Who...Can tell me what this means?

Okay, so, me and this guy were having a conversation. Here’s how it went:

Guy: Do you need a hug? lol

Girl: Hahah, only if it’s from you.

Guy: Haha, well yeah. It’s not polite to give away other people’s hugs.

What did he mean by that? Please explain.

Answer #1

that he lieks you or wants a hug

Answer #2

like, yu said “only from yu” so he’s not gunna givve yu his best friend’s hug, he’s gunna give yu his hug :)

Answer #3

He was just kidding around, of course the hug would be from him because he cant give you somebody else’s hug… that would mean that somebody else would have to hug you.

Answer #4

To me, it seems like he doesn’t want to give other peoples hugs except you. Not totally sure, but thats what it seems like to me. I hope this helps!

  • Advice Girl, (:
Answer #5

yeah I think it was just a joke, obviously he can’t give somebody elses hug away. Its quite witty actually lol. hes funny.

Answer #6

I dont know…try asking him?

Answer #7

He’s saying the ONLY person’s hugs he can give are his own.

Answer #8

It is simply light-hearted banter. Doesn’t mean anything.

Answer #9

maybe that he only wants you to hug him ?

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