Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What does kinky mean?
  2. Should I give her a second chance?
  3. When is good time to romance my boy?
  4. How to snog my boyfriend ?
  5. What if I choke or mess up?
  6. What should I do with my girlfriend when I see her once a week?
  7. How old were you guys when you had your first kiss?
  8. What do I do when tomorrow is supposed to be our anniversary?
  9. What am I to do, my boyfriend wantes me 2 go down on him?
  10. How to do it on the beach?
  11. Why do I feel so awkward when I talk to my date?
  12. What do I do with this relationship?!?!?
  13. How do you know if he loves you?
  14. What do I do when always she's mad?
  15. How to ask this guy out??
  16. What Cute texts should I send to my boyfriend?
  17. How can you fall inlove??
  18. Who thinks I might be bi?
  19. What-do you thnk hes lying??
  20. How do you make out with someone?
  21. How to be engaged with him when I don't trust him?
  22. What do I do when she's mad?
  23. How do I let my best friend know I really am in love with her?
  24. What do you do when you are getting fingered?
  25. How do I get my boyfriend to touch my boobs?
  26. Who should I date?
  27. What do I do im in love with my cussins boyfriend ?
  28. How do I know when the time is right to kiss her?
  29. What do guys do to hint they like a girl?
  30. What do I do, Is he psycho?
  31. What should I do about liking my boyfriends best friend?
  32. What do I do to make this guy notice me?
  33. How can I turn him on?
  34. What do you do if you like a guy, but he could be your cousin?
  35. How to tell if a girl wants kissed?
  36. Can my boyfriend get in trouble for being with me?
  37. What should I do guys?
  38. What the hell does he love me?
  39. What do I have to do to move in and marry my boyfriend at 16?
  40. What can I do if I don't know how to kiss?
  41. Why is a 7th grader obsessed with me?
  42. How do I know if he likes me or not?
  43. What can I do to make my boyfriend feel really good ?
  44. Why do I ruin every relationship I'm in?
  45. What do I do with this guy who has a "girlfriend"?
  46. How come he likes her?
  47. When there is two girls that love me what should I do ?
  48. How to tell the difference between "cool" and a "geek"?
  49. What does puppy love and actual love mean?
  50. Why do I feel like this?
  51. How do I get my boyfriend back under my thumb after 6 months?
  52. How do I deal with problems im haveing with my boyfriend?
  53. Who think this is a excuse to get mad?
  54. How do I let a guy know I like him without telling him?
  55. How / do I shave it. ?
  56. Why wont any boys go out with me- im chubby but quite pretty?
  57. How do I know if a guy likes me?
  58. What do I do I miss him so much?
  59. What is my crush trying to do?
  60. How can I make my boyfriend's mom not hate me?
  61. How to deal with a doomed relationship?
  62. What if your bestfriend is dating someone you love?
  63. How do I kiss my girlfriend to my full potential?
  64. What do I do, I think I like my best friends girlfriend?
  65. How do I leave my man?
  66. How to handle a married man?
  67. Why doesnt my boyfriend show emotion towards me?
  68. How should I tell this guy I just kissed that thats the last time?
  69. How do I know if hes just making fun of me or in to me?
  70. What: Should I go out with him???
  71. Why, did this happen?
  72. How do you uncrush/forget a crush?
  73. Who...Can tell me what this means?
  74. How talk to this guy I really like?
  75. What should I do about this guy I like?
  76. Why; Im cool and attractive, but then im not?
  77. Why does my ex not realize how much I care?
  78. How can I make my ex-friend with benefits as my boyfriend?
  79. Why did this guy do this to me?
  80. How can I forget her?
  81. Why is it I can't attract anybody?
  82. What can happen if a rubber band looking condom gets stuck in you?
  83. How do I know if I'll ever be loved by someone?
  84. Why does she keep stringing me along ?
  85. Do I leave him alone and just try to carry on?
  86. What am I supposed to do if I'm really into him?
  87. Why doesn't my best friend baby mama like me?
  88. How can I make a boy like me ?
  89. What would you call this? A pedo?
  90. How to get with a girl?
  91. How do I get him to forgive me?
  92. Why are my friends such jerks?
  93. Why can't I get over him?
  94. Why is he doing this to me?
  95. What do you do when your fridnds want to do something you dont ?
  96. Who think me and this girl is more then one time thing?
  97. How can I ask this guy out when I'm nervous?
  98. Why doesn't my boyfriend show me he likes me?
  99. What can I do about my cheating wife?
  100. How do I know if this guy really likes me?