Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Why do I have this urge to cheat? Please help?
  2. How cn get my boyfriend to finger me again if he doesnt really want to and thinks its kinda boring? It is bad to want him to do it if he doesnt want to?
  3. how to make a girl irrestible to you?
  4. Is it weird for girls to look porn up?
  5. How many girlies can feel a male ejaculation inside their vagina ?
  6. how to choose which boy and then get him hooked?
  7. how do look hot for a chick?
  8. How should I act when i'm with my Boyfriend & His Ex at the same place?
  9. Who should I choose?
  10. What is the Point of A Boner?
  11. How do you tell someone that you like them? It sucks that hes 2 inches shorter, but i reallly really like him. What should i do??
  12. What can i do to tell her i like her without telling her i like her straight up?
  13. how do you get a woman in bed?
  14. What's the one thing all men want their women to do but they won't (according to Scrubs)?
  15. is it illegal to buy condoms under the age of eighteen?
  16. Is my coworker trying to 'woo' me?
  17. What natural ways can you get really "wet" without stripping down?
  18. what would you GUYS prefer? a body massage, then s*x or the other way around?
  19. What are some ways that can get a girl really "wet"?
  20. How do I speak to a guy who knows I like him?
  21. Should i tell her i really like her or is a BIG mistake?
  22. what do i do if the guy i like likes my friend and she just wants to play him?
  23. What should I do about my boyfriend liking another girl too?
  24. How many people believe in aliens?
  25. Why did he let me lean on his shoulder? Guy advice?
  26. how do i know if ive fallen for a guy or not?
  27. How can i get over a boy that i have fallen in love with?
  28. How can i chat to my friends now( the person i want to talk to lives in texsas)?
  29. What can I do to let her know?
  30. What do I do about my friend likeing me?
  31. What should I do about not having a social life apart from my boyfriend?
  32. how: is it wrong to start thinking about my ex girlfriend? read desc?
  33. What does love feel like?
  34. Why did he lean his head on mine?
  35. How can I help my friend!?
  36. Why Stare - intimdation?
  37. What does it mean when a girl says lets get physical?
  38. How do I get him to ask me out agian and does he still care?
  39. why am I getting caught up about a guy I've'e never met?
  40. Why do I still love him ?
  41. What should I tell my girlfriend?
  42. What's the normal age to have a boyfriend?
  43. how should I free myself??
  44. What do I do to a boy who led me on?
  45. How to make my boyfriend jealous?
  46. What is the name of melrose foxx's very first porno movie?
  47. What does it mean when a guy does this to you?
  48. Why do I feel I'll never fall in love?
  49. What should I do about this guy?
  50. What are 99 ways to talk to the person you like?
  51. How can I help him stop lying?
  52. how do I tell her that I dont wanna be a father?
  53. Why do I have this crazy feeling?
  54. How to get a girl to be friends with you and give you there number?
  55. What are some adorable nick names for my boyfriend?
  56. How is it wrong leading people on?
  57. Why wouldn't someone want to discuss their past?
  58. Why does he flirt?
  59. Why did my ex's friends came to my house unannounced?
  60. Why do such small things escalate to huge fights?
  61. How do I tell my friend I dated her ex but now I broke up wit him?
  62. How do I break up with my live-in boyfriend?
  63. Why is he acting this way?
  64. How to determine if he is a player?
  65. How do I choose between two guys?
  66. How can I solve the fight with my bestfriends?
  67. How do I talk to him?
  68. How should he break-up with his g.f.?
  69. How do I make my boyfriend jealous?
  70. Why is this guy being mean to me?
  71. When we see each other we stare in each others eyes?
  72. Why are my boyfriend and one of my best friends texting?
  73. what do I call my boyfriend?
  74. How do I give her, her real first passionate kiss?
  75. Why would she lie?
  76. What is she trying to communicate to me by looking at me?
  77. Am I just being paranoid?
  78. How can I tell if this guy likes me?
  79. How come after girls cum it tends to hurt?
  80. My girlfriend cant date for 2 more years, what should I do?
  81. How do I know? Boys please help!!! ?
  82. Why are my friends so eager to say "I love you"?
  83. What do I do the perfect revenge for my ex?
  84. Which is love?
  85. What should I do, keep likeing him or move on?
  86. How do you get your ex to forgive you?
  87. what do I do about my jealous friend?
  88. How should I handle this?
  89. How do I know he loves me?
  90. How do I stop feeling bad?
  91. Why are his friends doing that?
  92. How is it possible for him to love me and we havent met yet?
  93. He doesn't care that I love him, what should I do?
  94. How come I feel this way for my guy friend?
  95. What should I do, im married and another man kissed me?
  96. How do I know if im ready?
  97. What to do with this new guy im talking too! ?
  98. Why am I like this all of a sudden?
  99. What are some incest stories?
  100. How to deal with friends who is interfering into my love life?