Am I crazy

My boyfriend and I been together for 6 years going on 7. We do not trust each other. I sometimes feel like he cheating with someone I know. They call around the same time usually. We both been in bad relationships. He doesn’t have friends, he doesn’t go out, and my kids like him. I am not a very nice person but, I try sometimes. He is tired of me accusing him of cheating for the past 3 years. But, the first 3 years of our relationship he accused me. Please help.

Answer #1

A relationship without trust is headed for disaster. In a relationship you need to put you insecurities aside and just focus on what is real…unless you have proof of him cheating then you should stop accusing him. Just because he accused you doesn’t mean that you should do the same. If you can make yourself have a better attitude towards him then he will eventually do the same with you.

You say that he doesn’t have friends or go out so when would he be cheating on you? You even admit to not being a nice person…so why is he still with you? Most guys wouldn’t stay in a relationship like that unless they actually love the girl.

Does he go into another room to talk to this girl? Does he seem to be hiding the phone calls from you? These are signs that he could be cheating but you say that she calls at the same time everyday so you do know about the calls. Most cheaters try not to even let their significant other even know about the calls.

When you feel like being mean to him bite your tongue…the meaner you are the farther away you will push him. Try to start being nice and not accusing him of cheating, think about what you say before it comes out of your mouth. If you do this your relationship will get better.

Good luck

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