Told you they were a wiccan what would you think of them?

I am sort of getting into wicca now, I find it highly intriguing and I would love to give it a go. But I am just wondering if someone told you they were a wiccan what would you think of them? And also if anyone has some social network sites where I can chat with other wiccans??? P.s I am a teen but I dont think that really matters

Answer #1

well good news for you I’m not a wiccan Not trying to seem shrude in my answers, I’m just being blunt. If you wish to quiz my knowledge, go right ahead. And please, do point out where I stated you do not know what your worshipping or where I “better” myself in comparison to anyone. PLease feel free to point that out.

Answer #2

thx13thchild I agree with a lot of what you say …sometimes… but other times your “ I know everything, and look at all of these silly wiccans who dont know what theyr talking about” really gets on my nerves. really. in most of the answers to questions that I’ve seen you mention how you know oh so many practices etc etc etc and its getting more and more difficult to like you. love you dearly but really, its insulting to be a a wiccan and hear someone basically saying that I dont know what im worshipping, and that my silly practices are nothing compared to your vast amount of knowledge.

Answer #3

Hey bonne Chance tell your dad and the other people you know, that they is hatred is unfounded and a waste of their time and energy, If they spend as much time getting to know us than being scared of us they will find out were the same as everybody else, just a different religion and some different ways . Its not like were gonna hijack a airplane or anything

Answer #4

geeze clawjaw do some reasearch. I find it really sad that you would make a comment like that without even bothering to skim through a book :/

Answer #5

And yet we are still not a threat, to anybody.

Answer #6

Gardnerian wicca covens live by the idea that the amount of time spend studying makes you a better wytch, this is not true. I know wiccans who ca studied for all their natural born life and have no idea about what their doing, or worse, believe that what they are doing is right because they’ve studied longer. Such nonsence. Honestly, a true wiccan, druid, bhoedist or anything like that will know that studies are part of our lifes goal, to live and gain kowlidge. And that true knowlidge lies in the enlightment we all search to achieve.

Answer #7

Wicca, is a new religion under the guise of an ancient name. Gerald Gardner brought the religion to public attention in the early 1950s. It’s a pantheistic religion rooted in light Celtic practice. Wiccans celebrate Celtic Festivities and some revised Celtic practices…The original Wicca (Huh Wika-spelling it how it’s pronounced) dates back to Celtic time. The ancient Wicca’s DID practice animal sacrifice. An ancient philosopher recorded information about the Wicca’s in his journal(I forgot the name, I know it wasn’t Plato, if I recall I think it stats with an A). There are approximately 4 copies of the book that talks about the ancient wicca’s(I’m sure there’s more than one type, but it will be rare, especially in modern days). When the Roman Empire moved upward, pushing the Celtics further North. The Wicca’s stayed behind and did their magick thing, the romans ruthlessly slaughtered them. Note: Just because they practiced sacrifice doesn’t mean it was to the Christian Devil. It’s kind of hard to make a sacrifice to something they didn’t believe in. Almost every religion that’s over 3 centuries DID practice sacrifice, including biblical religions(such as Christianity, Jewish, ect).

And please don’t preach to me as if I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m your full fledged mystic(which is the proper term, if one were to look back through history). I associate with many scholars and other pagans of many types. Don’t underestimate my knowledge.

Answer #8

well said kuroitama

Answer #9

thex13thxchild, Ok your right it wasn’t called Wicca back when she was born, but that’s what were called now. We don;t turn people into toads or anything and as far as I know there’s never been a human sacrifice to Satan. But the “in crowd” at my school always ask me if I know what “really happened to that girl” then they laugh and go away. Little do they know that yea…I do know what really happened to that girl, her parents moved when her dad got transferred to the west coast

Answer #10

really silver raven wolf is a waste of your time and money you’re better off doing some research online it’s heavily opinionated and offers little facts I fancy it sad a mere 106 paged book had 5x’s the facts of a book she wrote that was at least 3-4x’s as thick. In my(near) decade of being a witch, I found the best books for good hard facts are those that take an “outsiders’ look” in.

Answer #11

Well, make sure that you know what you are doing. Maybe use the term Pagan instead. People (for some reason) seem to associate Wicca with Satanism. Get to know the religion before you tell people. Because most of the time your friends won’t judge, they will just have a BUTT LOAD of questions, and you want to be able to answer them. That way people can stop giving us witches such a bad name ;)

Answer #12

Researching Wicca, for a whole year? I was born Wicca, like my mother and grandmother. I have yet to be possessed by anything.

Answer #13

I doubt your grandmother was born Wiccan the religion is approximately 50 years of age And it’s highly unlikley your mother was born wiccan, but hey, you never know.

Answer #14

im wiccan so if someone told me they were wiccan I definitley wouldnt mind haha some sites that I think will help you meet with other wiccans are also, a site that will help you learn about wicca is also, funmail me anytime

Answer #15

oh, and someone said to stay away from books by silver ravenwolfe, I never saw any problem with her work, so I dont see any harm in reading them, I’ve read many books and I found hers to be usefull

Answer #16

( you havent just started watching Charmed have ya?

if someone told me they were a wicca it wouldnt bother me

it falls into the same category as Jedi to b honest Did you find this answer helpful? Yes, Report abuse)

Charmed LOL thats a good one, almost as good as the Jedi thing, everybody at school asks me if I’m of the “three” when they joke with me about Wicca I’m Wiccan, my mother is Wiccan, my Grandmother is Wiccan, I haven’t heard of anybody in my entire family tree turning another person into a toad or anything like that, but we do have records of helping people. I’m not in the habit of telling peopel my religion just because of comments like the Charmed comment.

Answer #17

okay, I love Wicca stuff and Paganism! But if you tell someone, they would probably look at you like “o.0” and wonder what a ‘Wicca’ is. Most people DO know, but trust me. Some idiots dont :3 I came across a WONDERFUL site about Celtics and Wiccas and the religion! ^^^Its so wonderful. Really! My friend and I completely turned to Paganism/Wicca! there are some candle spells, the holidays, Aromatherapy stuff, Astral Projection stuff, Shamanism, Etc! just scroll past the first box ;) Its a really fun site! Bookmark it and look back at it every once in a while :) Good Luck!

Answer #18

And you information is even less true daughter of evil A witch and wiccan are 2 different things, there is no proof that wicca exiested before Jesus.

Wicca, is a new religion under the guise of an ancient name. Gerald Gardner brought the religion to public attention in the early 1950s. It’s a pantheistic religion rooted in light Celtic practice. Wiccans celebrate Celtic Festivities and some revised Celtic practices. Wicca’s main magick practices consist of candle magick, elemental magick(Aeromancy, Geomancy, Hydromancy, Pyromancy), basic healing, ruin, and herbal magick. Depending on the individual, practitioners may take it further. Many Wiccans practice chi and fung shi as well. Wiccans do not practice “black magick”, nor any magick that seeks to cause harm to others. Many Wiccans follow the Wiccan Rede,a poem written by Doreen Valiente in 1964 (for more information on he rede, just copy and paste the following link => ). Originally wicca was brought to the public as a duotheistic religion, believing both a God and a Goddess(or multiple Gods and Goddesses). The most popular today are Pam (recently known as spirit of the forest, however, originally he’s the roman God of corn), and Diana(roman goddes of the hunt and wild animals, also sister of Apollo-god of the sun). Over the past 50 years people have morphed it and created their own different traditions of Wicca. Gardiner(said to be the first), Georgian, Dianic , Seax, Circle, Celtic, even Electric, and Egyptian(I’ld call this one out on bs), and even fairie(the list goes on). However, remember, no matter how old people claim Wicca to be, it is not the first religion, really, no where near it. Modern wicca is just a new aged religion under the guise of an ancient name, as I recently stated.

The oldest (recognized)religion is Pantheism, root of all existing religions today.

The original Wicca (Huh Wika-spelling it how it’s pronounced) dates back to Celtic time. The ancient Wicca’s DID practice animal sacrifice. An ancient philosopher recorded information about the Wicca’s in his journal(I forgot the name, I know it wasn’t Plato). There are approximately 4 copies of the book that talks about the ancient wicca’s(I’m sure there’s more than one type, but it will be rare, especially in modern days). When the Roman Empire moved upward, pushing the Celtics further North. The Wicca’s stayed behind and did their magick thing, the romans ruthlessly slaughtered them.

Though some will mar the terms Wicca, witch, and Pagan together, they are different things not to be mistakenly intermingled. There are distinct differences.

Here’s some links I came buy a few years back I think may help you. The sites may use pagan, wicca, and witch interchangeably, but other than that, the information is good.

…perhaps I should e-mail myself a copy of this so I can just copy and paste in the for when people ask this question in the future, lol.(and I just did)

I recommend doing research on the web, reading books. Stay away from the books written by Silver Raven Wolf, Star Hawk, and authors such as them. Try to get books that take an outsider’s look in so it’s less opinionated, such as Wicca for dummies and wicca for idiots. Also see if You can’t rent the book Witches from the Mystery Library. Talk to religious scholars when/if provided the opportunity.

Hope this helps

Answer #19

A year, big woop. I’ve been studying it for nearly half my life I’ve been into nearly mystisism(practicing, with the title) for nearly a decade I’m round and know over 30 different practices, INCLUDING wicca

If a person is practicing wicca, there’s really nothing too big to worry about, bust STUDY and attain knowledge before actually practicing it. Something simple as an ouji board can have big consequences if you don’t know what you’re doing. Your talk about Wiccan, they don’t work with demons, that’s “black magick”, wiccans don’t practice black or “dark” magick of any kind. If you want more information, funmail me. I’m a hardcore practioner who doesn’t f_ck around when it comes to stuff like this. You can be sure I know what I’m talking about.

Answer #20

* if someone told you they were a wiccan what would you think of them?

I suppose I’d tell them I’m an atheist, anxiously assuming they wouldn’t judge me for it.

Answer #21

I’m sorry thedude but your information is kinda not true. Wicca was essentially reformed in the 1950’s by a guy called Gerald Gardner and is known as Gardnerian Wicca (This is only one form of wicca). He was one of the first group of people to start PUBLICISING wicca. Wicca/witchcraft was around before Jesus (If he ever existed). Proof is in the bible. Exodus 22:18 - Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

I don’t think much of people telling me they are wiccan or a witch because I am one. Before I became a witch though I was slightly suspicious when someone told me they were wiccan but that was because I didn’t really understand at the time but you do have to be careful who you tell and I would suggest keeping it a secret until you know that someone isn’t going to turn against you and will keep it a secret.

Answer #22

I dont c so many people are negative about it… I mean it is a personal choice and it isnt from movies and whatever beacuse most of them get it so wrong!!!

Answer #23

clawjaw… My sister is Wiccan, and it’s nothing even close to being a Jedi - that’s just the most ridiculous statement I’ve ever heard. Wicca is a real religion, not something that people decide to get into because they watched a movie about witches - please do your research.

For those who actually understand a thing or two about the religion (and I don’t pretend to know it all, but my sister keeps me well informed of many things), they will be able to tell you that it is actually a beautiful, natural religion. It’s not satanic or evil in any way, as many believe.

Answer #24

u havent just started watching Charmed have ya?

if someone told me they were a wicca it wouldnt bother me

it falls into the same category as Jedi to b honest

Answer #25

8 people that list it as one of their interests here, if you want to meet them…you can also use the site search, as we’ve had dozens of questions on wiccan stuff, and perhaps 50% are “pro” or practicing, the other % are like me…confused, wondering why anybody would follow a religious practice that started less than a century ago.

Answer #26

I wasnt saying you are a wiccan, I meant its insulting to me to be a wiccan and have someone say that my practices dont seem to measure up to your knowledge. I know your not wiccan. you say that in most of the answers you give. And I dont doubt that you know a lot on the subject, because you write huge answers long enough to be a book half the time. I am merely saying, that when you elaborate on how much more you know than most wiccans, it is slightly insulting. Thats all. And if you remember I also pointed out that you do say things that I agree with. Its that particular comment that insulted me the most, and I was pointing out that you say things similar to that often. And if im not allowed to point certain things out from what you have posted what is it there for? also, wicca is much older than 50 years thats just when Gerald Gardner POPULARIZED the religion by publishing books because he finally decided he would risk it. Before then there were laws preventing him from doing so.

Answer #27

You have your bible thumpers who think it’s satanic. Or what the_dude said. PERSONALLY the first thing that comes into my mind when someone says that (with the exceptions of older people) is “look, another dabbler”. It’s not common that modern Wiccans actually know the roots of it, where the practices derive from, what type of “magick” it practices, how old it is, ect. And not many actually dig deep enough in the occult or the practices it’s rooted in to get a firm enough foundation in it. Also, they seem to mar the original information, information about Gods and certain practices to modern day hippiesh-rubbish(If you look at my above posting you’ll see an example). Modern wicca seems to be nothing more than a new aged religion practicing candy @ss made up magick in comparison to other practices of the occult(with certain practitioners as exceptions) and compared to the original Celtic Wicca. But again, this is MY opinion from what I experienced, so don’t jump me. Again, as I stated, I will make a exception for a few wiccans. I’m sure once you get some round about knowledge about it you may see where I’m coming from(not to sound cocky or on a high horse).

Answer #28

(I doubt your grandmother was born Wiccan the religion is approximately 50 years of age And it’s highly unlikley your mother was born wiccan, but hey, you never know.)

your right back then they were called Pagans I asked her, but my mom is only 30 and yea she was born Wiccan at least my Grandma said she was

Answer #29


Again, I ask where did I say I knew more. Where did I say you’re practice “didn’t measure up” to my knowledge. Please pointed out, word for word. I would appreciate that.

I thought the same until I started looking into it further. It would be about 60 years now(time flies so fast o_O) A lot of their laws were mad within the past few decades, example: The Rede is only 46-35 years of age, made between 1964 and 1975

It’s very plausible and seems highly likely that Garner may of founded the religion, just placed it under an ancient name.

Hmm..I’m going to ask you to humor me(since I don’t have time to type out an elaborate answer). How old do you think Wicca is, what do you think it means/translates into, and what arguments do you have to support it’s over 6 decades of age? Asking you so I can get your views, and it just makes it easier to elaborate, when I get the time later.

Donein, I’m just going to bite my tongue for now, and again just ask a question. What do you think the pagan term mean? And I don’t doubt your mother was, though I can tell you for sure your grandmother wasn’t. Well, less she was born into Kabbalistic practice. I assume that could be considered being part Wiccan from a modern standpoint. After all one is considered part Jew if their mother is. Kabbalah is Jewish. I’ll explain later.

Answer #30

Pagans are the ones that believe everything has a spirit, There are hundreds of different Pagan Religions. Some of the best known Pagan religions are Buddhism, Shintoism, Native American Religions, Hinduism, Taoism, Wicca, Druidism, Asatru, Shamanism, Neo-Paganism and Eclectic Paganism. Is Paganism a Cult? No more than any Christian religion is. Are we devil worshipers, no. Are we witches? some are some aren’t. Not that being a witch is a bad thing, unless you practice black magic.

Answer #31


I see what you mean, but try looking at the situation from the other end of the table. I myself am a seven year practitioner. Witnessing the occult becoming some child’s play thing do to mass media, it’s insulting. It’s being perverted, watered down more and more each year. People walks around with their noses held high claiming to be something on which they know nothing about, to me, it’s insulting! Especially do to the fact that most of them will nailed because they did something they weren’t suppose to, and will later in life be the ones preaching of how it’s evil. Yes, I’ve seen it done before, and it’s offending. To me, wica is nothing more than a silly practice, and no I’m not sorry for saying so. It is my opinion. And I did start off into the occult studying and practicing wica, so don’t fancy I don’t know what I’m talking about. Wica is not “much older than fifty years” to even suggest so is ludicrous. Where’s your proof? Wica is nothing more than a mixing of freemasonic practices, Kabala, and a rip off of Crowley’s work. Don’t believe me, start hitting the books and study. If you take offense to this, you have a right to. But remember, I have my right of freedom of speech!


Pagan is not a religion. Yes, Satanist are pagans, all witches are pagan. Pagan was a term used by Christians to describe people who weren’t of the biblical faith. Now it’s used as an umbrella term to describe those of a polytheistic belief; yes that still includes Satanism. It’s nothing more than an umbrella term. Kind of how like Native American is an umbrella terms to describe the different types of native Americans. Please, please do some kind of research!

Answer #32

Gerald Gardner. He claimed to be a higher ranking free mason- 3rd degree- records show he was only a first level mason(yes, there are records of him being a mason). -He claimed to of received a degree at the University of Singapore in 1934, they weren’t even in existence in 1934 -Gardner’s followers claim he was initiated into wicca in 1939 by Dorothy Clutterbuck. There’s no evidence that Dorothy existed. But even if one to prove those claims, Gardner was resident in a Christian church from 1933-1939

I’ld say his liability is impeccable. T’is also said that Crowley was his greatest inspiration in creating this religion. Nearly the entire Book of Shadows written by Gardner and all the Wiccan ceremonies and rituals are all based on Crowley’s works. “Do what you will, may you harm none.” is said to be “undeniably a Crowley’s. I’ve been comparing Wicca with Kabala to find they’re quite comparable. Two examples are Wiccan’s “tree of life” is quite comparable to the map of the energies of the human psyche and “the Golden Dawn” to Gardner’s “Book of Shadows”. Let’s talk about just the word “Wicca” Gardner introduce us with the term Wica (C pronounced like a k), NOT wicca. It was in later years the second “c” was added, presumably to reflect the Anglo-Saxon word wicca which is the root for the modern word “witch”. Double C’s are pronounced “ch” with means Wicca pronounced “Witcha” for males and “Witche” for females. Eventually over time the e and a were dropped forming” Witch. And Gerald Gardner himself was a Witch, not modern Wiccan. The original wikka’s did practiced sacrifice. It was recorded in an ancient philosopher’s journal(there’s only 4 books tat I know that contain a copy, like $80 each). When the Romans came to push the Celtics north, the Wikka’s stayed, did their things with the sacrificing and rituals. Males and females both were warriors from what I’ve heard. Most, if not all were slaughtered by the Romans(Romans being extreme sadist, I’m sure they would of killed even the last man standing). Claiming that Wica has been in existence do to the fact that it was crafted from other practices is like saying Christianity stole it’s practices from much older beliefs. They practice in ways original beliefs they reaped from did. Yes, what they practice was inspired from older sources, but it’s all around new, new methods, new ways of doing things, new terms, and just all out new things(such as cyber wicca). It’s a new practice. It’s not older because it was inspired by older practices. I thank you for stating that. It’s just in my nature to stand my ground. I’ve a lot of pride. I use to be blinded by it. H*ll, I would even die to protect it one point. Though I wont any longer, it still keeps me from backing down. I never stated I knew more, I never bettered myself. I dislike people putting words in my mouth. I say I what I mean, nothing more. You have to consider, when I say most, I mean most of the ones I have encountered. Consider what you state. You’ve not lived my life and have not experienced what I’ve been through and go through. I have stated that I do make exceptions. I never stated donien’s grandmother is in no way Wica, I stated she was not born Wica. She very well may be Wica, but again, It’s highly implausible she was born wicca. I will give the average wiccan more credit when the majority of average wiccan I run into aren’t so misinformed and dogmatic. Again, I didn’t say all, I in no way mean all, and I do make exceptions. Nothing is wrong making a religion of your own based on others. Though claiming it to be centuries old because what it’s based on is, there’s a problem. As I stated, just because it’s based on old religions does not mean it is older than when it was created.

donein I’ld have to wholly agree with hourglass on the term “pagan”. You severely misconstrue the term. Pagan did not originate from any type of polytheistic faiths. Pagan is NOT a belief system, is NOT a faith of any type, and is NOT a cult(actually, fast fact:Christianity is considered to be the largest cult). It was a term used by Christians to describe a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. It was used along side the term heathen, believe it or not. Heathen IS actually a synonym for pagan. In modern days, people who are involved in occult practices use it as the umbrella term. So yes, using the word in context, Satanist are considered pagan. And yes, ALL witches are pagan, seeing as how witches are no where near being Christians.

Answer #33

I get what you’re saying. Do you comprehend what I am?

I have=>

“PERSONALLY the first thing that comes into my mind when someone says that (with the exceptions of older people) is look, another dabbler… Modern wicca seems to be nothing more than a new aged religion practicing candy @ss made up magick in comparison to other practices of the occult(with certain practitioners as exceptions) and compared to the original Celtic Wicca. But again, this is MY opinion from what I experienced, so don’t jump me. Again, as I stated, I will make a exception for a few wiccans.”

If some said it seems, stated that it was THEIR opinion from their experience, I would not take offence. I think I had made it clear that this is MY OPINION FROM WHAT I EXPERIENCCED. This isn’t the first time I’ve types this on this post either. So you need to stop picking at the old scab, because you’re not going to bleed out any new truths. Right now it’s beginning to seem as though you’re bending over backwards to be offended. I never stated you, in all honesty you’re on of the exceptions, but don’t push it. You’re taking what I say personal. My comment was not aimed at you or anyone else in particular. I stated it is my opinion from my experience. I never said that it was fact. What more do you want? You’re not going to get an apology, and I’m not going to change my opinion until I meet a decent amount of Wiccans that haven’t fit what I put. But again, my opinion from my experience, MY OPINION from MY PERSONAL EXERIENCE? Got it?( Is this any more clearer to you or am I going to have to type it out 10 more times?) So you really need to back off, because I’m no longer in the mood for child’s game or Doctor Phill. Again, as you stated, you’ve not a clue what I’ve been through, so again, I think you need to back up. Again, I was only stating MY OPINION(that’s the 7th time) in which the question ASKED for. Why I keep talking about it? Why do you? I’m responding to what you and donien type. So if you really have to ask that question, review what you typed.

Answer #34

Answered by thex13thxchild on Dec 27, 2009, 05:53PM 1503 answers

I doubt your grandmother was born Wiccan the religion is approximately 50 years of age And it’s highly unlikley your mother was born wiccan, but hey, you never know.

My mother was born as Wiccan, I asked her, my Grandmother was the same way my mother is, but when I asked her she said you are right, she was born into Pagan, she said Wicca as a religion started in the 1950’s as far as she knows. but either way, no one in my recent family history is Judo-Christian or anything like that, were all considered of the Pagan religion, no mater which Pagan religion we are. But my grandmother did worship the same as me and my mom.

Answer #35

gaia3 I understood you’ve had a different experienced and assumed you’ve not had a bad experience with a majority that I had days if not weeks ago. I already get that. It seemed as though you were trying to argue against my opinion from the way you were laying things out (till now), so I took to defense. Apologies

Answer #36

im not bending over backwards to be offended. in fact, I was offenede for the 30 seconds it tool me to type the original response that said I was. I saw your point and accepted it. Im not trying to get an apology because I actually did listen to what you had to say, and you did a good job at explaining yourself further, and what I tried to say from me later comments was that basically I see what you mean. Your original comment on the topic slightly offended me, and I got over it and TRIED to tell you that I get it. I understand where you are coming from and you had a damn good point. Its similar to what I myself said in response to a question in which a christian got offended that the stereotypical christian is now dipicted as a religious nut case. I explained that that is the majority. So what I was trying to tell you was “OK, I see what you mean” so I suppose I apologize for not being more clear. Most of my comments were explaining why IM not like average wiccans, and I suppose your comment (the original one I took offense to) offended because you must remember that I live in an area where I am quite literally the only wiccan here. So yes, I agree, from your experiences, since im quite sure you have met more wiccans than I have, I understand how you would think that way. and as for you apologizing…why would I ask you to apologize for YOUR OPINION? (felt like all caps to keep the pattern). Your opinion was fully backed up, much more than most people on this site. I value your opinion, it was a good one. So. One more time to be clear (your not the only one repeating themselves) I agree with you

I did not at first

Because I could not relate to it at first seeing as how my wiccan experience has been from individuals you would consider exceptions

I had not had the unfortunate experience of meeting a poorly educated one

therefor, I took offense becuase it seemed like a bad generalization

then you explained

and I tried to tell you that I get it

but I was not clear.

Its different for me here, because just like I do not know about what you have been through, you do not know what I have been through

And I too am sick of this, but I cant leave this without you understanding that I agree


Answer #37

alright maybe I should clarify. I KNOW when wicca was “founded”, I know its derived from previous beliefs/practices etc. I KNOW this. I never said that wicca hasnt changed in the time it has been in existance. TO ME, it was crafted from other beliefs and therefore much older than 60 years, simply because it is a derivitive of old beliefs. Thats what it is TO ME. And obviously to doneins grandmother. And I don’t think its right for others to belittle the religion because it is a new mix of the old. Thats all. As for thex13thxchild, honestly, I respect you. You have contributed greatly to stopping the ignorance on this site alone ( I don’t know what you do elsewhere so I can hardly credit you there) but you dont need to spell something out for people to get the message. In other responses that you have posted you do this thing where you say one thing, and then when someone takes offense you say “did I SPECIFICALLY say that?” and what I am saying is, that maybe its not right to assume that MOST wiccans don’t really know anything about the religion or its roots, becuase the information that is out there about wicca is WRITTEN by people who don’t know anything about wicca half the time. That is why I personally am very selective about what I read and learn from. Thats it. I wasn’t saying you are completely wrong, I actually do agree. However, it is not fair to assume that most average wiccans do not know what they are talking about ( I use that term because im tired of retyping the issue. so im paraphrasing) And I do not think it is fair to say that Doneins grandmother was in no way a wiccan really because its only 60 years old etc, because to HER, thats what she was practicing. Just remember that while I admit you know a lot on the subject, and if I ever have a question I would probably ask you, you being the walking encyclopedia that you are, you do NOT know the history in Doneins family. Is that any clearer? :- / Basically, try to give the average wiccan a bit more credit. ok? and hourglass, I have hit the books and studied. Very much. But that doesnt mean I will feel the same way you do. However your opinion is not something id get angry/offended at. Remember you have no idea how I practice personally or what I believe. And honestly, I don’t see whats wrong with sharing beliefs with tons of practices to make your own so to speak. As long as you dont whip around and burn the person who had the original idea ;) get it?

Answer #38

sigh yes dear and I am trying to basically tell you, remember this is over comment, and I cant see your facial expressions, nor hear your tone. All I have is what you write, and I am not the only one who has read things into your comments. All I ever really wanted to say in the beginning is that maybe you should look through your comments again, and think of how they would be read if you were someone else. and every wiccan I have met, has been very informed and has studied the craft profoundly. And (from what you write, since you are not hear to speak it) it apears that once again you are assuming. You don’t know MY life, what I’VE been through, what I’VE studied, or what I think of gerald gardner. This began as a simple statement that your comments offend, and from what you say half the time, you dont mean it to offend, we are all putting words into your mouth. If you really dont mean it, then calm down, and maybe take a look at my advice. I have noticed that you end up apologizing for most of what people think you said, so I am saying, read your comments and think about how they are interpreted. This had nothing to do with how much you know about wicca I already said I dont doubt your knowledge, so I dont understand why you keep talking about the history of wicca, I dont care what its history is, its what feels right to me. What this is about is your comments, and then you saying thats not what you meant.

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