What do I do, Is he psycho?

ok so I been going out wit this guy for 3 years on and off we got together when I was 13 and now im turning 17. And I toldhim I want to take break and break up for a while and he starts crying and saying when are we gunna get back together I told him I don’t know because he gets on my nerves. I really am in love wit somebody else and I told him and he just said when can we get back together?I don’t know what else to tell him I just want him to find another girl what do I do? How can I get him to get over me I feel like he is gunna kill himself? Please Please help???

Answer #1

He just loves you very much. You all have been together for a long time, so leaving someone that you have been with for a while is gonna be really hard. Just let him know you want to be friends, that you just feel the spark has drifted away. Let him know that you still love him, just not in that way anymore. (NOTE: Don’t just hop into a new relationship as soon as ya’ll are officially done, that is kinda wrong, and if he loves you a lot, just imagine how upset that makes him.) I hope this helps.

  • Advice Girl, (:
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