What is scientology?

What is scinetology I know its a religion but what do they belive in and stuff like that please tell me in the simplest way I could understand thankyou

Answer #1

Also I guess the Hubbard guy said that some o the people who went booms souls were collected and shown a movie, a really long one that lead to all religions on earth besides that one xD I thought what arachnid said was a joke but sadly its all true…

Answer #2

Scientology is a cult started by L Ron Hubbard (a science fiction writer), and based on some rather bizarre beliefs about “thetans” (bad spirits that control humans) and ‘Xenu’ (a galactic emperor who took billions of his subjects, stacked them up like cordwood around volcanoes on earth, then blew them up with nuclear weapons). Yes, really.

helper101 is wrong - scientology has nothing to do with science.

Answer #3

its a religion based on science and proven facts

Answer #4

arachnid isn’t telling the whole truth about Scientology, probably because s/he doesn’t know the whole truth. People not knowing the whole truth is the reason why crazy rumors are spread about Scientology. The best place to find out about it is at the Church of Scientology, where you can decide for yourself whether you agree or disagree with it. That is the best way to do it.

Answer #5

Really? Please enlighten us, then. What exactly have I said that is inaccurate?

Given that scientology is a cult, going to the cult itself for unbiased information is about the worst thing you could do.

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