Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Should I ever talk to either of them again?
  2. Would anyone date me?
  3. Should I go watch this amazing guy sing?
  4. What if my guy friend told me he loves me?
  5. Should I move if I will be leaving my boyfriend?
  6. How to help my friend ask out this girl?
  7. How to seduce a guy without touching him?
  8. Is my friend really into me or not?
  9. What if we both like this guy but he likes me?
  10. How do girls feel about chest hair?
  11. How to tighten my vagina?
  12. When and how should I kiss my cousin?
  13. How do I know when to finger my girlfriend?
  14. What if I'm confused now my friend is back?
  15. Does this mean he wants to start talking to me again?
  16. Why does he act like he doesn't care in front of friends?
  17. Should I stay or should I go?
  18. Are his nails making me bleed?
  19. What are ways to spice up a makeout session?
  20. How do you get a guy to notice you?
  21. What's it like being single?
  22. How to get this kid to leave me alone about hockey?
  23. Why is she talking crap about me?
  24. How do I make a move on my crush?
  25. What's the best way to find out if someone is gay?
  26. What if I like talking to my friend more than my boyfriend?
  27. Why do people like you when you're into someone else?
  28. How can I find a girlfriend?
  29. Is he too old for me?
  30. What's with all the hypocrisy?
  31. How do you know he wants to kiss?
  32. How to tell my new boyfriend I want to make out?
  33. Do penis pumps work?
  34. How to get my younger boyfriend's family to like me?
  35. Why do I act so jealous?
  36. Does he like you?
  37. Should we try to go back out if college is so stressful?
  38. How do I let my boyfriend know I want to go further with him?
  39. How to handle liking him when I can't move on?
  40. Why don't guys find me attractive?
  41. What if he said he doesn't know if he likes me?
  42. How do I help my bulimic best friend?
  43. What does "getting off with a boy" mean?
  44. Should I try getting my ex back or just move on?
  45. Does my boyfriend love me as much as he says he does?
  46. What do I do about him talking to this other girl?
  47. Which one of these guys would you pick?
  48. How do I make this guy get the point?
  49. How to find a way to call this guy I met online?
  50. MEN LIE
  51. How do I help my ex-boyfriend deal with his jealous man?
  52. Is it OK to start kissing at the age of 13?
  53. Does this kid actually like me?
  54. How to stop liking someone I might never see again?
  55. What are some good fighting moves?
  56. How to ask out a guy without being embarrased?
  57. Why is my guy acting weird?
  58. What if I've cheated on my boyfriend who's at boot camp?
  59. Am I doing right by ignoring him?
  60. Is a 12th grader too old for a 10th grade girl?
  61. Will my girlfriend take me back?
  62. Which one is the better baby name?
  63. Who thinks love is the greatest thing in life?
  64. What do you think about friends with benefits?
  65. should I ask him out or wait??
  66. Is this guy trying to make me jealous?
  67. Did she ask for a date just because she was drunk?
  68. will it hurt to pop my hymen and will it bleed
  69. How can I find out if my friend with benefits wants to commit?
  70. How to get guys to start liking me too?
  71. Why does he hang up on me when I call?
  72. How do you know when you're falling out of love?
  73. Which is the greater of two evils?
  74. Does this weird guy at school like me?
  75. Why do I want to have a kid?
  76. How can I feel better about myself?
  77. How to get my boyfriend's Mother to like me?
  78. Should my boyfriend and I go to the same college?
  79. How to turn on my girlfriend?
  80. What's the perfect way to kiss?
  81. Should I ask him to the dance if my friend rejects him?
  82. Happy and grateful: Which one comes first?
  83. Do you think he's cheating on me?
  84. Should I ask my best friend why he doesn't care?
  85. Does this sound like a guy would like me?
  86. How can I get something going with this girl?
  87. How do I handle the drama?
  88. How can I get him to ask me to the dance?
  89. What if I love this guy who doesn't show interest?
  90. Is it right that I have to choose between them?
  91. How can I get out of this misery?
  92. How to deal with a cocky and shy guy?
  93. Why are girls jealous of tomboys?
  94. How do you tell someone you love them?
  95. What gives with my best friend's parents?
  96. Does my friend like me?
  97. How can I get a girlfriend?
  98. What do you think of me?
  99. Which should I buy: Xbox elite or Halo 3?
  100. What are good flirty questions to ask a guy?