What religion belives in evolution?

I whant to know if there is a religion that has to do with evolution…is there a religion that belives in evolution and if so what is it called and give me a basic undersatnding of it maybe a website can help me to thanks

Answer #1

Athiests belive in Evolution… well… Most of them

Yes, but being atheist does not mean you are practicing a religion.

Answer #2

The catholic church officially endorses evolution by natural selection as the means by which god (apparrently) created life on earth. Many moderate christian churches believe the same way. Other religions such as Wicca have no problem with evolution; I’m not sure about Hinduism. Most Islamic sects discount evolution for theological reasons.

Answer #3

No. Almost every religion has a creation account of some sort and therefore disagrees with all or part of the theory of evolution. However, within some religions, there are people who have tried to reconcile their beliefs with evolution. Even the Catholic Church has allowed discussion on it, and some Sikhs, Buddhists, and pagan groups don’t dispute that life has been evolving for over 4 billion years. But I don’t think there is any religion that has accepted evolution in its entirety.

Answer #4

Darwinism! Darwin created to theory of evolution. Survival of the fittest. Have you heard of “The Darwin Awards”? Its basically when someone does something stupid and either kills themselves or makes themselves infertile on accident. Then they are taking themselves and their stupidity out of the genepool so they can’t breed anymore. Thats what evolution is all about. The reason people get wisdom teeth is because wwaaay back when when we were cave people we needed them for whatever reason. Now we don’t. So some people never get them. Its no longer needed. Make sense? lol

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