
Islam allows polygamy (one man having multiple wives).

God said: “… marry women of your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with them, then only one.” Quran (4,3)

Islam permits polygamy but places strict restrictions upon its practice :

  1. Marriage and plygamy in Islam are a matter of mutual consent.
  2. Islam regulates polygamy by limiting the maximum number of wifes to four.
  3. The Quran demands equitable treatment of all wives. So, it is not permitted to differentiate between wives in regard to sustenance and expanditures, time, and other obligations of husbands.
  4. Islam does not allow a man to marry another woman if he will not be fair in his treatment.
  5. No one can force a woman to marry a married man.

Bearing in mind that all types of relationships seem to be valid these days, what is wrong with polygamy?

Answer #1

Dulllikeglitter, very well put!

Answer #2

A normal man cant love more than a woman at the same time so I guess in a poligamic marriage the husband cant be in love with all his wives. Maybe he cares about them but that cant be true love! So having sex with someone you dont love means to fulfil one’s sexual desire, right. A woman needs his husband everyday. Love cant be shown with materialistic things or money as it happens in poligamy. To mantain someone economicly doesnt mean you love him! Im not saying that islamic women are unhappy in a poligamic marriage. Maybe they think they are because poligamy is now part of their mentality. They have accepted this way of living but this doesnt mean they like it. You said God created Adam and then his wife Eve so my question is why God didnt create more women for Adam? why just one? And about your last question I think none of them is better. They are actually 2similar things only that poligamy justifies it.

Answer #3

If it actually happened like the way you said it, then there would be nothing wrong about it. The only reason people don’t like it (if they are religious) is because it is against there own religion which means it must be wrong for everyone.

Some women in polygamy say they like it, but thats only because they have been brainwashed into believing that what they are doing is right.

Same with the mormons: The more children you have, the higher status in heaven you will have.

Answer #4

A normal man cant love more than a woman at the same time so I guess in a poligamic marriage the husband cant be in love with all his wives.

In my opinion, love is a dream but marriage is the reality. Even in love marriages after many years, people get divorced. I think marriage is more about respect, understanding, responsibility, and commitment. The prophet Mohamed stated that marriage is half of the religion of Islam. He said:”When a man marries, he has fulfilled half of his religion, so let him fear God regarding the remaining half” (Al-Baihaqi).

You said God created Adam and then his wife Eve so my question is why God didnt create more women for Adam? why just one?

I really don’t know why? Allah knows best.

Actually, it’s not an obligation for Muslim men to marry more than one wife. It’s just an option (choice) under strict conditions.

In the Muslim societies, polygamy is not frequently practiced (no more than 2% of the married males practice polygamy).

And about your last question I think none of them is better. They are actually 2similar things only that poligamy justifies it. As for those who do it just for sexual desires..I think thats morally wrong and not what Islam has taught us.

Instead of cheating, Islam allows a man to marry more than one wife with full recognition of the rights of both of them.

Answer #5

Islam is strict in polygamy :

  1. The marriages are performed lawfully with a proper marriage contract, witnesses, etc.
  2. The man must bear all financial burdens and responsibilities to his wives and children that arise from his marriages.
  3. All the children are legitimate and must be raised and cared for under the responsibility of both parents.

I believe polygamy is better than prostitution that permits a man to have a mistress to fulfil his sexual desire with no respect to the feelings, emotions, needs and honor of the women :

  1. The man will disown that woman as soon as he gets his satisfaction.
  2. The man has no social commitment or obligation towards the mistress.

Honestly, what‘s better polygamy as described above or having other relationships outside marriage?

Answer #6

Most men in Islam only practice polygamy to take care of other women who need a manly figure in their lives.

As for those who do it just for sexual desires..I think thats morally wrong and not what Islam has taught us.

Answer #7

woman are looked down on in Islamic cultures islamic women’s rights are violented in many aspects

Before Islam, women were treated worse than animals! Pagan Arabs used to bury their female children alive. Islam, fourteen centuries ago, established equality between men and women in terms of their humanity. God said: ‘’ O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife [HAWA(Eve)], and from them both He created many men and women; and fear Allah through Whom you demand (your mutual rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, Allah is Ever an All-Watcher over you“ Quran(4,1)

Answer #8

well polygamy is very sexist. Extremely. Women are being put down by being viewed as items to be collected and owned rather than treated like an individual. Also women aren’t allowed to share in this polygamy, a woman can’t have multiple husbands. If women had the same equality as men they would be able to do this but because woman are looked down on in Islamic cultures and don’t have all the same rights as men they can just be married off and become second, third or fourth wives.

And even though it claims that he is to be fair in his treatment, the first wife is always the one that is more respected and important. If you are in a relationship with more than one person you are always going to have favorites.

I think it is important that you can be treated respectfully and loved with someones full attention. You can’t get that if you are with more than one person. I expect my partner to give me their all not divvy it up.

Answer #9

Polygamy is just not right for women. you cant share a husband! its like sleeping with your husband every four nights and that really sucks! islamic women’s rights are violented in many aspects. its like they are not free. they dont even have the freedom to dress in the way they want to so I guess its not true that they are not forced to marry a married man. in theory maybe it is. an islamic woman only has to obey firstly to her father and then her husband. this is so unfair!

Answer #10

There is nothing wrong with polygamy per se, as long as all involved are ok with it, regardless of what any holy books say. It’s ok to have multiple wives, multiple husbands, multiple of both…whatever.

Answer #11

I have no actual objection to the idea of polygamy when all parties are in agreement. The problem is that in a lot of cases the women have few choices and are not treated as equals (not as equals to their husbands and not with the other wives, there is always a hierarchy to keep peace and order). This is something I’ve seen. In the several cases I’ve witnessed the wives have stayed because they are financially dependent on their husbands. If two or more women in a completely free society choose to engage in that relationship, well then whatever… as for multiple husbands, whatever… to each his or her own…

Answer #12

polygamy is ok if yur wive’s are ok with it if not dont force them, ih the bible there was polygamy in the old testament but I think that was to boost the world population at bit and make kids for little farmers :)

Answer #13

polygamy is fine as long as everyone involved is okay with it I’m a Muslim and follow the Quran strictly.

The rule was implemented in Islam because sometimes a woman cannot support herself or may become widowed and need a man in her life, thus Islam permitted a man to marry her to help her with her needs, and yes all of his wives MUST be treated equally or else it becomes a major sin.

with that said..most Muslims do not practice polygamy because it has social backlashes.

In my opinion its fine..but I would never do it.

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