Astral projection

Have you ever heard of astral projection? And if you have, do you believe in it/or ever tried it? Just curious :]

Answer #1

Yes…when I almost died…I could see myself…just watching my body lie lifeless…I felt like I didn’t wanna return to it…but then I saw an angel of death…and kinda understood if I didn’t go back in he’s gonna get me… umm ever since then no…just sometimes I dream about how I’m going to die…and I’m standing there…watching my own lifeless body just like before…but it’s just a dream the only real out of body experience ihad when I was caught between life and death.

Answer #2

Yes,I do it sometimes.I cross to the other side and have many experience in it.I do not ask for this,it comes naturally.

Answer #3

yes I have heard of it, and I do believe it is definitly possible, but no I have yet to try it. I am trying to get really good at my meditations so my subconcious (omg sp?) is more…hm..trained? to handle it and to do it. yep.

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