Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Can a woman have dry orgasims?
  2. What gift should I give my love?
  3. How could I get my girl to be with me more?
  4. What is the best way to hook up?
  5. What to do when horny?
  6. In love!
  7. what is it in a girl that makes a guy so shy around her?
  8. She just sees me as a bestfriend
  9. Thongs on guys
  10. What should I do about going through this rough patch?
  11. He wont reply to me, what should I do?
  12. Guys, what would your reaction be?
  13. My boyfriend is a criminal, help?
  14. My ex bestfriend is dating my ex boyfriend, help?
  15. What do I say to him to stop his jealousy?
  16. What should I do about my friend liking him?
  17. Why is he so jealous?
  18. How can I try to get him back?
  19. Is this just jealousy?
  20. What should I do about these two great guys?
  21. Should I date her?
  22. How can I show her how I feel?
  23. I miss my ex, what should I do?
  24. Will she think less of me?
  25. I'm scared of my best friend getting pregnant, what should I do?
  26. Why do guys get annoyed?
  27. How can I get a normal, healthy relationship?
  28. Can anybody help me ? I have a violent cousin?
  29. How do you react if somebody you know and care of is a pornstar?
  30. Would you date someone you met on here but lived 1000 miles away??
  31. Feeling down
  32. I want to stop being an escort
  33. my hymen wont break:S
  34. How can flirt ova emails
  35. What kinda of a girl do guys want as a girlfriend?
  36. How to get over a break-up
  37. How to finger a girl good??
  38. Do guys like girls who are "untamable"?
  39. ALWAYS horny :S
  40. What to do about boyfriend..
  41. How can I repel somebody?
  42. Why dont they like me?
  43. Issues after my xboyfriend tried to commit suicide in my apartment
  44. Should I break up with my boyfriend?
  45. How do I make myself get really horny?
  46. This guy im dating cheated on me
  47. Is my co-worker flirting or just bening nice?
  48. Why does it feel like I'm not good enough for any guy?
  49. Am I crazy
  50. My girlfriend was Raped.
  51. why do guys
  52. Is it normal for me to get horny like everyday
  53. How do I prove that I love him?
  54. Is it slutty to kiss and maybe more with a guy your mates with?
  55. Do you brake-up if you lost attraction?
  56. Why Are Most Teenagers So Stupid?
  57. I've liked him really really badly since primary school
  58. Should we go all the way
  59. How to dump a girlfriend
  60. Down to what?
  61. Ages in a relationship
  62. Emo / gothic/dark
  63. How do I meet girls
  64. Feelings about my guy friend ?
  65. Hook up and girl friend
  66. How to talk to this guy?
  67. But I also love someone else what should I do?
  68. My best friend got rapd
  69. Why wont anyone see past flubber
  70. Friends wit benifits!!
  71. Broken heart. I miss you
  72. How come when I rub my clit it feels like its tickling me?
  73. Does this girl what me to talk to her?
  74. Should I leave him?
  75. Holding a door oepn for me is...what?
  76. Foot... Penis? Whatt?
  77. Charlie I love him
  78. Question bout first kiss
  79. girl problems, again :L
  80. Question about a dying friendship
  81. Do I actually like him?
  82. I feel so betrayed by both ov them
  83. Can any girl squirt ?
  84. I don't know whose right or if we're both right
  85. Ok.. so she has a boyfriend, but could she like me too?
  86. I cant stop thinkg about this guy
  87. Ever met a guy that they really likeed but he is a total jerk
  88. Is it possible for her to go with me
  89. what do you think about my situlation?
  90. What do I make my girlfriend for our one year
  91. Is this a sign?
  92. Why do guys always ask if you play with yourself?
  93. What finger do engament rings go on?
  94. Perverted pals xp
  95. Not cuming
  96. how do I make myself fancie my friend
  97. Engagment rings
  98. Im falling for my best friends fiance
  99. Wait or move on?
  100. How do I get someone to give me one more chance?