How to ask this guy out??

I really like this guy a lot!! He is hinting that he likes me an I just want tips on ways to get closer to him and ways and places I can ask him out…Thxx. Please answer my other questions too…

Answer #1

As for getting closer, just look for more opportunities to hang out. If you feel awkward with just the 2 of you, then invite friends! Friends that make you come out of your shell and show him what you’re all about.

So you say he has “hinted” that he likes you. What does that “hinting” include? If you want to know more about how he feels about you, you should ask him. The risk is scary, but if getting with this guy is worth that risk you need to take it. No one gets action for free.

You could also try asking around his friends, I guarantee that, if he does like you (as you say he hints to) they would probably know and would probably let you know if you’re interested in him, too!

Don’t worry about the fluff and romance bull shit of asking someone out. The relationship that follows it is the real important part. He’d probably be just as happy going out with you if you asked him by writing it on your naked body.

Answer #2

Careful that he is not a killer, some are very sly. Just dress your most beautiful and ask him when he is free

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