Does this girl what me to talk to her?

okay so im a guy im 16 and I consider my self pretty decent looking a bit above average but yea theres this one really really hot freshmen chick that was in my lunch hour and like she kept looking at at me just with like a curious look and im always getin looked at like im 6ft’3 or 6’4 so people pay me a lot of attention but they just say dude your tall but this chick like ill be with my friends out at lunch skateboarding and her and a friend will walk all the way out she looks at me talk to her friend her friend would look at me and then they both just walked back inside and like her and 3other friends were walking home and she was infront of me and my friends and she kept turning around im pretty sure she was looking at me I honestly dont want to go up to her and just like talk to her because to me it just seems weird the most ways I talk to pretty girls is if my friend knows them ill go up and talk to my friend and join in the conversation but I don’t know im I just being paranoid because it wud make me happy for her to be interested or is she really interested like I dont stare or stalk her she just always seem to be around me. =[[

Answer #1

Maybe she is laughinqg or gossipinqg about your skatinqg, or you’re looks, just cause you thinkk you’re cute dosnt mean every1 thinks you are .

Answer #2

in my opinion I think she likes you! and better off.. why don’t you start off with a simple CONVERSATION. You’re not ‘stalking’ her like you say.. just be polite tell her ‘hey I’ve seen you around and well hey since your a freshie you probably don’t know much around here.. care for me to show you around?’ It’s a polite way of ‘asking her on a date’ except its not really a date it’s just a little ‘something’ to get to know her better! hope I helped! :)

Answer #3

She likes you for sure. Just go talk to her and ask her if she likes you… If she says no and like looks away, take that as a yes. Ask her out after if you want. Oh, yah, and if you, like don’t want to talk to her in front of your friends then just talk to her when you see her alone somewhere.

Answer #4

she obviously likes you just go talk to her be like heyy whats up? then ask her if she would like to go out for a movie or dinner or somethin

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