What's with all the hypocrisy?

So, Im really getting frustrated with these people who pretend to be against something that they really arent just to try and sound good, then they go and post things about it. For example… One girl complaining about how all these girls want to be skinny and such, and a previous question from her was “how can I loose weight” And… Another girl complaining about young people getting pregnany and her previous question was “am I pregnant” It is driving me crazy, Im obviously not saying everyone is like that, but those who are, you need to stop kidding yourself. Its redikulous really, be real. To those who are real on here, nice to have you =]

Answer #1

Right on- there are loads of people on here who do not really practise what they preach. It can get you a bit frustrated at times, believe me, I know! Unfortunately, many people on here are still quite young (from what I’ve seen, the general age of the regulars on here is around 15-16), so they haven’t really gone through the same developmental stages we have (ie: finding their place in the world and being able to accept who they are). We’ve just got to give them a bit of time to learn a bit more about themselves and the world around them, really. Having said that, I’ve made friends with some really awesome people on here around the 15-16 age group who are definately wise beyond their years. The best way to do help them out, is to set the example and just be yourself. By all means, point out to these people where they’ve contradicted themselves- it could help them. I will warn you though, some people might get a bit anti on you if you point out they’ve been a hypocrite. Just keep your cool, and all will be well. Great to have someone keeping it real though!

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