Why can't I get over him?

Okay, it’s been over a year, and I am still not over my ex. I don’t talk to him anymore or anything, but I think about him alll the time. And we didn’t even go out that long, only about 3 months. You could say he was my first love, and now that I think about it, he was perfect in every way. There have been times I thought I was over him, then soon enough I starting missing him like crazyyy again! I still cry over him and it’s been forever. It’s seriously making me miserable. I just don’t know what to do anymore. Helpp? Ohh, and btw; I’m only 15.

Answer #1

first of all, your 15. your body is flooded with hormones and this was your first major relationship. second of all, I guarantee you he was not perfect. no man is. he is merely the first boy to “steal” your heart. as for a reason that your still hung up on him, he must have offered you something that you wanted and to an extent needed. what made him attractive and frankly addicting in your case is that he satisfied many if not most of your current emotional needs. what you need to do (and this can be hard work) is to sit down and try to figure out what it was he gave you. what was the emotional need he satisfied for you. think about what you got from him that made him so special. this is something that will require time and thought. it cannot be answered with simply “I don’t know” or “he was just amazing” or “he made me feel good”. this need depth. if you can figure out what he gave you, you can figure out how to find that else where. by doing that you’ll remove the huge amount of value you’ve put on him, and hence reduce if not remove your apparent obsession of him.

Answer #2

OMG I felt the same way about my first boyfriend until I found someones way better. Luckly because he was a total bastard

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