Can anybody help me ? I have a violent cousin?

I have a cousin around the same age who has been living with me ever since my uncle her papa passed away.I think since we were 9.She is a very normal girl.Smart at class very talented in singing and piano and indeed prettier than me and for some reason always hangs around rich guys.I dont even wanna ask what the hell she does.

But she has so much rage in her.When she’s angry she takes up anything glass objects forks and smashes it on my face and and hands.She throws stuff to me that are very hard.And my parents love her more than me I think because they never seem to be there to protect me or even defend me.I feel so sad because I’m the only one who can make her be calm but she has to unleash her rage on me.

In all my life I never lifted a hand against her except for one moment she tried to kill herself I had to punch her and knock her unconcious or she wouldn’t quit trying to stab herself.I am a martial artist I wouldn’t knock her fatality.Just enough to make her pass out.

My parents are all very understanding but I’m not showing them the real wounds I have to bear I mean years since we were little…her trying to drown me burn me not to mention nail me when we were down in my dad’s garage…I don’t wanna risk her being sent away where she can do much damage no doubt to other people.She’s a walking time bomb and sometimes I hold my breath when we are in public…she pulls a stunt like that to other people nobody can protect her..But im tired of coming home limping from the hospital.It is rather like domsetic abuse but I think one that I willingly put up with.Hoping one day she’ll realize I’m not gonna leave her even if she has to kill me.

I think she is suffering from intense trauma.My uncle didn’t exactly die a normal death.And I probably don’t know half of what she’s going through.

She’s rich now hooked up with some wealth no doubt…dumbass…but I check up on her once in awhile…I heard they’ve been fights lately and she keeps talking crazy on the phone lately…I don’t want anybody to get hurt.

Do you think I should drag her and take her somewhere safe?…

Answer #1

We do way to much to help relatives. You are close in age so you are NOT responsible for her behavior. As harsh as it sounds, you know I’m right,. protect yourself and stay away from that B*. Just in case, tell a judge about her and get a restraint order. I would even pack some heat just in case. Please don’t get hurt any more.

Answer #2

It is not too late. It is never too late. Forgive yourself for being young and not sure what to do- who would know how to deal with that at such a young age? Think about how you would feel if she hurt herself or someone else and you kept it quiet. Maybe telling somebody wont fix everything but you know what- you tried- you did what you could do and thats all that matters.

Answer #3

Nope. How are you responsible? You were a child. A child who thought they were protecting someone they loved. You are not to blame here. Maybe no one is to blame. Maybe things are the way they are. And it feels like you’re less in control because things are just happening. But sometimes life works that way. Stop looking at the past, because regrets are perhaps the most pointless things human beings invented, and start looking at what you’re going to do from here on.

Answer #4

Sometimes I think it’s my fault she’s like that…

I should have said something…all those years…I wish I could take them back…

I’ll pay her one more visit…if I still catch that insane look in her eyes…I’m done…I’m going to tell the family…and your absolutely right…her husband…SOB…piece of garbage!Ruthless man…I’ve seen the mark s on her body…the funny thing is she seems to enjoy it…she’s like into pain…I cut myself when im depressed bout her…but she likes to cut me…it’s too confusing to me…and sometimes I feel dead…what to say what to do..tik tok time passes by and before you know it the jokes on you…

Answer #5

No. You cannot drag her and take her some where safe. You need to let someone who knows what they’re doing do that. And this isnt about you. What if she goes and hurts someone? And if you really dont care about the damage she could inflict on you or someone else, what happens if she ends up messing with the wrong person and ends up dead? Or ends up hurting someone to the point where she ends up in jail? If she is suffering from a trauma you dont understand, you’re not doing her any favors by keeping quiet. I know you think you’re protecting her, but if you had said something, she could have gotten help. She could have led a healthier and happier life. Maybe now is the time to force her to get the help she obviously needs

Answer #6

Thanx crystal…I’ma actually crying reading your answer…I can’t take the pain anymore

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