Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. Can you believe in ghosts and still be faithful?
  2. How is the ghost look like?
  3. What is the truth? did Moses see God?
  4. Can a Christian date a Catholic person?
  5. What religion belives in evolution?
  6. What is scientology?
  7. How can the mind get power?
  8. Why isn't snake speaking to humans now?
  9. Can anyone tell me about demons???
  10. What type of blood do demons drink???
  11. What do demons eat?
  12. Can anyone explain wtf is going on while I sleep?
  13. What should I do when I'm bored (something Christian)?
  14. How can religons be one religion?
  15. Why is pope gregory vii important?
  16. What do presbyterians believe in?
  17. Where does the bible say it is right to judge others?
  18. Where in the bible is eteuchlese or whatever found?
  19. why don't muslim people eat swine?
  20. What about gospels?
  21. What religion is closest to christianity?
  22. Why do you favoritize "" verse in the bible?
  23. How do we know which religion is the TRUTH?
  24. What is Morman beliefs/religion stuff?
  25. What makes you believe in GOD?
  26. why people think god is real or why they do not?
  27. Who knows samson and dalilah?
  28. What do you think, is humping a sin?
  29. What's your testimony on life?
  30. What is a good book, or site, to get information about Wicca?
  31. What should I do when my boyfriend disrespects my religion?
  32. Why do some believe atheism is also antichrist?
  33. What is the difference between them?
  34. Where is Purgatory or Limbo in the Bible at all?
  35. How come there's so much christianity in USA?
  36. What do I do about piercings and church?
  37. Where are you pursuing happiness?
  38. How do the 10 commandments affect us today?
  39. When will god answer my prayers?
  40. How do you consiter yourself open minded?
  41. What do I do, people are saying2get rid of demons that are keepin me alive?
  42. What are you doing to make a difference?
  43. where (if) are pagans mentioned in the holy bible?
  44. Where can I get a copy of the Book of Shadows?
  45. What? Am I crazy (schitzo) or being haunted?
  46. How do you view yourself spiritually?
  47. What Gives Humans The Thought They Know Divinity?
  48. How would a handfasting ceremony for boyfriend/gfs work?
  49. How is Holy Orders and Eucharist connected?
  50. What begins with m and its darker then night?
  51. God created the earth... whooops!
  52. how to deal with a poltergiest
  53. Why are so many christians so dead set against buddhism?
  54. Do we have free will?
  55. Do you believe in the secret and law of attraction.
  56. I saw a ghost...
  57. Where do people go after they die?
  58. Told you they were a wiccan what would you think of them?
  59. Guardian Angels
  60. Offensive to be a rabbi for halloween, im jewish?
  61. Who is god
  62. Can a Christian wear skull and bones and listen to heavy metal?
  63. Who are the twelve apostles??
  64. God for a day
  65. If someone says to you, "I tried praying and God didn't give me
  66. Does anybody here psychic read?
  67. is religion ruining the world
  68. Goast in new home, Spriut, or we going crazy
  69. information on the angel uriel
  70. Is anyone on funadvice a member of Anton le vay's church of satan?
  71. Are their animals in heaven
  72. Which religion is this?
  73. Why isn't the bible written in its original language?
  74. spiritual atheist?
  75. Why do psychics have to ask for your name?
  76. God, my lord and savior! (kinda long)
  77. Did Jesus Christ Claim Divinity? Accodring to the Bible?
  78. salvation in Jesus
  79. Omfg I died in my dream
  80. The Jehovah Witness Beliefs
  81. Polygamy
  82. On which chapter does the bible says about musturbating
  83. Weak Prayers
  84. Mormon beliefs?
  85. What do this slogan mean god help them that help themselves
  86. Paranormal Activity - have you ever had something following you??
  87. Ghost stories
  88. who here believes horoscopes are true?
  89. Negative words help-christians or not. =]
  90. Do you guys believe in ghosts?
  91. How does buddhism affects a theocratic government's policies?
  92. A question for Atheists here . . .
  93. is dis a gospel song or not
  94. Should religion bring religious people together?
  95. samhain satanic ritual
  96. Is drawing objects on the Computer Haram for a Muslim?
  97. Puberty in the Islamic religion?
  98. spells like for good luck or wishing spells
  99. Does confunusim have any gods
  100. Do they eat it or not??