving God’s existence in the Universe or in a different realm can be quantified in at least some sense by Science borrowed from psychology namely through Behavioralistic, Structuralistic and Gestaltic Researching methods. Perhaps before telling someone that if they Believe a God exists they will go to hell you should get some facts straight and have evidence and reasoning to support your claims.

Answer #11

and basically he won’t interfere because God’s not forceful he’s a gentleman.

Really so that is why he sends people to hell and let them burn in eternal flames for not believing in him? Oh and big gentlemen of him to let some suffer and not others.

Answer #12

God’s as real as the wind…can you feel it?

Why is it that theists simply CAN’T come up with a better analogy? They always seems to use the SAME ones that are so easily debunked.

he won’t interfere because God’s not forceful he’s a gentleman.

…except for the ‘sending people to Hell’ part…

Answer #13

its not that he can’t control it because he can its just that he gave us free will and he won’t interfere with our decisions because if he could he would have it so that everybody would be saved but then again its our decision. and basically he won’t interfere because God’s not forceful he’s a gentleman.

Answer #14

well according to the bible it isn’t satans time to be destroyed yet. God can get rid of him yes but he is waiting for more people to accept Jesus as their savior.

So god wants humans to suffer a little longer before he helps them out? Very nice of him. And why doesn’t god overwrite the bible and help us out, I’m sure that will be easy for him.

Answer #15

well according to the bible it isn’t satans time to be destroyed yet. God can get rid of him yes but he is waiting for more people to accept Jesus as their savior.

it also says in the bible that a certain number of people are going to accept Jesus. I believe 144,000 meaning 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of israel.

Answer #16

Really? Offering people a way out of all this pain and suffering is evil.

No, observing harm you can easily stop but don’t is evil. Oh, and you failed to mention that if these people he passively watched die a painful death don’t believe in him, then as a reward, they get tortured in hell for all eternity. Try and spin that as kind and just, why don’t you.

Answer #17

the horrific thing come from evil which is the devil

Then why doesn’t god stop the devil. I’m sure that should be easy because he’s almighty.

Answer #18

What about natural disasters? Disease? Nature? Being omnipotent, why doesn’t he prevent the vast amount of suffering and cruelty that isn’t caused by humans?

natural disasters, diseases, etc… are all because of the sin thats in the world. and maybe he doesn’t do anything about the ‘suffering and cruelty that isn’t caused by humans’ cause maybe it’s supposed top happen

Answer #19

the bible says that he made adam and eve

The bible also says that bats are birds and that the earth was created in six days, along with many other absurdities. That doesn’t make it correct.

Answer #20

God is very real. he made you and me and everybody else!!! the bible says that he made adam and eve. try to read teh bible

Answer #21

Shouldn’t a person be able to choose, if they think God is real or not. Everybody has different answers and thinks different. Like, I don’t believe in god, but I won’t say he isn’t real, because it just can’t be proven.^^

Answer #22

I have to say it is very hard to believe when so much bad stuff happens!…but then again its weird because when times get tough…we turn around and pray!!! But the question if he is real I think can never be answered. :)

Answer #23

I dont know I mean religion is ok I guess but I think religion was just created to help people get through life. I mean seriousely it does help thinking when you die you go to heaven. I hope that there is. but I personally dont believe in god.

Answer #24

Irishtomboy, You said things happen for a reason well I don’t believe that I things happen because they happen. Sense you believe they happen for a reason then tell me this? For what reason would a wife cheat beg for forgiveness then do it again what is the reason for that? Other then to make the husband suffer and deal with the hurt again.

Answer #25

Back to a more practical view; the bible was actually written in the year circa 60AD by a roman catholic, bascially writing what he thought was going to happen in the future.

Close - what you’re referring to is the book of revelations. Other books were written at other times, and the Bible as we know it wasn’t first compiled until the Council of Nicaea in AD 325.

Jesus was in fact a real person, but according to Roman medical records that have been found he had scitzofrenia(bad spelling), which led to the whole son of god thing.

I’d very much like to see that, if it’s true - do you have a reference for it?

Answer #26

but then again he can’t make people do it because of the free will thing

So then in essence he created something he can’t control, which means that he isn’t almighty. After all he can’t control free will. Also why make someone knowing that he won’t choose you? I mean god is supposed to be all-knowing, so why make someone knowing you’re going to have to send him to hell…?

Answer #27

t was believed that eve wasn’t really white but black and adam might have been reddish in the skin.

‘it was believed’ by who? What evidence do you have for this? Does genetics show this to be possible? (Tip: The answer is ‘no’).

Of course, sane people realise that if Genesis is true at all, it has to be allegory, and don’t try to claim that it all literally happened as described.

Answer #28

adam and eve were probably white, where did the asians, blacks, indians, and all the other people come from?

Why white? Are whites really that superior to other races?

In any case, that only makes the story less plausible. Why would god choose a certain skin color (he had to when creating the first people, you can’t make someone all colors in one) above all others if everyone is supposedly created equal.

Answer #29

God is real! I’ve believed in Him for most of my life (I say most because when I was a baby I really didn’t know much). If God didn’t exist then where did Earth come from where did the sun come from where did WE come from? things that are so detailed like that can’t just appear. plus how did we end up on the ONE planet that suits our needs if God didn’t exist? luck? I dont think so. maybe im saying this because I grew up learning that God is real and that I will go to heaven when I die. but I really do believe that God created everything. if you don’t believe that fine I don’t care.

Answer #30

Really? Offering people a way out of all this pain and suffering is evil. God is not bound by the constrains of time. His relief may not come in the time some wish for it to come but the end result is Permanent and All Good

Footbllplyr – so what your telling us is ….. god first allow thousands (maybe millions) of people (according to the bible they are already his children) to die of hunger and illnesses. Then only, (if they decide to believe in god) HE would decide if he is going to help them, and …….no maybe not straight away ……they might have to wait another 10, 20, 30 or perhaps 200 years hmmm? Most of them wont live to see or even know the outcome???

Answer #31

You arrogant piece of Crap!

Excuse me? There’s no need to break into ad-homs here.

How can you turn the offer of eternal peace and the end of all suffering into a means of calling God evil???

Perhaps because if your god existed, he sets the rules, then stands by and watches as the vast majority of people ever born get tortured for all eternity for the sin of not worshipping him? Because he’s capable of doing whatever he wants, but chooses instead to do nothing as humanity suffers, and then to torture the majority of them in the afterlife?

Claiming your god is merciful because he doesn’t torture everyone is like saying a hostage-taker is merciful because he only shot the hostages that refused to lick his boots.

Answer #32

I don’t get why god creates people and gives them free will? I mean the guy’s supposed to be almighty and that should include the power to take away a persons free will if god sees that they are acting in a way that is going to send them to hell.

Your god sounds selfish and like he likes to creates pawns to mess around with.

Oh and why hasn’t god destroyed the devil? I mean it should be very easy to do that. Then he can end all the pain and suffering in the world.

Answer #33

god is real…you should never stop believing in god…god doesnt make horrific things happen…the horrific thing come from evil which is the devil…god is a powerful god and when you have nobody there for you he is the only one who will always be there for you even though you cant see him…and he doesnt let people suffer…but so people wont suffer they need to walk right with god because gods way is the right way…even though sometimes its hard to walk with god…you just need to trust him and try your hardest to do good and not bad

Answer #34

natural disasters, diseases, etc… are all because of the sin thats in the world.

Right, the old blame the victim mentality. Explain, please, why your god couldn’t abate these things without affecting your precious free will?

and maybe he doesn’t do anything about the ‘suffering and cruelty that isn’t caused by humans’ cause maybe it’s supposed top happen

Right. People in third-world countries are supposed to die in appalling numbers of AIDS, collora, and other preventable diseases. Since everything bad is somebody’s fault, I guess people in third world countries are just much more evil than the rest of us, right?

Answer #35

it’s not that God allows ‘horrific acts’ to happen it’s just that when he made us he gave us free will. meaning he can’t infere with certain things in our lives cause if he did that would mean he would be going back on his word.

What about natural disasters? Disease? Nature? Being omnipotent, why doesn’t he prevent the vast amount of suffering and cruelty that isn’t caused by humans?

This sin also ruined Gods perfect creation and initial plan.

Kind of short-sighted of an omnipotent being, eh?

Answer #36

it’s not that God allows ‘horrific acts’ to happen it’s just that when he made us he gave us free will. meaning he can’t infere with certain things in our lives cause if he did that would mean he would be going back on his word. however, if we ever need guidance for anything all we need to do is pray and he will tell us what we should do

and things in our lives happen for a reason. every decision we make in our lives affects us different ways. they could affect us positively or negatively

so to answer your question, yes God IS real

Answer #37

god? what god? lol no shemale’s not real. think like this,, when religion was made back then, they believed in anything, before they believed in like 100 gods, now they believe in one god, just take him away. jesus is not gods son. it really doesnt matter who created the first thing in the universe, what matters is that we explore the whole universe to see what the hell we’re doing in this big gigantic universe. and dont let them convince you that god is real..or you will go to hell…lol XD

Answer #38

God’s as real as the wind…can you feel it?His as close as you want him too be…(:-)

Answer #39

not sure about the free will part

Answer #40

adam and eve were probably white, where did the asians, blacks, indians, and all the other people come from?

Answer #41

yes God is real

Answer #42


Answer #43

yes he is if you want me 2 tell you about him just funmail me

Answer #44

Captainassassin The reason I said God is as real as the wind and why many other theists say that is because in the bible when you talk about God’s Spirit…like in Genesis for example…they potray him as a wind like figure or associated with wind…he moved like the wind when the earth was still created a strong wind blew on top of the water or a breeze that blew through the Garden of Eden when God was walking…Feel free to check it in the book of Genesis.If you don’t have one I’d be happy to send you one.But you can pay for it.(:-)

Answer #45

If Adam and Eve were the first humans and had 56 children, surely that would then lead to incest to continue the human race? I’m pretty sure the bible is against that.

Back to a more practical view; the bible was actually written in the year circa 60AD by a roman catholic, bascially writing what he thought was going to happen in the future. The devil is actually the Roman emporer Nero(the number of the devil is in fact 616 which translated into N-E-R-O) who prosecuted the catholics for not believing the the Roman gods. Jesus was in fact a real person, but according to Roman medical records that have been found he had scitzofrenia(bad spelling), which led to the whole “son of god” thing. So to sum it up, the only real thing in the bible in Moses, Joseph(one of the most tactically brilliant military leaders of all time) and the Israelites. Ye religious guys want more? If God is everywhere and your there, surely that means he can’t? If God is always right, why did he have to judge us twice? Theres no mention of dinosaurs in the bible or any religious text, where did they come from? And yes, the earth is a fluke, it had to happen eventually, practically unlimited space to expand into had to create life eventually.

Answer #46

No… you made the reference (like many other theists) to God being FELT, but not SEEN, like the wind (even though wind isn’t TRULY invisible, and you use your sense of TOUCH to ‘feel’ the wind) …and you STILL need a better analogy, because the concept of god is NOTHING like the wind or air.

Air can be heard, tasted, smelled, touched, and if you compress it into a liquid, it can be SEEN also.

God CANNOT be heard, tasted, smelled, touched OR seen. And I bet you can’t compress him into a liquid either, no matter HOW delusional you are.

Answer #47


captainassassin you didn’t even give me a chance to apologize…I was about to say I’m sorry when the electricity cut out here.I realized I sent you the message first and it’s really dumb of me to tell you to get off my back and stop patronizing me.

Why I have to painfully write this here…Well it don’t seem like any of my messages got sent to you so I’ll have to suck it up.

Okay so sorry for that…thanks for helping me get right with Jesus.I promise to mention you when I’m giving a testimony at church (:-)

Answer #48

Marianna86 - Okay so sorry for that…thanks for helping me get right with Jesus.I promise to mention you when I’m giving a testimony at church (:-)

While you’re at it, why don’t you ask god to heal all cancer patients in the world at once (in one day)

Then I guess everyone here will have an answer within 24 hours on IF god is real or not !!!

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