Why, did this happen?

about 2 weeks ago I gave head for the first time, and I was fine, then like when I stood up I went blank like my vision I couldnt see at all, everything went white, and I found my friend (it was at school) and walked around holding her hand for like 20 minutes cause I couldnt see? what happened

Answer #1

It sounds like you just had a really bad head rush. I get those a lot myself. You can’t see and and feel like you’re gunna pass out. It has noting to do with giving head. Lol but ask your doctor about getting head rushes.

Answer #2

well you obviously had a black out, you should see a doctor, and thats got nothing to do with the head job, you didnt catch anything so dont worry. but still go to a doctor to check it out

Answer #3

Wow,you gave head at school?

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