How to do it on the beach?

Ok so my boyfriend and I both want to “do it” on the beach. We talked about it when we were just there and now we really want to just dont know how to go about it. Has anyone ever done it before and im sure there are plenty but how and what did you bring and stuff like to prepare bc I dont want to get all sandy but I think it would be cute :)

Answer #1

Having sex on the beach always sounds sooo romantic, and it looks sooo romantic in the movies… but in real life it really SUCKS. The sand goes EVERYWHERE… and I seriously mean EVERYWHERE – inside you, inside him, up your butt crack, in every hole there is. Whoever is on top gets your knees all scraped and raw from kneeling in the sand.

Better idea… just kiss and make out on the sand, maybe do a little fingering, and then save the rest for getting back home after the beach. Maybe you can even shower off together and do it there. Anywhere but on the actual beach.

Answer #2

get one of this little beach tents and go for it. you wouldn’t be rude to passer’s by, and it wouldn’t be as sandy!

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