Why did this guy do this to me?

I KNOW ITS LONG BUT PLEASE READ!!! ok so me and this guy (his name is Ernesto) well one day he called me and I didnt even know who he was but he sounded so hot on the phone and he was locked up and we would send each other pictures. Than his ex that was locked wit him was all telling me if I hurt him and cheat on him she would beat me up! so I didnt need drama so I just said I think we need a break. Than he called me and he was all im out and we were talking and than we got back together than I told myfriend to call him and flirt with him because I had a feeling he was talking to other gurls to. so she did and he was flirting back and so I called him and he was on the other line so than like 5 min later he called me and I was all fool were done I heard everything and he was all ok she came onto me it wasnt my fault and I just hung up. and then he was showing my homeboy pics of his new lady and he told me and omg that broke my heart like we were writing each other like a year and than he can just move on lke that after all he told me he loved me so much. what do I do how can I get over him or just what do I do? Please HELP

Answer #1

ARe you a guy!

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