Leaving the mormon church

I have thought for so long that the LDS church the Mormons were a true church, I believed it with every fiber of my being, The day I figured out it was a fraud my life seemed to end. The church and the truth of it was so driven into me that on this day I said If this church is a lie there is certainly no God and if there is no God then what is the point in living, I went through a really deep depression for several months. I have come to understand what many outside the Mormon faith do not understand. I have been told by some nonmembers to just move on it is ok you have found another way. But I say to them it is not that black ad white. Starting at the beginning you truly believe in everything, God and Jesus Christ visited Joseph Smith and that the faiths on the earth are all wrong that as a Mormon you have all the truth and there is nothing any other religion has to offer you. You are taught in the beginning that you can not trust the bible and that they have a book that is a perfect testament a Christ. They tell you that your family can be together forever and that you will return to be with God if you live the commandments. These young men that bring the Gospel to you are so sure of what they believe that you think it must be true. They tell you to read certain verses in the book of Mormon and they tell you nothing in it contradicts the bible so to prove this you are given certain verses from the bible that when used for their purpose (cherry picking) the verses made since. Holy Cow I thought these young men are so much more mature than I was at their age they must be on to something. Every question I had they had an answer and even if they did not have an answer for the question they would say, well we don’t understand that know but if you put it on an imaginary shelf in your head some day God will reveal it to you. This seemed to be a good answer at the time. So I went on with the lessons. I was baptised and became a member and served faithfully for many years I have never falling away and was always active. When a person discovers for themselves that the church that has such wonderful promises is nothing more than mans desire to rule and control other men. I was devistate I went from thinking I had all the answers and believing I was favored of God to knowing nothing and wishing I was dead. After my eyes were opened I did not even know if there could be a God

Answer #1

o man…

I met a mormon and spoke to him for an hour…went home and literally fell ill…like down with a fever…thats how my body reacts to bad news…nobody ever made me so disturbed than the mormon belief…

Jesus and Satan being brothers…we are going to be like gods and have our own world …women are meant to stay pregannt all their life…

Not even satanists can disturb my beliefs…I am a devout christian …then this mormon guy comes up and down with a fever…doubting the very existence of God…like seriously went a week thinkg God did not exist…

My life just fell apart…

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