How can I help my friend!?

My friend got dumped by her boyfriend, who she had been going out with for 6 months. She is VERY upset. How will she feel? What advice should I give to her to help her cope with her feelings? How can I help and support her?

Please Reply! Thank You x

Answer #1

go round to her house with a tub of ben and jerrys and sweets..always works:) a bit Lol..tell her she is bound to feel like that if they were going out for that long but only time will heal and there are plenty more nice guys out there..even better than him and tell her you will always be there for her if she needs a shoulder hope I helped:) x

Answer #2

I agree she will eventually find someone better. if he let her go after that long he’s not worth it he doesn’t know what he is missing.

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