God doesn't exist?

Questions for atheists (No offense here) : I believe in a Unique God, All-powerful. He is most High and He is above all His creation. Islam teaches that although a person may deny the existence of God, in the depth of his heart, it’s a fact he cannot deny. Addressing the atheists the Quran says: “Were they created by nothing? Or were they themselves the creators (of themselves)? Or did they create heaven and earth? Nay, but they are not sure.” (Quran 52:35-36) My questions are :

  1. Were you created by nothing?
  2. Were you yourselves the creators (of yourselves)?
  3. Did you create heaven and earth?
  4. Are you sure 100% that God doesn’t exist? In times of trouble, severe stress, during the agonizing days of a lingering illness… Who does a person ask for help in such circumstances other than the Creator? It’s funny how people think they can make God non-existent simply by saying God doesn’t exist (this is just my beliefs).
Answer #1

1) One does not create one’s child, one begets it.

Here’s a lesson in biology for you, and I’ll try to use words you’ll be sure to understand: Two people (a man and a woman) have sexual intercourse. During this act, sperm is released from the man, and one single sperm fertilises an egg in the woman’s uterus. This is known as sexual reproduction- the production of offspring via sexual intercourse. ‘God’ doesn’t go along plonking foetuses into women’s uteruses.

2) You know the child has the same nature as its parents. Creatures equal to the creators! Creatures may become creators as well! Does this seem reasonable?

So, following your theory, who or what created ‘God’? Still waiting on that answer.

Islam teaches that God CREATED the first man Adam

Allow me to go Kanye West on you right now and say I’m so happy for you that you found religion, and I’mma let you finish, but let me tell you that the Crusades were the most effective mass religious-conversion of all time!!!

Honestly though, if you’re wanting to convert us, you’re going to have to do better than a few flimsy Quran/Bible quotes. After all, I find these books to be a key reason for not having a religion. In those books, there are examples of rape victims being punished (and this still happens in places which are theocracies), female oppression, torture, slavery, murder and other barbarism, all given the thumbs up by your ‘God’.

I’m not sure what scares you more- the fear of the wrath of your ‘God’, or the idea that perhaps humanity was a simple serendipitous occurrence.

Answer #2

ignorant people are going to believe that god doesnt excist because they were brought up to believe seeing is believeing

WRONG. There are plenty of people who were raised as theists, but decided as they grew up that it wasn’t believable. So don’t generalize, it makes your wrong by default.

did man make the earth? did MAN make the clouds? did man make stars?

No… and no atheist thinks that man did, either… were you TRYING to sound ignorant, or actually trying to make a point?

every single time man investigates everything and they come to the end what do they say EVERY TIME?

The same goes for thiests… they can’t prove their right either…

they a lot of people try to erase god because living off of something they can see or feel they get very uncomfortable and questions their own excistance.

Think before your speak, your statement makes no sense.

air excists doesnt it? but you can see or touch it.

You can smell it, hear it, taste it. You can also compress air into liquid, THEN you can see it, and touch it… Can you smell, hear, taste or touch God? No. Can you compress GOD into a liquid? No.

There is NO comparison you can make between God, and any aspect of the physical world.

god doesnt need to prove himself to you. if he needs you THAT BAD in the next life he will make his presents known. he doesnt need you then whats the point? the devil can have you. there are both sides of the street.

Wow… you’re certainly making God sound like a callous as*hole… you’ve made it clear you have NO idea what you’re talking about.

Answer #3

you were created by your parents who created your parents, huh??!!!

…my grandparents… duhhh… u___u

who created nature

Who says it was created?

who breathes flesh to bones

What the hell are you talking about?

I dont know how you are living without believing in god?!!!

Because I accept no man-made explanations for the origin of the universe.

if there isnt god, who are jesus mohamed noah abraham jacob mosses joseph? were they all lying were they just frauds (forgive me god) ofcourse not

…prove it… oh that’s right… YOU CAN’T

anyone who doesnt believe in god needs a therapy

You generalize… that makes you WRONG by default.

you dont know how furious I am right now

Yeah, ignorance often leads to fear, and fear often leads to anger. You ARE young and naive after all.

btw, I am a muslim and I am proud

…pride is a sin…

do you think there was aids 100 years back?? ofcourse not because they werent bad as now, now god has created this disease, for premarrige intercouses that people do

You can’t seriously be that stupid…

Are you actually thinking for yourself? Or just repeating what has been hammered into your skull by your religious elders? There has been FAR more devastating diseases than AIDS in documented history. And we’ve managed to survive just fine. You’re only giving evidence that supports the concept of microevolution, not God’s ‘’sexual-immorality-punishment-disease-creation.’’

Answer #4

Well. There’s only one really, who goes by many names, but he’s still only one.

That’s interesting, because many of them are claimed to have different and contradictory attributes.

Although, I can tell you that things only get better when you truly believe in him

People from every faith would say that - it doesn’t have any bearing on whether it’s true or not.

Well, he did create us. What better way to say thanks.

I find it difficult to believe that a being powerful enough to create the entire universe would be vain enough to demand our worship - and petty enough that he’ll torture me if I don’t.

Besides, why is it such a big ask to ask that any such supreme being demonstrate he actually exists? Another attribute I would hope any such supreme being would have is a respect for intelligent, rational inquiry.

Answer #5

Well, I wouldn’t be particularly inclined to try and prove the existence of Jesus, because I think the jury is out on that one. The only vaguely contemporary account of his existence outside the Bible is written by someone who was known to be sympathetic to the cause and amenable to fabrication.

As far as Mohammed goes, I would refer to contemporary accounts written by his peers - and particularly those written by his contemporary opponents, since they are less likely to be fabrications. Wikipedia has a page with information on it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Muhammad

Given the paucity of first-hand, contemporary evidence, though, I would have to revise my statement: Mohammed probably existed. There is evidence for his existence, and I don’t have a compelling reason to think that he didn’t exist at all, but I could be convinced otherwise.

I’m sorry, I’m sure you were looking for some sort of set-in-stone answer that you could then use as a lever to try and make me concede the existence of something else with even thinner evidentiary basis, but that’s not something I’m inclined to concede: Without evidence, there’s no reason to believe in something.

Answer #6
  1. I was created from a one celled organism which dates back to billions of years ago, thats why we live a few hours as one celled organisms

  2. uhm no, the ones who created me were my parents, why is this question even worthy of answering? did god create himself? or was he created by a creator? but who created that thing then? you dont know, I dont know, no one knows

  3. yes, we humans are creators of heaven and hell, ever seen MTV cribz? those guys are in heaven, ever seen people with aids, herpes, elephantiasis, the bubonic plague and other deadly sicknesses? thats called hell.

  4. I am infinitely sure god does not exist, if he did, sick would be cured of everything, and the cribz dudes wouldnt have 10 luxury cars lined up just to show off.

instead of the creator I turn to the destroyer (yeah the DEVIL, this is just my ‘belief’), has pretty much the same outcome but its hilarious to see the peoples faces who heard me XD XD

Answer #7

1) No, I was created by my parents…

  1. One does not create one’s child, one begets it. .
  2. You know the child has the same nature as its parents. Creatures equal to the creators! Creatures may become creators as well! Does this seem reasonable?

Islam teaches that God CREATED the first man Adam, He blew His soul into him, He fashioned him with His own hands and He ordered the Angels to bow down before him. Eve was CREATED by God while Adam was sleeping from his shortest left rib.

“And God said: ‘O Mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam) and from Him (Adam) He created his wife (Eve), and from them both He created many men and women.’” (Quran 4:1)

Answer #8

It applies only to you in this case… so deal with it…

Answer #9

For future reference… be less pompous, when stating your ‘opinions’ as ‘matter of fact’ …it will only draw you further criticism…

Not to mention it illuminates the flaws in your thought processes.

Answer #10

I gave my opinion, you do what you find best. No matter what I say, in the end It’s up to you.

Answer #11

I believe in their existence of course but let’s say someone asked you prove me Jesus and Mohammed Existence then. What’s your answer?

Answer #12

That’s very pointless answer but I still have something to start from.

So all these religions and all these prophets never existed according to your viewpoint? I mean did Jesus, Mohammed , Noah, Abraham, and Moses exist?

Answer #13

Why are you answering my questions with questions? I asked you for your reasons to convince us as well as I need answers from every God disbeliever.

Answer #14

To whoever disbelieving in the existence of God, why you don’t believe in the existence of God? I need specific answers. Specific reasons. Let’s see what how can you convince us.

Answer #15

Some of these ignorant comments in this thread remind me of that saying of that wise man when he said “If I debated the knowledgeable person, I beat him, but if I debated the ignorant person, he beat me.”

Answer #16

Using the logic of nothing can be created out of nothing, who created God?

Answer #17

im pretty sure my mom and dad are my “creators” earth is real and heaven isnt and im 100% sure god isnt real. at the time these religions were made, people believed in anything, apparently its still like that.

Answer #18

ignorant people are going to believe that god doesnt excist because they were brought up to believe “seeing is believeing” not true. did man make the earth? did MAN make the clouds? did man make stars? NO! every single time man investigates everything and they come to the end what do they say EVERY TIME? “ITS A MYSTERY” a lot of people try to erase god because living off of something they can see or feel they get very uncomfortable and questions their own excistance. air excists doesnt it? but you can see or touch it.

god doesnt need to prove himself to you. if he needs you THAT BAD in the next life he will make his presents known.

he doesnt need you then whats the point? the devil can have you. there are both sides of the street. he loves you regaurdless of what you do.

Answer #19

I find this discussion meaningless you have real no proof that god exist that’s why you can’t convince other people I believe in god and am Muslim nobody made me believe in his existence but it makes sense to me let others believe what they want if god exists it’s their lost if he doesn’t it’s ours that’s all there is to it

Answer #20

cribz dudes have a thousand luxury cars because this is what god wants them to have, thats what god have written for them, ever heard of destiny, faith, hope or fate, all these are from god

I had no idea God was so materialistic and shallow…

Answer #21

Back at you mate.

Answer #22

Worshiping him doesn’t make you a loser or anything, you’ve got nothing to lose if you do it to be truthful.

Unless you’re worshiping the WRONG god…

Not worship a God would only mean you’re too proud to do so, no matter what you say.

WRONG. Don’t generalize. Not to mention your statement itself is completely idiotic…

Answer #23

Evidence of God’s existence…humans do demand a lot aye. As if the creator owes you anything.

That presupposes the existence of a creator in the first place. And given that he apparently demands I worship him, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for proof he/she/it exists first.

People should just at least try to get the notion of faith.

Alright, let’s suppose I “have faith”. Now which god should I believe in? I presume you’ll say “the one I believe in” - but why?

Answer #24

Evidence of God’s existence…humans do demand a lot aye. As if the creator owes you anything. People should just at least try to get the notion of faith. You don’t always need to have any of your five senses satisfied just to believe in something.

But what to do, I guess most of us just feels safer when we decided to believe that we have control of everything surrounding us…


Answer #25

I don’t know. Jesus may have existed, though there’s scant evidence outside the bible. I have no reason to think he didn’t exist. Mohammed certainly existed. There’s no independent evidence that I’m aware of for Noah, Abraham, or Moses.

All of that is fairly irrelevant, however, because their existence, while necessary for the supernatural claims made about them, isn’t sufficient. I can concede that Jesus exists without also concluding that all the claims made about him in the Bible are accurate.

Answer #26

Because your question is pretty meaningless. What are your “specific” reasons for not believing in fairies? Unicorns? Leprechauns, dragons, or pixies? A lack of belief is the default state - belief in something is what requires justification.

I’ve illustrated why I don’t think there’s a compelling case for the existence of a god - that’s my specific reason for not believing: Because there’s no reason to think that I should believe.

Answer #27

To whoever disbelieving in the existence of God, why you don’t believe in the existence of God?

Which one? There are scores of gods that have been believed in by people over the ages, and none of them have any solid evidence for their existence. What makes the particular god you believe in any more likely to exist than any of the others?

Further, do you believe in unicorns? Why not? Specific reasons, please.

Answer #28

Some of these ignorant comments in this thread…

Oh? Which in particular?

If I debated the knowledgeable person, I beat him, but if I debated the ignorant person, he beat me.

The problem with that proverb, is that it exludes the ‘’impressionable person’’ …who is vulnerable to the ignorant person’s… well… ignorance. It is the mission of the knowledgeable person (should he/she choose to accept it), to help prevent the impressionable person, from becoming another ignorant person.

Answer #29
  1. No. I wasn’t created, I developed through the natural process of reproduction.
  2. Obviously not.
  3. The earth formed through well-understood natural processes; there’s no evidence that heaven even existed.
  4. No. But there’s no evidence for the existence of any gods, so I don’t accord them any more credence than any of the infinite number of other unprovable claims.

they created a vaccine for natives in africa and it ended up backfiring horribley :X completely wiped out their immune systems and evolved into a contagious disease.

Not only is that false, but it doesn’t even make any sense.

Answer #30

do you think there was aids 100 years back?? ofcourse not because they werent bad as now, now god has created this disease, for premarrige intercouses that people do

lol no thats not how it happend. apparently the US GOV. did.

they created a vaccine for natives in africa and it ended up backfiring horribley :X completely wiped out their immune systems and evolved into a contagious disease.


how can you cure aids? you cant, cause thats the state of no immunity. can you cure HIV?possibly… so yeah. lol

thats what my brother taught me and well he is college educated and studying to be a doctor, so I trust his sources.


Answer #31

* 1) Were you created by nothing?

No. I was created by my parents.

* 2) Were you yourselves the creators (of yourselves)?

Nothing can create itself, so obviously not.

* 3) Did you create heaven and earth?

No, the big bang did that.

* 4) Are you sure 100% that God doesn’t exist?

No, but I have no reason to think there is any truth to any of the myriad conflicting god claims running around, so if there are any gods, there is no way for me to know it, and so they are irrelevant.

Answer #32

angelicgirl, disease has been around before humans, cribs might not be a good example to you, so let me give you another one, paris hilton.

dont talk to me about fate, because according to your belief fate is made from god, so god wants innocents to die?

why are you furious? im not furious towards you just because you believe in something I dont, so why should you be? you are commiting a sin you know O_o

intercourse has been around since the dawn of man, while marriage has been around since people decided to create it, marriage is NOT something your god created, no we people created it for an unknown reason, and also did you know aids works the same on married people? you must be stupid to think it doesnt.

Answer #33

Islam teaches that although a person may deny the existence of God, in the depth of his heart, it’s a fact he cannot deny.

Uh huh, well ‘believing’ something is a fact, doesn’t make it a fact…

  1. No, I was created by my parents…

  2. [see above answer]

  3. No and no… there’s no proof that heaven even exists, and no proof that the Earth was ‘created’

  4. I’m 100% sure that NOBODY knows if god exists… including YOU. I’m also 100% sure that NOBODY knows if god DOESN’T exist… including ME.

In times of trouble, severe stress, during the agonizing days of a lingering illness… Who does a person ask for help in such circumstances other than the Creator?

Well, some people have the ability to handle their own problems… u___u

Answer #34

ignorant people are going to believe that god doesnt excist because they were brought up to believe seeing is believeing not true

Not true at all- I’ve seen pictures which seem amazing, which have been photoshopped. I don’t believe all I see, if I did, I’d believe in illusionists and stage magicians. This is about logic and reason, something religion seems to try and suppress. Religion seems to have the idea that anything that can’t be explained is all actions of God. What’s wrong with simply saying ‘I don’t know, but I’m working on finding out’?

did man make the earth? did MAN make the clouds? did man make stars? NO!

So, you’re assuming that anything not made by God had to be made by man?

a lot of people try to erase god because living off of something they can see or feel they get very uncomfortable and questions their own excistance.

Thats a very bold, misinformed assumption. The reality is, no-one knows without a doubt that ‘God’ exists, or any other deity for that matter. It’s all about faith. Faith is all about just going on a hunch, without any solid evidence. Something that makes zero sense to me. Furthermore, whether we believe in God or not, we all question existence at one point or another.

air excists doesnt it? but you can see or touch it.

You can’t see it with the naked eye, no. Having said that, I can beathe air in, and blow bubbles in water, bubbles having their structure relying on air. I can also experiment by putting a lit candle in a sealed jar and having it go out once it has burned all the oxygen. Where can you objectively test for the existence of a deity you’ve never seen evidence of?

Answer #35

I do know Quran is the truth.

No… you don’t…

Your juvenile need to LIE to yourself, only shows how weak your faith truly is..

your’re ignorance? LOL dude work on your grammar lol and I was suppose to speak better English as you said earlier. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

If all you want to do now is search for grammatical errors. Go ahead, it only makes you look stupid AND petty. By the way, the ‘’correct’’ version would be YOUR. I said YOU’RE, not YOUR’RE… idiot…

You are the one who changed the topic and started offending

No, actually YOU started offending, and I responded to it, idiot.

not to say I just found out you’re a racist person but that’s not surprising me.

…just another term you don’t understand. But assume away, idiot. Its not like you’ve been right about much so far. That was actually a line from a film (comedy) involving TERRORISTS. But you go ahead and play the race-card, since I know you’re having a hard time finding things to nitpick…

I’m loving how I’m finding out your characteristics without even meeting you in person. So now you’re arrogant, stupid, atheist, Racist, mean, and easily provoked to show your ugly personality.

…such hypocrisy… you’re hilarious. Pathetic, but hilarious.

Answer #36

{You don’t KNOW the Quran is the truth, you only BELIEVE its the truth. Conclusion: YOU… DON’T… KNOW… idiot.}

Who said I don’t know that Quran is the truth? Dude are you a retarded? OMG, No, I do know Quran is the truth. Again not because you’re stupid in the head and don’t know the story of the creation then it gives you the right to sayI don’t know the story.

One last thing that made laugh.

{WRONG. You’re ignorance is showing yet again…}

your’re ignorance? LOL dude work on your grammar lol and I was suppose to speak better English as you said earlier. “People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

You’re not proving anything to me. You seem to be angry at the moment without even proving what you’re saying.

Listen Mr infidel or do you prefer Mr Atheist? You are the one who changed the topic and started offending not to say I just found out you’re a racist person but that’s not surprising me.

Captainatheist, durka durka durka abdul jihad durka durka.

^ Racist!

I’m loving how I’m finding out your characteristics without even meeting you in person. So now you’re arrogant, stupid, atheist, Racist, mean, and easily provoked to show your ugly personality.

Answer #37

You can show me the pain? What kinda meaningless statement is this?

Its not meaningless, its a FACT; one that’s clearly beyond your comprehension. Have you ever taken a course in science?

But I guess your retardation is overcoming realizing that pain is a sensual thing not a physical thing.

Senses ARE based on the physical, idiot. Every sense you use to perceive the world, has a tangible, PHYSICAL, biological process that handles it.

Calling us terrorists? huh? I don’t expect respect from an atheist anyways because if he disrespected his creator and denied all the blessings he blessed him with then for sure he won’t respect human beings like him.

Wow… your ignorance is groundbreaking… But then again, I don’t expect terrorists to be rational or intelligent. I only expect them to be explosive.

I laugh hardly when you guys say you were created by your parents. If you believe in that, then the orphan infants can’t grow up anymore or how about the father dies before the mother gives birth to her child? I guess the baby will be half of a person. You believe in that don’t you? Shut up already

I believe you’re an idiot… and a delusional fanatic, and you’re proving it with all this total bullsh*it you’re posting. Do you seriously have no idea how babies are made? Do you think Allah sends a stork to your parents doorstep? Have you ever had sex? You can’t possibly be THAT clueless as to the biological process of reproduction… you just can’t be…

YES my parents made me. They had sex, genetic information was combined, and I was the result… THAT’S HOW BABIES ARE MADE.

All this universe and the amazing order of it has same credibility as Santa Clause?

No… since you cannot PROVE that YOUR version of god is responsible for the universe, let alone even exists; that means neither you nor your version of god, can take credit for it.

There are/have been countless mythological figures throughout history, NONE OF WHICH can be proven to exist or nonexist. So yes, Allah is in the same ‘credibility-boat’ with Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Zeus, Ra, Shiva, unicorns, electric crocodiles, chupacabras, etc.

Answer #38

So wait a minute! Being called an atheist is offending you? I thought you’re proud of it. But since it’s bothering you, then I will say it again :) You’re just an atheist because everyone who disbelieves in God’s Existence is an atheist.

But you said something very irrational, however it may seem rational to you because you’re an atheist. {I don’t know… and neither do you… THAT is the point.}

No infidel, I do know. I told you before to stop claiming things but you still insist on doing so. Listen dude not because you’re ignorant then everyone is ignorant. I already know the story from the Quran but you disbelieve in the Quran.

{That won’t happen, because I’m smarter than you’ll ever hope to become.}

Well, we may conclude a lot of things from this statement. We may conclude you’re an arrogant person. We may conclude you’re really angry and not thinking of what you’re doing at the moment because if you thought for a little bit you may know when someone is saying he is smarter than another person, it just means he is stupid.

The smart person never calls himself smart so put that in mind and don’t do that mistake again captainatheist :)

Answer #39

You can classify yourself as much as you want. Skeptic, rationalist, idiotic.

Idiotic… says the guy who believes in a deity with no more credibility than Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny. Maybe this childlike fantasy world works for you, that’s your perogative- but it doesn’t for those of us who grew up, cast aside the irrational, and chose to think critcally.

Oh by the way I don’t need to argue with some mindless people but it’s funny you all claiming knowledge and believing in facts and what your eyes can see otherwise you won’t believe in that thing when in reality you are the most ignorant people on the planet.

Right… you ignore the logical for the illogical… and we’re closed minded? You do realise that Science adjusts it views based of evidence as it is discovered, right? As opposed to religion, which seems to be about ignoring the facts to suit their world view.

For these who claim they were created by their parents so you have created your child as well huh? lol Ok why don’t you make me a leg or an arm please? Shut up already!

Why doesn’t ‘God’/Allah/whatever just create an arm or a leg? Why doesn’t he/she/it pop up with a cure for cancer? HIV? Oh that’s right… because SCIENTISTS are looking for that through research, experimentation, and studying evidence. Perhaps you should practice what you preach and ‘shut up already’.

As for your quotes from the Quran- you do know that not everything written should be believed right? Or should I hand you a stack of tabloid magazines, so you can further decrease your IQ? Fairy stories to re-affirm that illogical belief you have in the supernatural?

We know the village idiot here will not be silenced- so, we’re just going to sit back and watch you throw out these pointless stories, tedious bible quotes, half-baked ideas, and angry little insults until you’re blue in the face. It’s actually rather amusing to watch.

Popcorn anyone?

Answer #40

Honnestly I could care less about all these names you’re hiding behind to avoid being called infidels.

I don’t know, I think I prefer “heretic”, since it derives from the term for “one who has choice”.

Oh by the way I don’t need to argue with some mindless people but it’s funny you all claiming knowledge and believing in facts and what your eyes can see otherwise you won’t believe in that thing when in reality you are the most ignorant people on the planet.

It’s also incredibly ironic that someone who ignores scientific evidence in favor of blind faith is accusing others of being closed minded.

I’m a skeptic. If you can provide me with evidence for something, I’ll gladly accept it - but nobody has any evidence for their deity.

For example, look at yourself and you might know that no one can control the Circulatory System as it’s being controlled.

Er, what? Are you seriously suggesting that your god is constantly intervening with my circulatory system to keep me alive? Wouldn’t that be a rather poor design if it required constant maintenance like that?

And do you seriously believe your poor analogies mean anything about the universe at all? “show me the shape of pain” is about as meaningless as “show me the color of infidelity”.

Answer #41

{If all you want to do now is search for grammatical errors. Go ahead, it only makes you look stupid AND petty. By the way, the ‘’correct’’ version would be YOUR. I said YOU’RE, not YOUR’RE… idiot…}

Damn dude didn’t you start correcting grammar errors before me? Why is it hurting when I’m showing you your error. It’s supposed to be YOUR IGNORANCE not you’re ignorance. lol Tough luck captain kangaroo! Better luck next time.

{No… you don’t…Your juvenile need to LIE to yourself, only shows how weak your faith truly is..}

Dude you are so slow. Why re you talking on behalf of me? I still don’t get it. Who told you that I lie to myself? What is your proof? Epic FAILURE!

{No, actually YOU started offending, and I responded to it, idiot.}

You offended me first and I let it go but I didn’t let it go again. Behave when you speak and use your keyboard correctly because I won’t let you use it incorrectly anymore as I already mentioned.

{…just another term you don’t understand. But assume away, idiot. Its not like you’ve been right about much so far. That was actually a line from a film (comedy) involving TERRORISTS. But you go ahead and play the race-card, since I know you’re having a hard time finding things to nitpick…}

I see you’re justifying your racial statement about calling me a terrorist. I may consider it an apology but it’s still unacceptable. Bottom line is you called me a terrorist without any specific evidence so that means you’re racist.

{…such hypocrisy… you’re hilarious. Pathetic, but hilarious.}

Now you’re assuming I’m pathetic and hypocrite. Well, where is your proof? I provided all my evidences for what I have called you such as arrogant by claiming you’re smarter than me not to mention you’re not admitting your common grammar error which is known about arrogant people that they never admit they’re wrong, mean, it’s a fact that you’re incredibly mean and everyone on other topics can assure that, stupid, that’s enough by disbelieving in God, Racist by calling me a terrorist and I may go on.

See you Thursday. Tomorrow I can’t reply. I have to study for my test but make sure you reply so I can embarrass you over and over but maybe I won’t be able to embarrass you anymore because I’m teaching you a good lesson to behave with people.

Answer #42

Explain yourself! How did he throw shot holes in his own theory?

Mouici claims ‘Creatures equal to the creators! Creatures may become creators as well! Does this seem reasonable?’. This is not reasonable in the sense that it compares ‘creatures’ to ‘creators’, yet apparently the creator can simply just be, without being created. This is not a theory, it’s some loose-weave phrase this person conjured up to try and sound intelligent. This is what happens when some people are so desperate to have their illogical beliefs validated by the people who look for evidence, and disregard the flim-flam. However, just further outlines the fact that those who wish to validate those illogical beliefs are clutching at straws.

It seems that atheists say that phrase each time they have nothing to say.

Firstly, let me clarify- I am not an atheist. I am a skeptic and a rationalist. There’s a difference, stop assuming that people who don’t believe what you believe are atheists. I really do have plenty to say, but why waste words when one simple phrase is sufficient to get your point across?

I recommend reading this article. It won’t take 10 minutes of your time.

Read it, none of it can be backed up by solid, undeniable evidence. While this might hold credibility for you, those of us with skeptical minds can see it for what it is- more flim-flam and half baked ideas.

I CARE! Tough luck! Better luck next time.

And good for you for being able to cast your logical, rational mind aside and believe in something. But next time you want to argue science, logic or reason with people who actually know a thing or two about it, perhaps you should try to get that part of your mind back so you can think analytically.

Answer #43

you were created by your parents who created your parents, huh??!!! who created nature, who breathes flesh to bones, ask your self these questions, visit some islamic websites it will teach, I dont know how you are living without believing in god?!!!


this one cell that have created you, who created it???!!! ofcourse you wouldnt know what to say,,, believe me there is god

This one god that created you…who CREATED IT??

if there isnt god, who are jesus mohamed noah abraham jacob mosses joseph? were they all lying were they just frauds (forgive me god) ofcourse not

Maybe they are just men that were made up or seen as important figures in history, you have no proof that they were anything else.

anyone who doesnt believe in god needs a therapy

Why? What does it matter if they don’t believe in god? Just because you can’t deal with your problems without believing in something, doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t.

you dont know how furious I am right now

You don’t know how immature and ignorant you are.

btw, I am a muslim and I am proud Who cares?

*lol no thats not how it happend. apparently the US GOV. did.

they created a vaccine for natives in africa and it ended up backfiring horribley :X completely wiped out their immune systems and evolved into a contagious disease.


WOW, you should tell your brother to go back to school. He really just lost ALL his credibility and you yours.

how can you cure aids? you cant, cause thats the state of no immunity. can you cure HIV?possibly… so yeah. lol

You can’t cure AIDS and you can’t cure HIV. There is no possibly curing HIV. How about going to READ UP on the topic before you make up such nonsense.

thats what my brother taught me and well he is college educated and studying to be a doctor, so I trust his sources.

Well I don’t.

Answer #44

So wait a minute! Being called an atheist is offending you? I thought you’re proud of it.

I’m not atheist, and I never said anything to indicate I was proud of such a thing. You just assumed… typical…

But since it’s bothering you, then I will say it again You’re just an atheist because everyone who disbelieves in God’s Existence is an atheist.

WRONG. You’re ignorance is showing yet again…

But you said something very irrational, however it may seem rational to you because you’re an atheist. {I don’t know… and neither do you… THAT is the point.}

Its not irrational, its CORRECT.

No infidel, I do know.

No idiot, you DON’T.

I already know the story from the Quran but you disbelieve in the Quran.

You don’t KNOW the Quran is the truth, you only BELIEVE its the truth. Conclusion: YOU… DON’T… KNOW… idiot.

Well, we may conclude a lot of things from this statement. We may conclude you’re an arrogant person. We may conclude you’re really angry and not thinking of what you’re doing at the moment because if you thought for a little bit you may know when someone is saying he is smarter than another person, it just means he is stupid.

Awww… the little idiot is trying to appear analytical… how cute…

The smart person never calls himself smart so put that in mind and don’t do that mistake again captainatheist

You generalize again… you’re WRONG again, idiot.

Yeah right I was the one who changed the topic to calling others terrorist without any evidence.

Again, idiot, that was IN RESPONSE to you labeling people who don’t share YOUR beliefs. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK DEMENTED SKULL. I know now how much more crystal clear I can make it.

Captainatheist, durka durka durka abdul jihad durka durka.

I can see you’ve got nothing further to say that actually MATTERS. You aren’t listening, you aren’t responding, you can’t even seem to understand the course this discussion has taken. You truly are pathetic…

Answer #45

How Adam was made then? Oh you don’t believe in Adam? If you don’t then who was the first person created to this earth Mr Assassin LOl

I don’t know… and neither do you… THAT is the point.

So from our names on this site, I’m suppose to be the terrorist one right?

No… its based on your stupidity…

But wait you said you only believe in proofs and facts when in reality you just called me a terrorist without any evidences.

sigh That was a counter to you labeling several different types of people (people who don’t believe what YOU believe) as atheists and infidels… which is stupid and unfair. Just as labeling ALL muslims as terrorists, is stupid and unfair. THAT WAS THE POINT. A point that you CLEARLY missed, idiot… PAY ATTENTION.

Answer #46

Honnestly I could care less about all these names you’re hiding behind to avoid being called infidels.

So… by your logic, they should refer to YOU as ‘’terrorist’’ or ‘’suicide bomber’’ then?

For example, look at yourself and you might know that no one can control the Circulatory System as it’s being controlled.

The nervous system controls that particular involuntary body function. We know how it works, and which section of the brain does it. The nervous system is tangible and biological, and the electrical impulses it produces and transmits to muscle tissue, can be monitored and manipulated. Try again. Actually howabout you come up with your OWN comparison, instead of parroting old ones.

Scholar: Show me the shape of the pain.

Give me an electron microscope, and a living tissue sample, and I’ll SHOW YOU the shape of pain. In the meantime, you should come up with a better analogy. Because ANY comparison you make between God and something from the physical world, is both pointless, and easily debunked.

Answer #47

“Alright, let’s suppose I have faith. Now which god should I believe in? I presume you’ll say the one I believe in - but why?”

Well. There’s only one really, who goes by many names, but he’s still only one. Why you ask, well, it’ll be pointless to answer you in a biblical POV, so I won’t. Although, I can tell you that things only get better when you truly believe in him, I don’t know many who did and resented it in the end, if it helps.

“That presupposes the existence of a creator in the first place. And given that he apparently demands I worship him, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for proof he/she/it exists first.”

Well, he did create us. What better way to say thanks. Worshiping him doesn’t make you a loser or anything, you’ve got nothing to lose if you do it to be truthful. Not worship God would only mean you’re too proud to do so, no matter what you say. After all, the word “worship” sounds so submissive, and believe me, even ‘I’ detested submission, nevertheless, submission to God is definitely not submission to men.

But, just for the record, if you want, keep asking for proof, they do say that God gives.

Answer #48


You atheists are really upset. hmmm I don’t apologize for hitting your nerves thou.

You can show me the pain? What kinda meaningless statement is this?

But I guess your retardation is overcoming realizing that pain is a sensual thing not a physical thing.

{No more credibility than santa Ccause.}

You serious? All this universe and the amazing order of it has same credibility as Santa Clause? Seriously you have proven more ignorance and stupidity that I have never witnessed before.

Calling us terrorists? huh? I don’t expect respect from an atheist anyways because if he disrespected his creator and denied all the blessings he blessed him with then for sure he won’t respect human beings like him.

{For these who claim they were created by their parents so you have created your child as well huh? lol Ok why don’t you make me a leg or an arm please? Shut up already!} Here is the verse that suits that in a way :

The Holy Quran : Chapter 22: Al-Hajj 74

O men, a similitude is set forth, so listen to it. Surely, those on whom you call instead of Allah cannot create even a fly, though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly should snatch away anything from them, they cannot recover it therefrom. Weak indeed are both the seeker and the sought.

We have too much weak people here. Or Can you create it? Enough said!

I laugh hardly when you guys say you were created by your parents. If you believe in that, then the orphan infants can’t grow up anymore or how about the father dies before the mother gives birth to her child? I guess the baby will be half of a person. You believe in that don’t you? Shut up already ;)

Answer #49

Anyone disbelieves in the Existence of God, he is just an atheist to me. You can classify yourself as much as you want. Skeptic, rationalist, idiotic. Honnestly I could care less about all these names you’re hiding behind to avoid being called infidels.

Oh by the way I don’t need to argue with some mindless people but it’s funny you all claiming knowledge and believing in facts and what your eyes can see otherwise you won’t believe in that thing when in reality you are the most ignorant people on the planet.

Well I think that was offensive but oh well because it’s a fact you’re ignoring what’s going on in your own body. For example, look at yourself and you might know that no one can control the Circulatory System as it’s being controlled.

[51:22] And also in your own selves. Will you not then see? Chapter 51: Al-Dhariyat

Let me tell you a story, One young man who went overseas to study for a quite a long time, when he returned he asked his parents to find him a religious scholar or any expert who can answer his 3 questions. Finally his parents found him a Muslim Scholar.

Anyway he met that scholar and asked him his 3 questions, I’ll just mention the first question and its answer because other 2 aren’t our topic.

Question#1: Does God exists? If so, show me his shape.

Suddenly the scholar slapped the young man’s face very hard.

Young man felt pain then he said why do you get angry at me?

Scholar: I’m not angry this is my answer to the question.

Young man: I really don’t understand.

Scholar: How do you feel after I slapped you?

Young man: Pain

Scholar: So do you believe that pain exists?

Young man: Of course, I felt pain.

Scholar: Show me the shape of the pain.

Young man: I cannot.

Scholar: This is my first answer to the first question. All of us feel God’s Existence without being able to show his shape.

For these who claim they were created by their parents so you have created your child as well huh? lol Ok why don’t you make me a leg or an arm please? Shut up already!

Read these verses from The Holy Quran : Chapter 23: Al-Mu’minun

[23:13] Verily, We created man from an extract of clay; [23:14] Then We placed him as a drop of sperm in a safe depository; [23:15] Then We fashioned the sperm into a clot; then We fashioned the clot into a shapeless lump; then We fashioned bones out of this shapeless lump; then We clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed it into another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators.

Answer #50

{You REALLY should at least TRY to start thinking harder… I understand you’ve become desperate; so you’re now flailing away, hoping to find more things to argue about, or one tiny detail you can misunderstand, and split hairs over. But this is really getting pathetic.}

Yeah right I was the one who changed the topic to calling others terrorist without any evidence.

Captainatheist, make more sense when you type and make sure you revise other posts to see who changed the topic to something else. But sadly you’re still insisting on belonging your mistakes to others and that’s another thing I told you before to avoid. But when I noticed you were still doing it, I thought I’d stop arguing with you but nah, I will always be here to stop you from using your keyboard incorrectly.

Answer #51

That’s all you have to say?

Yeah, you’re being vague, and rambling… its pointless unless you clarify.

According to my knowledge about grammar

…that’s your problem, you’re using YOURSELF as a resource. Big mistake..

Maybe after you realize your incredible stupidity?

That won’t happen, because I’m smarter than you’ll ever hope to become.

Or maybe when you start contradicting yourself?

That doesn’t happen either.

Or wait I don’t need to bother with a retarded person like you who is offending people online calling them terrorists without even associating with them.

Which was a response to YOU calling people infidels and atheists without associating with them… hypocrite…

Answer #52

{Speak better English, when you’re trying to make a point, idiot…}

That’s all you have to say? According to my knowledge about grammar, you’re not doing the best at it either so let’s just leave that alone. Why do you have a comma before the Word when? Shut Up Already!

{“When are you going to realize that quoting your favorite book, is worthless and validates nothing you’ve said?”}

Maybe after you realize your incredible stupidity? Or maybe when you stop contradicting yourself? Or wait I don’t need to bother with a retarded person like you who is offending people online calling them terrorists without even associating with them. Yeah yeah exactly you only believe in evidences and facts. I see I see!!

Answer #53

You’re calling me an idiot. Damn my feelings are hurt. An Atheist, an infidel, a disbeliever, a faithless, a godless, a non-religious person is offending me. One of the most retarded people on earth is cursing me. I should stay in the corner now and start crying right? LoL

When are you going to create the fly thou :( Or create that arm for your child? Or wait why don’t you start creating vision for blind people. Man they truly need it. Be nice to them.

The Holy Quran : Chapter 2: Al-Baqarah:

[2:8] Allah has set a seal on their hearts and their ears, and over their eyes is a covering; and for them is a great punishment.

Answer #54

When are you going to create the fly thou Or create that arm for your child? Or wait why don’t you start creating vision for blind people.

Speak better English, when you’re trying to make a point, idiot…

The Holy Quran : Chapter 2: Al-Baqarah:

When are you going to realize that quoting your favorite book, is worthless and validates nothing you’ve said?

Answer #55

{YES my parents made me. They had sex, genetic information was combined, and I was the result… THAT’S HOW BABIES ARE MADE.}

How Adam was made then? Oh you don’t believe in Adam? If you don’t then who was the first person created to this earth Mr Assassin LOl

So from our names on this site, I’m suppose to be the terrorist one right? When my name is Fantastic and your name is Captain assassin. Hmmm I think Fantastic is more peaceful. Don’t you think? Grab a dictionary then.

But wait you said you only believe in proofs and facts when in reality you just called me a terrorist without any evidences. Stop contradicting yourself man. You’re looking more like 2 ways street at the moment :(

Answer #56

So stupidity is an enough reason to make people terrorists.

You REALLY should at least TRY to start thinking harder… I understand you’ve become desperate; so you’re now flailing away, hoping to find more things to argue about, or one tiny detail you can misunderstand, and split hairs over. But this is really getting pathetic.

Answer #57

{No… its based on your stupidity…}

So stupidity is an enough reason to make people terrorists. Good point Assassin -__-

Dude you can judge people perfectly. So according to Mr captainassassin bang bang theory, every stupid person is considered a terrorist . But let’s say you seem stupid to me, do I have the right to call you a terrorist as well? Just wondering!

Answer #58

^ Explain yourself! How did he throw shot holes in his own theory? It seems that atheists say that phrase each time they have nothing to say.

I recommend reading this article. It won’t take 10 minutes of your time.


ifeelcrazy123 on Sep 26, 2009, 04:28AM wrote:

btw, I am a muslim and I am proud Who cares?

I CARE! Tough luck! Better luck next time.

Answer #59

* So, following your theory, who or what created ‘God’? Still waiting on that answer.

The Prophet Mohamed said : “”A day will certainly come when some people will sit with their legs crossed and ask: ‘If God created everything, who created God?’” (Al-Bukhari)

This question is based on perceived “cause and effect” relationships on CREATION (God, the Creator, the Sustainer, Self-Existent and Self-Subsistent is different than His creation). Only the Creator truly creates and determines possible causes and effects for His creation.

God the Creator of all things is eternal and everlasting, He is the First and the Last. “” God is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward; God is the Knower of everything” Quran (57, 3) “”Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him”” Quran (112, 1-4)

Answer #60

Sorry Mouici, but you just shot holes in your own theory. That is, if you can say it has enough substance to even be classified as a theory.

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