Is it right that I have to choose between them?

is it right for my boyfriend to let me choose between him or my bestfriend?

Answer #1

No, your b/f has to accept that you have one or more friends, inculing the “bestfriend”. It is never good if a couple cut all the old friendships around them. After a while it will make the life like a desert.

Answer #2

I have had that same problem for three years now. We just recently resolved it though. My bestfriend is a guy and he also have expressed feelings for me, so my boyfriend was a bit jealous and did not like for us to hang out. But I think he is coming around now. Honestly i felt the same way you do. I didnt think it was fair to have to choose between the two. But since i know i could never marry my best friend, the decision was a little easier. The two of you should try to compromise. Especially if your best friend was there before your boyfriend

Answer #3

Dear sadchic, Why would you need to choose? Do you see your boyfriend only when your best friend is there? Do you see your best friend when your boyfriend is there? You don’t have to be with them together. You go out at different times, different days etc. Do not talk about your best friend with your boyfriend or visa versa. If one of them asks you to choose then you need to examine that relationship…it may not be healthy. Sue…good luck

Answer #4

Is he ‘letting’ you choose, or is he ‘making’ you?

Answer #5

NO! If your boyfriend truely love/likes you, he wouldn’t make you choose. He would be respectful to your feelings towards your friend.(:

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