Why do I want to have a kid?

Hey pplz! I have a question 4 u… Since I was 15 I have wanted a kid…can you help me out and why I have had this feeling? I dont have a kid nor a boyfriend. Im 16 now… xoxo

Answer #1

please don`t have children be for you are 21 plus.setel your self get a good husband and a job. DONT JUST THINK ABOUT YOUR SELF THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN

Answer #2

You probably just want someone to love you. Those feelings are perfectly normal. Just so you dont act on those feelings, your ok.

Answer #3

Dear prison101, there are several reason someone wants a child. Ranging from getting free social assistance to full filling a need to be needed. These emotions are a sign that something isn’t quite right with things in your life. These feeling are a red flag. Contrary to the belief they are not normal feeling but a symptom of something wrong. Seek out some counselling…many react to the symptom (wanting a baby) and when they do have a child they still feel like something is missing, something isn’t right. Find out why you are feeling this way is half the battle to getting to the route of the problem. Sue…good luck

Answer #4

Well, you are a woman, and one of the strongest drives in a woman is the being a mother drive! Thats one of the drives that keep the human race going. But please, wait until you are married before having kids…I know its very vogue to be a single mom these days, but really it is not the best situation for kids. Sure many have no choice, and many turn out quite well, but kids really need a mother and a father. There is much to be learned from both. Get through High School, College, and then marriage and kids…your biological clock has a lot of time left on it…just think you will make a great mom some day, but don’t be in a rush, its not all fun and games. Its a lot of work to raise kids, the more mature you are, and the more knowledge you have, the better prepared you will be. So to recap, your normal, maybe a little ahead of your peers, but good thing will come to you if you wait!

Answer #5

Hi again Prison,

I'm a dad, and I love it.  I would recommend all to have at least 1 child, as it really changes your life in many positive ways.  However, again, I would suggest you find a guy you really love because it makes a world of difference to have a team mate when parenting. I've known several single mothers, and while I think they too loved being a parent, they had a really hard way to go, going it alone!   I hear you with the peaking at 26, but keep in mind thats just the top of the bell curve, not the end of the line.  You really can have kids safely up to your late 30's.  With the right healthcare, you should be able to go into your 40's.  It seems to me that you look at that 10 years and worry there is barely enough time!  But really at your age, every two years will bring tremendous changes of situation and perspective. I would suggest you Finish High School, then at least get an Associates degree from College. So in 4 to 5 years you will have career options and income potential.  Also, going to college you will likely have many opportunities to meet great guys...your a pretty girl, and seem to be intelligent, so I think you will have no problems there!  So by the time your 26, you could have a career or at least potential earning ability if you want, a husband(team mate), and potentially several kids prior to reaching 26...its all about planning and sticking to the plan.  I do have a suggestion for you in the meantime.  Since you love kids so much, why not start your own little babysitting service.  That way you can have kids around, get to be "mum" for little bit at a time, while your achieving your other goals.  Hopefully some of this helps, I know its tough being your age, I was there once myself.
Answer #6

dear abracadabra

cheers 4 da comment..just 2 let u know that im 16 n your biological clock peek iz 26…im 10 years away from that…although I am single I do want to have kids before im 26…I actaully want a kid know…hahah…anyway are u a mum or dad? if so how old were u when u had your child/ren?

xoxo p.s if u have any otha advice please let me know…have a gr8 day or nite! xoxo…

Answer #7

Hi ya! abracadabra! I just have a few more questions to ask you… So how old where you when you became a dad? Also are you married or a single dad?

If you have anymore advice please let me know… xoxo

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